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Le Concert pour tous, Place de La Bastille, Paris France -- 21 May 2013: 21-05-2013

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Mika will perform at "Le Concert pour tous", Place de La Bastille in Paris, France on May, 21st 2013.


It's a free event, which will take place from 7pm till midnight.


The event celebrates the approval of the "Marriage for everyone" law in France




"We all celebrate the victory of the yes to the "marriage for everyone"

Let's unite against homophobia and pursue equality!

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from the man himself: (yesterday)


Tomorrows gig is a public concert at Place De la Bastille in the heart of Paris celebrating Marriage Equality. Its an honour to be playing!


2:53pm · 20 May 13 · Twitter for iPhone

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This morning Mika was at French Radio NRJ


I just caught the last part, one minute long


Et on parle de Mika ce matin ! Le chanteur qui s'est engagé en faveur du mariage gay. Il chantera d'ailleurs ce soir place de la Bastille à Paris pour fêter l'adoption de la loi qui offre aux couples homosexuels la possibilité de se marier. Mika nous parlera de son engagement dans les news de 6h30 7h30 et 8h30. Et vous, aimez vous Mika ?

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Mika et Mademoiselle K, têtes d'affiche du "Concert pour tous"



Pour fêter la loi ouvrant le mariage et l’adoption aux couples de même sexe, l'Interassociative lesbienne, gaie, bi et trans organise mardi 21 mai un grand concert Place de la Bastille. L'évènement mettra en avant chanteurs, humoristes, intellectuels, responsables politiques et militants associatifs, tous réunis autour d’un message fédérateur: la célébration d’une nouvelle étape dans la marche vers l’égalité. Mika et Mademoiselle K seront d'ailleurs en têtes d'affiche de ce concert pour tous!

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Posted (edited)

Mika will be interviewed about his position regarding the same sex marriage and the show that will take place at Bastille by the French radio RTL for the talk show "On Refait Le Monde" tonight between 6 pm and 8 pm. I've just heard the info :wink2:

Edited by macboll
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Mika will be interviewed about his position regarding the same sex marriage and the show that will take place at Bastille by the French radio RTL for the talk show "On Refait Le Monde" tonight between 6 pm and 8 pm. I've just heard the info :wink2:
thank you very much Muriel!
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Mika will be interviewed about his position regarding the same sex marriage and the show that will take place at Bastille by the French radio RTL for the talk show "On Refait Le Monde" tonight between 6 pm and 8 pm. I've just heard the info :wink2:


I hope you can give us a summary of the interview later on :blush-anim-cl:

I also hope MIKA will have a wonderful night, giving his time and voice to this special event - in the beloved city of his childhood :wub2:




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thank you very much Muriel!


I hope you can give us a summary of the interview later on :blush-anim-cl:

I also hope MIKA will have a wonderful night, giving his time and voice to this special event - in the beloved city of his childhood :wub2:





You're welcome :huglove: I'll try to stay tuned and give you a summary. The podcast will be available tomorrow on rtl.fr

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SÉCURITÉ - L'Inter-LGBT organise un concert, ce mardi, à quelques jours d’une nouvelle manifestation des opposants au mariage pour tous...




«Le dispositif sera adapté en conséquence». Côté Préfecture de police de Paris on s'en tenait, ce lundi matin, aux formules d'usage. Un concert, organisé ce mardi soir par l'Inter-LGBT pour fêter la promulgation de la loi ouvrant le mariage aux couples de même sexe, pose pourtant quelques questions en matière de sécurité.


Car la manifestation festive n’a pas vraiment les faveurs du calendrier. Une semaine après les violences survenues au Trocadéro lors de la célébration du titre de champion de France de Ligue 1 du PSG, et à quelques jours d’une nouvelle manifestation des opposants au Mariage pour tous, elle pourrait même avoir valeur de test. «Pour l'instant, les services sont en train de jauger ce qui pourrait éventuellement se passer», détaille une source policière.

Attentifs aux réseaux sociaux


S’il n’y pas de raison d’être alarmiste, «on va continuer à suivre ce qui se passe sur les réseaux sociaux», explique cette source policière. «Voir si ça monte du côté de «La manif pour Tous» ou du «Printemps Français»...». Et puis, «si la météo reste mauvaise, le dispositif ne devrait pas être énorme. Nous l'adapterons en conséquence, jusqu'au dernier moment».


Côté scène, «Le concert pour tous» promet une affiche alléchante de 19h à minuit, avec Mika et Mademoizelle K. Des prises de paroles d'intellectuels, de responsables associatifs et de politiques sont également prévues sur la grande scène installée place de la Bastille. «Un lieu beaucoup plus facile à quadriller que le Trocadéro», estime Rocco Contento, secrétaire départementale du syndicat Unité SGP Police.


Du coup le dispositif, «s'il ne devrait pas être énorme», pourrait être «beaucoup plus efficace, dans un lieu concentré comme celui-ci», détaille le syndicaliste. D’après lui, s'il y a eu «un plantage au Trocadéro, je pense que la Préfecture de police a compris la leçon». Du côté de l'Inter-LGBT, on se veut également rassurant: «Nous avons vu la Préfecture de police de Paris, nous ne sommes pas inquiets du tout. Le dispositif sera visible et conséquent», assure Nicolas Gougain, porte-parole du mouvement.

