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MIKA as a judge at "THE VOICE" France 2014


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Does anybody know if it is possible for those outside of France, see somewhere the bonus track duets of the Mika's candidates?








ENJOY ! :wink2:

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The Voice - Elodie Martelet: «Avec Mika, c’était un feeling inexplicable»



Interview Excerpts about Mika:



Gala: Pourquoi avoir choisi Mika ?


E.M.: Moi, avant de monter sur scène, je pensais plutôt à Florent Pagny comme coach. Je m’étais dit, niveau technique vocale je pourrai apprendre énormément de ce grand monsieur qui a une jolie voix et en plus, avait l’air très sympa. Il faut dire que j’ai voulu faire The Voice dans l’optique de travailler. Mais quand j’ai vu Mika, qui est très expressif et dont le visage ne ment pas, cela m’a touchée. C’est un feeling inexplicable. Je n’aurais pas la prétention de dire que je me suis reconnue en lui parce que c’est un sacré bonhomme mais quand même, il s’est passé quelque chose.




Gala: Et comment se sont passés les coachings ?


E.M.: On ne dirait pas comme ça mais je suis très timide et j’étais vraiment impressionnée. C’est pourquoi quand on répétait devant Mika et Kylie Minogue, j’avais un peu tendance à perdre mes moyens. En plus quand on arrive on leur fait la bise. On passe de personne lambda à quelqu’un qui fait la bise à Mika et Kylie Minogue, c’est vraiment perturbant. Résultat, je n’arrivais presque pas à chanter. Et puis j’avais vraiment peur d’être jugée et de ce qu’ils pouvaient penser de moi. Mais Mika, qui semble avoir un don pour ça, a su me mettre en confiance. Il m’a laissé patauger un peu pour me faire prendre conscience de mes limites, avant d’en tirer le meilleur. Comme s’il avait plongé la main dans mes défauts et en avait fait ressortir tout ce qui était bon à prendre.

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TeamMIKA tweets


Mika interprétera "Underwater" dans le The Voice la suite du 15 mars ;)


Mika will perform "Underwater" in The Voice following the March 15;)



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Thank you very much (for Elodie's interview and the tweet about Underwater,too)! :)

But I'm very curious to hear also those duets that they have done as a bonus track, as well as those of the battles.For example:






I think that last week there was also another duet of Caroline and Melissa.

Edited by charlie20
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Thank you very much (for Elodie's interview and the tweet about Underwater,too)! :)

But I'm very curious to hear also those duets that they have done as a bonus track, as well as those of the battles.For example:






I think that last week there was also another duet of Caroline and Melissa.


Bonus_Caroline_Melissa_The Way you make me feel http://vk.com/video232312753_167866845


Bonus_Spleen_Pierre_ Power of the gospel http://vk.com/video232312753_167866879


Bonus_Elodie_Najwa_Proud Mary http://vk.com/video232312753_167866924

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I have a friend who participated in La Voix Quebec and he told me that his mentor/coach spent maximum 1 hour with him a week. It may sound/feel like they get a lot of coaching, but they don't really


The rest of the time, the practices were done by themselves for the battle

That's what I thought :wink2:

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Mélissa Bon's interview


Mélissa Bon de THE VOICE 3 : « Mika était très proche de nous pendant les repets des battles !»



Interview Excerpts about Mika (and Battles duet with Caroline):


Elle raconte ensuite ses auditions à l'aveugle "Je suis habituellement très anxieuse et le fait de me retrouver sur ce plateau était contre-nature. J'étais tétanisée. En arrivant sur scène, je n'avais qu'une envie, c'était m'enfuir dans les loges! (Rires) Je n'ai pas réussi à me défaire de ce stress pendant ma prestation parce que je suis comme ça. Le fait que Mika se retourne a été un énorme soulagement. J'ai beaucoup pleuré après parce que je relâchais toute cette pression. Mais j'étais hyper heureuse. Pour le choix du coach une fois sur scène, on fonctionne beaucoup au feeling. J'aurais pris le temps d'écouter le discours de chacun et de voir le coach qui me convenait le mieux. Je suis très bien tombée avec Mika, son discours m'a beaucoup plu. "


Et de nous expliquer comment se sont passées les battles : "Il a rapidement su cerner mes faiblesses et me mettre plus à l'aise. Il m'a fait comprendre que je devais vivre pleinement ma prestation et il a été de très bon conseil. Il était très proche de nous pendant les répétitions, nous a aidés à mieux se tenir sur scène et à délivrer davantage d'émotions vocalement. Kylie Minogue était là également pour nous suivre et nous donner son avis.

J'apprécie beaucoup Caroline (Savoie), nous avons une belle complicité et c'était une vraie force lors de cette battle. Nous avons joué la carte de la solidarité. La chanson Wasting my young years de London Grammer demandait aussi que nous ayons cet état d'esprit. Nous avons passé un très beau moment, plein d'émotions. Le fait de partager ce moment sur scène sur une chanson que j'adore était déjà suffisant, pour moi, en termes de satisfaction.

