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Mika in Naples for Nutella's 50th


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Here the translation of the two videos about the gig


Naples - The concert of Mika and Piazza del Plebiscito

"Another great event, Mika's concert on May 18, to crown the sweetest tour of Nutella . But the Superintendent has not still said yes. "


The video does not really talk about Mika but the long political controversy between the Superintendent who wants to forbid this kind of shows in order to protect the historic heritage of the square and the Mayor of Naples, who wants the city remains alive and full of tourists thanks to concerts end events like these. Times ago, also Bruce Springsteen had problem for a gig in that square...and last year, the municipality had not the possibility to place Christmas lights...

The result of all these discussions, is that in Easter Time, Naples was full of tourist everywhere, but not in Piazza Plebiscito, because it was empty.

This time, for this event the Mayor wants to fight, because Ferrero will pay to the municipality of Naples € 50,000 for the concert and it will be also able to do the restoration of the ancient statues in the square .


Naples - The concert of Mika will be regular

" OK to the sweetest concert of the year in Plebiscito square on May 18th! Nutella can celebrate its first 50 years in the "good lounge" of Naples, with a concert of the anglo-lebanese singer Mika. All the greedy and the Mika fans will be happy. "

In this video, an interview to the Mayor of Naples, who is happy because finally the OK from the Superintendent has arrived, after endless controversy :aah: and thanks to the mediation of our Minister of Cultural Heritage.

Edited by Marta.
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Nutella-Mika, il soprintendente «gela»

il Comune: il via libera non c'è ancora

Cozzolino: «Il via libera arriverà quando riceveremo

la documentazione con spiegazioni articolate di ciò che

si vuole fare». La replica del Comune: «Siamo allibiti»




Il concerto di Mika in occasione della festa-Nutella è ancora in dubbio


NAPOLI - «Il via libera arriverà quando riceveremo la documentazione in cui si spiegherà in modo più articolato quello che il Comune e l'organizzazione intendono fare, vale per il concerto come per tutto». Lo ha detto il Soprintendente per i Beni Architettonici di Napoli Giorgio Cozzolino riaprendo la querelle con il Comune di Napoli in merito all'organizzazione della manifestazione per i festeggiamenti per i 50 anni di Nutella con annesso concerto di Mika. «L'ok alla manifestazione non c'è ancora - ha detto Cozzolino, a margine della cerimonia per la cittadinanza onoraria a Servillo -. Abbiamo ricevuto dal Comune un plico di poche pagine con un elenco di misure e di grafici incomprensibili dove si diceva di una serie di manifestazioni e non tutte sono adeguate a piazza Plebiscito». La Soprintendenza è, dunque, in attesa che il Comune invii una «nuova documentazione».

«Nel momento in cui - aggiunge Cozzolino - presenteranno una documentazione più approfondita, la valuteremo e faremo le nostre osservazioni». Nell'incontro che si è svolto lunedì scorso tra il direttore regionale dei Beni culturali Angelini e l'assessore alle politiche urbane del Comune Piscopo, Cozzolino ha spiegato che sono state «chiarite le necessità per poter approdare all'esito. Noi - ha proseguito - siamo dei tecnici e dobbiamo avere la documentazione adeguata. Ho parlato ieri con gli uffici dell'amministrazione comunale - ha proseguito il soprintendente - e mi hanno detto che presenteranno la documentazione nei prossimi giorni».


Al Comune di Napoli si dicono «allibiti» dalle dichiarazioni del Sovrintendente Giorgio Cozzolino che hanno di fatto hanno riaperto la querelle con il Comune di Napoli in merito all'organizzazione della manifestazione per i festeggiamenti per i 50 anni di Nutella con annesso concerto di Mika «Adesso, l'unico obiettivo dovrebbe essere quello di impegnarsi per un evento che la città attende. Allibiti soprattutto perché queste dichiarazioni appaiono contrarie allo spirito di collaborazione istituzionale richiesto dal ruolo delle due istituzioni. Appaiono anche decontestualizzate soprattutto se messe in relazione con l'incontro di lunedì tra il direttore Regionale Angelini e l'assessore comunale Piscopo, a seguito anche delle dichiarazioni dello stesso ministro Franceschini», proseguono da Palazzo San Giacomo. «La documentazione integrativa a cui il Sovrintendente Cozzolino fa riferimento è quella che si è deciso di consegnare dopo l'incontro di lunedì, dunque si tratta di un supplemento recentemente richiesto. Da febbraio è iniziata interlocuzione informale in merito all'evento, decidendo di intesa che si sarebbe consegnato successivamente il progetto dettagliato, confrontandosi con la Sovrintendenza proprio sulla base di uno spirito di collaborazione, per tener conto delle sue indicazioni. Piscopo infatti ha incontrato, nei mesi, il Sovrintendente, come gli stessi organizzatori hanno portato avanti una interlocuzione costante con gli uffici della Sovrintendenza. Dunque la Sovrintendenza era aggiornata sul progetto sia da parte del Comune che degli organizzatori. Venendo alla documentazione: il 15 aprile è stato inviato un plico contenente schede tecniche dettagliate e perfino il nome dell'artista principalmente coinvolto, cioè Mika. Tanto è vero che la discussione era limitata alla tipologia di scritta da inserire nel manifesto e dalla caratterizzazione dell'iniziativa, che poi si è scelto di definire nei termini di non commerciale con la disponibilità degli organizzatori a non vendere alcun prodotto e concedere tutto gratuitamente», concludono al Comune.


