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Man, those obstructed views are THE BEST. With heads bopping in the breeze, you can see nothing REALLY clearly. :naughty::teehee:




I would never pay this much money for an unobstructed view, my word.


*cough* sorry.

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Distracted by work. :sneaky2:


:teehee: I apologize for teasing you.



I would never pay this much money for an unobstructed view, my word.


*cough* sorry.


Me neither :shun:. How could they think such things?


Being small, I just hope that I don't get a crap view. I'LL STAND ON YOUR SHOULDERS.

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You mean an obstructed view? This is getting very confusing. :freak:


Nope, I think I mean unobstructed view. I think. :aah:


Double negatives mixed with sarcasm. Confusing indeed. O.O

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:teehee: I apologize for teasing you.



Me neither :shun:. How could they think such things?


Being small, I just hope that I don't get a crap view. I'LL STAND ON YOUR SHOULDERS.



We can make a tower with the amount of crap we are bringing. :lmfao:

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We can make a tower with the amount of crap we are bringing. :lmfao:


What are we taking? :lmfao:


- Left over birthday cake.

- Two certificates, one being sarcastic.

- The Mika Quran.

- Stuff to sign, including a shoe.

- Two secret items...

- And bags with fun stuff.


Got an email today from HMV, saying the last of the VIP tickets are being sent out today. Hoping mine is in them!


Aaaaah that's good! Hope it comes on time then! :biggrin2: I'd be flipping out by now if I didn't know where it was :shocked:

Oh dear :lmfao:


Well anyway, everyone have fun at the gig and please take some videos from your unobstructed views. :mikacool:


We'll try. :teehee:

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What are we taking? :lmfao:


- Left over birthday cake.

- Two certificates, one being sarcastic.

- The Mika Quran.

- Stuff to sign, including a shoe.

- Two secret items...

- And bags with fun stuff.


I wonder which is sarcastic? :mf_rosetinted:


Secret items, how saucy. :das::mikacool:

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Why would he come back out onstage? I'd be thrilled if my gig was over at 4:40 and I could just leave. :naughty: Sounds like there is plenty going on there and much better things to do than stand around waiting for Mika for 12 hours and you finally have a chance because he's on so early.



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And I haven't got my tickets yet either :no:


Fingers crossed over the next couple of days. I was told if it hasn't come by Monday, that I have to call them.

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Fingers crossed over the next couple of days. I was told if it hasn't come by Monday, that I have to call them.


Yes, I thought I would leave it till Monday. Fingers crossed.

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And I haven't got my tickets yet either :no:


I haven't even received the message telling it's has been sent. I guess I need to contact them today. It takes a couple of days to arrive to Finland.


Edit: I can't find any address to contact them. Customer service address (sending confirmations) doesn't take any emails. I tried to track my ticket in UPS service (as said in the confirmation email) but it can't recognize my code so I went to my Ticket master account and the page says the ticket hasn't been even dispatched yet. Any advice?

Edited by tiibet
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Got an email today from HMV, saying the last of the VIP tickets are being sent out today. Hoping mine is in them!


Thats good news:thumb_yello: Hopefully all our tickets are being sent today.



I haven't even received the message telling it's has been sent. I guess I need to contact them today. It takes a couple of days to arrive to Finland.


Edit: I can't find any address to contact them. Customer service address (sending confirmations) doesn't take any emails. I tried to track my ticket in UPS service (as said in the confirmation email) but it can't recognize my code so I went to my Ticket master account and the page says the ticket hasn't been even dispatched yet. Any advice?


If you want to contact customer service you have to go to the ticketmaster site and then click on customer service. It's written with small letters up on the right side of the page. Then click on How Do I Contact Customer Services and then click on Ask a Question.


Hope that they send the email to us too today about the tickets being dispatched.

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If you want to contact customer service you have to go to the ticketmaster site and then click on customer service. It's written with small letters up on the right side of the page. Then click on How Do I Contact Customer Services and then click on Ask a Question.


Hope that they send the email to us too today about the tickets being dispatched.


I found "Ask a question" button, thanks!! :thumb_yello: I was afraid it's only possible to call them (and my English is not good enough to speak in a phone). If they will dispatch the tickets Friday or Monday it will make it here on time.

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Exactly. I think that you have a great attitude about it, and you'll have a fun day enjoying everything, which is what these festivals are about, in my opinion


I don't think that Christine meant it as people standing there looking bored watching all the other acts that they have no interest in, which is obviously ridiculous and a pointless waste of time and money for them, but rather, that it is pointless to stand there hogging the front row all day waiting for him to come on.

There is so much going on, why would anyone want to stand in the front row waiting for Mika's short set, after having paid so much money for it?

Why not go around, enjoy other things, and see a Mika set in a relaxed, civilised manner, like the old days?


I am not saying this to criticise anyone, and the fact that I quoted you two doesn't mean that I'm attacking you (before you get defensive) but honestly, I have to say that I am sorely missing the 'old' days where Mika gigs were FUN.

Nowadays it all seems to be about this obsession with getting there at stupid hours, to secure a front spot, and it saps all the fun out of it. It's especially obvious at these festivals, where the spirit is to go around, mingle, see different things, take in different sounds ,and just have fun.

30 hardcore fans camping out in front of the stage waiting for one artist in particular all day, doesn't really fit in with that picture, I have to say :dunno: and is putting off many normal fans.

I personally find it a shame that it's pushing away people who like Mika but have a relaxed attitude about it, and it's not really achieving anything other than stress and grief for all involved.

Because nobody can tell me that they actually enjoy sitting or standing there for 10 or 12 hours waiting for him :wink2: Endure, yes, but enjoy? When they could be doing something nice instead?



I do not mean to meddle and am the last person to encourage queueing at a festival, but, and I do not want to attack you, I recall discussions in the past, for example just before the Edinburgh gig, about people having to stop queueing so early because it ruins the fun. Yet, if I remember correctly, you were the first people queueing for the Edinburgh gig. Once again, not meaning to attack you on this one, but it seems a bit hypocritical to say everybody should stop queueing early and go back to the old days, yet you contribute to the issue yourself as well, on this particular occasion.


I think queueing at a festival is ridiculous and that is why I was happy in Liege that we got there at 7 PM and still got a front row spot. I think it's to each their own. No, I'm not happy if I hear that 80 people are queueing at 6 in the morning, but that is just the way it is. If people want to hang around that barrier all day, let them. They paid 50 pounds for that ticket, or more, and they can do whatever they want, without someone questioning their intentions. In the end, most of us just want to be at the front. In Mika land, and for most big artists anyway, that means having to get your ass over there early.

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I found "Ask a question" button, thanks!! :thumb_yello: I was afraid it's only possible to call them (and my English is not good enough to speak in a phone). If they will dispatch the tickets Friday or Monday it will make it here on time.


What makes me optimistic is that they send them with UPS and not the regular post. If they send them today then they will arrive tomorrow. I think I'll be checking my email again and again today lol

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He's on at 4pm? That early? Perfect! I can arrive at 3.30 and leave at 5.00. Festivals, especially UK ones (usually wet, muddy and cold) are not really my thing! I'm making an exception as it's Mika and in London, and I hope his new music doesn't disappoint me, although I have a few worries on that count too... Sara has made me all nostalgic for the ICA/Somerset House days, or even before that, when it all seemed so much more fun :mf_rosetinted:

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