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Caroline Savoie,Fréro Delavega and Kylie Minogue's interviews


La vraie voix de Caroline Savoie



Interview Excerpts about Mika:


«Mika est cool»


Lors de la première soirée de duels diffusée samedi soir sur la chaîne française TF1, Mika a choisi de mettre au défi Caroline Savoie sur I'm Wasting My Young Years, une chanson du groupe britannique London Grammar.


«C'est un groupe londonien très populaire en Europe en ce moment. Je ne connaissais pas cette chanson, mais elle est magnifique. Mika est cool, il a le don de me mettre à l'aise», explique la chanteuse. Quel conseil a-t-elle reçu de la part de son coach avant sa performance? «Il m'a dit: «Toi, ta force, c'est quand tu souris! Chante comme si c'était ta propre chanson» », raconte Caroline Savoie, qui a également pu compter sur les conseils de Kylie Minogue, mentor de l'équipe de Mika.


Mais pourquoi la jeune chanteuse acadienne a-t-elle choisi le chanteur pop britannico-libanais pour la guider dans son aventure? «Il m'a tout de suite parlé de l'après-The Voice, et c'est un auteur-compositeur que je respecte beaucoup. Il m'a vraiment séduite», explique-t-elle.


Fréro Delavega (The Voice 3) : ''On n'aurait pas tenté l'un sans l'autre''



Interview Excerpts about Mika:


Heureux d'avoir été choisis par l'interprète d'Elle me dit, les amis ne tarissent pas d'éloges quand il s'agit d'évoquer leur coach. "On voulait Mika et on a eu de la chance qu'il se retourne. C'est vraiment une bonne chose pour nous. C'est un artiste très charismatique et intelligent".


And I don't know if this has already been posted:


Kylie Minogue (The Voice) : « Coacher les talents avec Mika m’a été très utile »



Au sujet de sa participation aux côtés de Mika, la star internationale précise : « Coacher les talents français avec lui m’a été très utile. Sa façon de leur parler, de les conseiller... Ça m’a aidée dans ma manière de coacher quand je suis retournée en Angleterre ».


If anyone needs of the translation, I can put it tomorrow.Let me know.

Edited by charlie20
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Here we are. Weekly sketchy translation. :baghead:


It's hard cause on the stage physically and with the voice also , it's clear that stacey took the control on the scene. But meantime there were more congeniality in aline's performance. I prefer aline.

The next battle is a duel between men, between pierre and spleen

The thing which make them close, it's that their are different. It's the difference. The song is an elton john's song.

It's a perfect war song. It's pop and class, all this is perfect for these guys.


She doesn't know how it will work, I think it's going to work, she's not sure. So we have to listen, we start, you do this once and then we talk.

Imo pierre you have a lot of strenght coming form your body and it's like you are blocking it in your face. You are wasting a bit too much energy, you have to relax your face so that you can let go out this great voice that you're hiding.


You have a great voice.

Spleen, your turn

You look for the “jazz” (meaning how he sings the word). It's beautiful. Give me some more voice. (spleen: I'm sorry). No!, never be sorry! Ever! I hate when people say I'm sorry, go on, sing!

So, I'm going to say you something, it's a bit harsh but I want you to take it the right way: I don't want you to fake that there's a complicity between you and him. Cause this is an actual battle. I want you to imagine that this is your zone and you attack. (then he tells the same to spleen and add I love how you are using the differents parts of your voice, it works, it's super beautiful)

With this battles I have totally taken the role of the coach, with my two boxers on the boxing ring, one to this side, the other to the another one, waiting for the fire. Now I wait for the fire.

I'm smiling cause tonight it was a cinema for plenty of reasons: there was a performance on scene that was completely different both visually and musically. There were voices that imo rock, I'm charmed.

So, it's difficult. Pierre you have a very beautiful voice, I think you have to control it cause it's special. In the daily life you are not at ease but when you sing you rock and you are generous and likeable and it's easy to imagine a future for you in this competition and you deserve to stay here. Spleen you deserve as well to stay but you are not easy, I need to be very direct to you cause sincerely you say what you think, you talk when you want but in a matter of fact I'm a bit like that so I'm not scared. But I can imagine to work with you even more. Both of them could stay, I hope, I choose to fight tonight with spleen.

I'm charmed cause you really deserved to stay in this competition.Ti disclose something emotional with a technically simple song is very difficult. It was very cute but the only person who wasn't cute but was something different was leila


It's difficult cause actually this wasn't a battle, it was a duo. They worked together, they sang one to another, it was really class. I think there was something a bit more interesting for me, vocally, in flo's voice.


The song is no surprise by radiohead. (kylie says that some more control will be helpful and mika agrees)

For you elodie, oh don't be scared!! It's funny cause when you talk you are blocked but when you sing you have no armor. It's a bit the opposite. You need control and you need to come out more otherwise we are going to loose you. We start again one more time.

Elodie, what's happening? It was almost wrong. We may be on a stage but with this song we don't do a performance. All what we are looking for, it's sincerity. Elodie, she's closed. I explained that she has to put herself naturally into a song: sing and don't be scared to show your soul.