30 aprile 2014




Controversy REOPENED

Nutella-Mika, the superintendent 'freezes'

the City: the green light is not there yet

Cozzolino, «The green light will come when we will receive

documentation with articulated explanations of what

they want to do». The replica of the City: «We are appalled»


Mika's concert on the occasion of the feast-Nutella is still in doubt.

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The rest of the translation:


NAPOLI - «The green light will come when we will receive the documentation that will explain in more detail what the City and the organization intend to do, that is for the concert as for the whole». It was stated by the Superintendent for Architectural Heritage of Naples Giorgio Cozzolino reopening the controversy with the City of Naples on the organization of the event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Nutella with attached/annexed Mika concert."The ok to the event there is not yet - Cozzolino said on the sidelines of the ceremony for the honorary citizenship to Servillo -. We received from the City an envelope of a few pages with a list of incomprehensible measures and graphics where it was said of a series of events and not all are adequate to Piazza Plebiscito».The Superintendency is, therefore, expected that/waiting for the City sends a «new documentation».

«At a time when - adds Cozzolino - they present a more in-depth documentation, we will evaluate it and (we) will do our observations».

In the meeting that took place last Monday between the regional director of the Cultural Heritage Angelini and the councilor for urban policies of the City Piscopo, Cozzolino explained that have been «clarified the need to be able to arrive at the result/outcome.We - he continued - are technicians and we must have the proper documentation.I spoke yesterday with the municipal offices - said the superintendent - and they told me they will present the documentation in the next few days».


To the City of Naples say they are «appalled» by the statements of the Superintendent Giorgio Cozzolino who actually have reopened the controversy with the City of Naples on the organization of the event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Nutella with adjoining concert by Mika.«Now, the only goal should be to strive for an event that the city awaits.Especially shocked/appalled because these statements appear to be contrary to the spirit of cooperation required by the institutional role of the two institutions.Also appear out of context especially if put in relation with the meeting on Monday between the Director and the Regional Angelini city councilor Piscopo, following also the statements by the Minister Franceschini », continue from St James's Palace.«The additional documentation to which the Superintendent Cozzolino refers to is the one that was decided to hand after the meeting on Monday, so it is a supplement recently requested.Since February began informal dialogue about the event and decided to understanding that the detailed design would be delivered later, dealing with the Superintendent on the basis of a spirit of cooperation, to take account of its indications.Piscopo in fact met in months, the Superintendent, as the organizers have brought forth a constant dialogue with the Office of the Superintendent.Therefore, the Superintendent was updated on the project either by the municipality that the organizers.Coming to the documentation: April 15 was sent an envelope containing detailed technical specifications and even the name of the artist primarily involved, namely Mika.So much so that the discussion was limited to the type of writing to be included in the manifest and the characterization of the initiative, which was then chosen to define the terms of trade with non-availability of the organizers to not sell any product and give everything for free» conclude the City.


30 aprile 2014


Benvenuti in Italia!

Welcome to Italy!

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whaaaaaaat???? My flight can't be cancelled, I really hope that there will be a gig (and a gig with Mika :mf_rosetinted:).


Don't worry.I think that in the end of this controversy, unless there are big complications or surprises, the concert there will be (I hope so, at least!).

But this is an example of politics and bureaucracy in Italy.Even the shopkeepers of Plebiscito square are angry with this Superintendent!But he will say yes, you'll see!

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Stressed out?


Have a Nutella cupcake from one of my local bakeries:




Hopefully this will go through! I'd hate to see any friends here not be able to attend!

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does anyone know who are the other artists? i only know that mika's gonna be the last to sing cause everyone comes for him not for the others, so if he were first everyone would go away after his performance and the other artists would n't have anyone seeing them!!:teehee:

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does anyone know who are the other artists? i only know that mika's gonna be the last to sing cause everyone comes for him not for the others, so if he were first everyone would go away after his performance and the other artists would n't have anyone seeing them!!:teehee:



Simona Molinari

James Senese e Napoli Centrale

Giuliano Palma



they are all italian singers of good level...and good musicians too ...they all make music of high quality...their names are known in Italy but they are not very very famous... except for Arisa who won the last Sanremo Festival...

The star of the event is Mika, no doubts! :thumb_yello:

Edited by Marta.
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Simona Molinari

James Senese e Napoli Centrale

Giuliano Palma



they are all italian singers of good level...and good musicians too ...they all make music of high quality...their names are known in Italy but they are not very very famous... except for Arisa who won the last Sanremo Festival...

The star of the event is Mika, no doubts! :thumb_yello:



i'm italian but i only know Giuliano Palma and Arisa (Mika too,of course:teehee:)...

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It's getting a little confusing, with two threads going, so I'm going to close this one. Please continue talking and anticipating in the "Before the Show" thread.




Alice and Eriko, I copied your most recent posts here into that thread, too. Thanks!




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