«Fêter notre victoire»


Pour lui, ce sera surtout l'occasion de «marquer le coup et de rappeler notre engagement, après neuf mois très difficiles». Car les débats houleux à l’Assemblée et la multiplication des actes homophobes ont laissé des traces. «Nous avons besoin de fêter notre victoire après la promulgation de la loi», confie le porte-parole, qui espère que la place de la Bastille sera noire de monde.


Et ce soir, pas question de penser aux opposants à la loi pour le mariage pour tous. D’ailleurs, «je pense que ceux qui voudraient en découdre attendront la manifestation prévue le 26 mai», indique Rocco Contento du Syndicat Unité SGP Police. Reste à ce que la météo, capricieuse ces derniers jours, soit de la partie. Mais «ça devrait s'améliorer», sourit Nicolas Gougain.

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You're welcome :huglove: I'll try to stay tuned and give you a summary. The podcast will be available tomorrow on rtl.fr




Well, I've just heard Mika on rtl but that was very short! He had been interviewed by Marc-Olivier Fogiel (the journalist) earlier on, in the afternoon. Here is what he said:


"People ask for tolerance and have to put things in perspective: violence is unnecessary. Tonight, only music will dealt with, not politics". ("On demande de la tolérance, de la perspective. La violence n'est pas nécessaire. Ce soir, ce qui va compter, c'est la musique, pas la politique").


People who protested against same sex marriage are still unhappy apparently. One of them committed suicide. People opposed to same sex marriage will gather again on May 26th. Tonight, policemen will be at Bastille to make sure no trouble will happen. In Eriko's article, it is also mentioned that something could spoil the fun: the rain and the cold.

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Well, I've just heard Mika on rtl but that was very short! He had been interviewed by Marc-Olivier Fogiel (the journalist) earlier on, in the afternoon. Here is what he said:


"People ask for tolerance and have to put things in perspective: violence is unnecessary. Tonight, only music will dealt with, not politics". ("On demande de la tolérance, de la perspective. La violence n'est pas nécessaire. Ce soir, ce qui va compter, c'est la musique, pas la politique").


People who protested against same sex marriage are still unhappy apparently. One of them committed suicide. People opposed to same sex marriage will gather again on May 26th. Tonight, policemen will be at Bastille to make sure no trouble will happen. In Eriko's article, it is also mentioned that something could spoil the fun: the rain and the cold.



Unbelievable! Where is the world going? :( There's so much ignorance in this world it makes me sick. Someone actually took their own life because of what some people do in their bedrooms behind closed doors? What bothers me the most about homophobic people is that they think they have the right to judge other fellow human beings for business that is none of their own. How twisted does a person need to be to be offended by others sharing their love for oneanother? This is getting so old, but at least France legalized same sex marriage at last, but it's still very sad that people are protesting against it. :( And those who use religion as their weapon and excuse to hate are so contradictory it's ridicilous.

Well, I've just heard Mika on rtl but that was very short! He had been interviewed by Marc-Olivier Fogiel (the journalist) earlier on, in the afternoon. Here is what he said:


"People ask for tolerance and have to put things in perspective: violence is unnecessary. Tonight, only music will dealt with, not politics". ("On demande de la tolérance, de la perspective. La violence n'est pas nécessaire. Ce soir, ce qui va compter, c'est la musique, pas la politique").


People who protested against same sex marriage are still unhappy apparently. One of them committed suicide. People opposed to same sex marriage will gather again on May 26th. Tonight, policemen will be at Bastille to make sure no trouble will happen. In Eriko's article, it is also mentioned that something could spoil the fun: the rain and the cold.


If it has been possible for me today I have taken a flight frpm Germany to Paris to be there. But it wasn't. I hope there will be no triots but I fear some idiots will make trouble. Also people will not tolerate the new law( I have no problem with the marriage of two equal genders, have been on the first one which was hold here in Bochum for a gay couple I knew but I'm not happy about the adoption thing, but I acceptate it) violence is horrible and more worse than rain an cold cause it is a kind of heartcoldness

Well, I've just heard Mika on rtl but that was very short! He had been interviewed by Marc-Olivier Fogiel (the journalist) earlier on, in the afternoon. Here is what he said:


"People ask for tolerance and have to put things in perspective: violence is unnecessary. Tonight, only music will dealt with, not politics". ("On demande de la tolérance, de la perspective. La violence n'est pas nécessaire. Ce soir, ce qui va compter, c'est la musique, pas la politique").


People who protested against same sex marriage are still unhappy apparently. One of them committed suicide. People opposed to same sex marriage will gather again on May 26th. Tonight, policemen will be at Bastille to make sure no trouble will happen. In Eriko's article, it is also mentioned that something could spoil the fun: the rain and the cold.

Merci! here's the audio

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Posted (edited)

What time it starts? oh the poster says at 19 pm, so it has already started then :blush-anim-cl:

Edited by Mikasister
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What time it starts? oh the poster says at 19 pm, so it has already started then :blush-anim-cl:
exactly :wink2: and Mika will play for one hour after 10 pm
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Posted (edited)

Thanks to all of you for sharing :huglove:

I so wish I could have been there :wub2:

The man who killed himself was a very very old right wing activist :doh:

What an extreme thing to do ... especially as a christian... but the law was voted and signed by the government last Saturday morning meaning it is official and nothing's going to change it now :biggrin2:

Edited by crazyaboutmika

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