N. is strong and talentend, she's sincere and honest, she's got much emotion.

What a difference, I'm charmed, when do all the tiny details, we heard this, very beautiful. You have listened to yourselves this time. It was beautiful

For this song, it needs to stay fragile, it can't turn theatrical or we loose the emotion's power. The performance of tonight is going to be enormously touching.

I have to say that I was scared tonight cause radiohead demands something so subtle and fagile and technically so much control that I'm proud of these girls cause they really really worked to do this tonight.

I chose to pu this two singers together simply cause there were two voice timbres which could mix in a delicious way. Now, the two girls are completely different. N has an experience that we can't find so easy. She's a great singer with plenty of emotions.

Elodie learnt to sing in the road, in front of the wandering people who didn't want to listen to her and she had to persuade them. But now Elodie you have to realize that this nervousness can destroy you. You have to realize the potential you've got, which is huge in you. These two girls, it's a very difficult choice. Tonight I hope to pick the good decision, I choose elodie.

It's really hard and I see your reaction and I have to say to you that now and then we forget the reality and the reality is that it's a beautiful opportunity but I know that you have a talent, and this is sure. I thank you to have done this travel with me.

I know I pushed for you alex and I didn't for melissa, I remember this, but I agree with florent, I think that I was more comfortable listening to melissa tonight. I think she expressed more with less effort. So emotionally I'm with melissa tonight.

I think this performance is super interesting first of all cause we have the pleasure to listen to and talk about two singers who have a formifable discipline. I think that they are not at all similar. Jeremy has a fantastic voice, quite lyric but not that flexible as t. On the contrary, t. doens't know too much his limits, he goes higher and higher and goes dangerously too much high, then he goes down and he's more comfortable again. I have to say that there was much more dynamism in the t. performance

Edited by Elwendin
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Mika seems to be a very intelligent, helpful coach. I love the way he gets so happy and excited when one of his losing singers gets saved by another judge. Like he wants all his singers to succeed. It's really sweet.


I agree :wub2:


Here's another little MIKA gem :[YOUTUBE]dMhfKHeg42c&feature=youtu.be[/YOUTUBE]




Ahahahahahahah :naughty::mikalove:


cute :wink2:





But I understood badly or in the last episode they say that it will be just other 2 episodes of battles? And then the lives already start?

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But I understood badly or in the last episode they say that it will be just other 2 episodes of battles? And then the lives already start?


No, after the battles, there will still be the "Epreuve Ultime" before the live shows :wink2:

It was recorded in January, during 2 evenings so I don't know how many shows they will make with these recordings. My guess is 2 shows :mf_rosetinted:

Edited by Alireine
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he's not doing jokes anymore, he goes all serious :sneaky2:


Watch the part of La Suite with him and Kylie Minogue: they are funny. :)


I wanted to ask a question to those present during the recordings of the Battles: what Mika meant when he said "Spleen à attaqué Pierre"? He was referring to the performance or something that Spleen said after it and cut from what is been broadcasted?

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Watch the part of La Suite with him and Kylie Minogue: they are funny. :)

I'm doing it in a few minutes :thumb_yello:


what Mika meant when he said "Spleen à attaqué Pierre"? He was referring to the performance or something that Spleen said after it and cut from what is been broadcasted?

Spleen is so shy and introverted and puppy eyed, I suppose he was referring to the performance, but let's see what people who were there will tell us.

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I wanted to ask a question to those present during the recordings of the Battles: what Mika meant when he said "Spleen à attaqué Pierre"? He was referring to the performance or something that Spleen said after it and cut from what is been broadcasted?


Spleen is so shy and introverted and puppy eyed, I suppose he was referring to the performance, but let's see what people who were there will tell us.


I was there but I'm not sure I remember well :aah:

I guess the "Spleen a attaqué Pierre" was for the performance (I don't remember when Mika says it, sorry, so I could be wrong).

But something that was cut from the recording, is that Spleen really insisted for Mika to choose Pierre, saying (while they were on stage) that Pierre sang much better than him, ... They broadcasted only one sentence of it I think, but he said much more than that. He acted really weird, as if he wanted people not to like him (and he made it well, I think I'm one of the few who were at the recordings who like him :mf_rosetinted:). Mika had to tell him to shut up or something like that :naughty: And of course, when it was time to choose, he did the opposite of what everyone wanted: he chosed Spleen :thumb_yello:

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But something that was cut from the recording, is that Spleen really insisted for Mika to choose Pierre, saying (while they were on stage) that Pierre sang much better than him, ... They broadcasted only one sentence of it I think, but he said much more than that. He acted really weird, as if he wanted people not to like him (and he made it well, I think I'm one of the few who were at the recordings who like him :mf_rosetinted:). Mika had to tell him to shut up or something like that :naughty: And of course, when it was time to choose, he did the opposite of what everyone wanted: he chosed Spleen :thumb_yello:

Yes, just one sentence was broadcasted. I was surprised of course. I like him as well, I feel for him, he seems so introvert and helpless. I still have to understand why Mika says he's tough. Maybe cause he's so closed on himself that he's hard to reach him? He doesn't seem a tough guy, I mean, a badass. On the contrary. :blink:

And I still don't get why he wanted Mika to kick him out :dunno:

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