Kumazzz Posted December 2, 2020 Share Posted December 2, 2020 (edited) Sky TG24 Sky TG24 LIVE IN a Courmayeur, il talk su X Factor con i giudici e Alessandro Cattelan https://tg24.sky.it/spettacolo/tv-show/2020/11/30/live-in-sky-tg24-panel-x-factor l capitano insieme a Manuel Agnelli, Emma, Hell Raton e Mika racconta la 14esima edizione del talent nell’ambito del primo evento dal vivo di Sky Tg24 in un talk condotto dal vicedirettore Omar Schillaci, a pochi giorni dalla finale di una stagione segnata da diversità e inclusività, un altissimo livello musicale e proposte musicali ricercate e talvolta fuori dagli schemi A pochi giorni dall’attesissima finale ci sarà anche X Factor (Le assegnazioni dei giudici per la semifinale), con i suoi 4 giudici - Manuel Agnelli, Emma, Hell Raton e Mika - e il conduttore Alessandro Cattelan, all’evento Sky TG24 LIVE IN, in diretta da Courmayeur, il 5 dicembre. Al grido di Back to music, la 14esima edizione di X Factor Italia ha riportato la musica e la capacità creativa al centro del talent show. A guidare i giochi Alessandro Cattelan e al suo fianco una giuria fatta di artisti dalla personalità e dalla carriera variegate, tra new entry e ritorni. Diversità e inclusività, rispetto degli altri e non violenza sono fra i valori che contraddistinguono l’approccio artistico e umano portato in campo dai giudici quest’anno. Il livello dei concorrenti si dimostra alto fin dalle Audition, con proposte musicali ricercate, talvolta fuori dagli schemi, e un ricco bagaglio di brani originali che permette per la prima volta nella storia del talent show di Sky prodotto da Fremantle di lasciare spazio agli inediti già agli esordi della fase dei Live. Non mancano i colpi di scena, né i battibecchi fra i giudici all’interno di una competizione scandita da ritmi elevati ed eliminazioni inaspettate. Fra gli ingredienti di questo X Factor 14 il team creativo composto da Laccio e Shake, esponenti del Modulo Project, community artistica che si è distinta negli anni per il successo riscontrato nel mondo dello spettacolo e dell’entertainment. Ospiti molti artisti della scena italiana, compresi alcuni apprezzati ritorni sul palcoscenico che li ha lanciati, e star internazionali presenti in studio non fisicamente, ma grazie alla tecnologie di Sky Wifi che ha permesso performance straordinarie pur a distanza. Google translator Sky TG24 LIVE IN in Courmayeur, the talk on X Factor with the judges and Alessandro Cattelan The captain together with Manuel Agnelli, Emma, Hell Raton and Mika talks about the 14th edition of the talent as part of the first live event of Sky Tg24 in a talk conducted by the deputy director Omar Schillaci, a few days before the final of a season marked by diversity and inclusiveness, a very high musical level and sophisticated and sometimes unconventional musical proposals A few days before the highly anticipated final there will also be X Factor (Le assegnazioni dei giudici per la semifinale),, with its 4 judges - Manuel Agnelli, Emma, Hell Raton and Mika - and the conductor Alessandro Cattelan, Sky TG24 LIVE IN, in diretta da Courmayeur, il 5 dicembre. To the cry of Back to music, the 14th edition of X Factor Italia has brought music and creative ability back to the center of the talent show. Leading the games Alessandro Cattelan and at his side a jury made up of artists with varied personalities and careers, including new entries and returns. Diversity and inclusiveness, respect for others and non-violence are among the values that distinguish the artistic and human approach brought to the field by the judges this year. The level of the competitors has proved to be high since the Auditions, with refined musical proposals, sometimes outside the box, and a rich baggage of original songs that allows for the first time in the history of the Sky talent show produced by Fremantle to leave room for the unreleased already at the beginning of the Live stage. There is no shortage of twists, nor the squabbles between the judges within a competition marked by high rhythms and unexpected eliminations. Among the ingredients of this X Factor 14, the creative team made up of Laccio and Shake, exponents of the Modulo Project, an artistic community that has distinguished itself over the years for its success in the world of entertainment and entertainment. Guests many artists of the Italian scene, including some appreciated returns on the stage that launched them, and international stars present in the studio not physically, but thanks to the Sky Wifi technologies that allowed extraordinary performances even from a distance. Facebook Video https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=419195732443162 Edited December 2, 2020 by Kumazzz typo 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 3, 2020 Author Share Posted December 3, 2020 Sky TG24 Facebook video https://www.facebook.com/215275341879427/videos/198345688456068/ Live In Courmayeur, il primo evento di Sky TG24 Ogni giorno, vi raccontiamo il mondo che cambia. Per un giorno, lasciamo la nostra casa e inauguriamo Live In, il primo evento di Sky TG24. L'appuntamento con la prima tappa di Courmayeur è per il 5 dicembre alle 13.30: http://sky.tg/nKrka 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 3, 2020 Author Share Posted December 3, 2020 tg24.sky.it LIVE IN, gli ospiti del primo evento dal vivo di Sky TG24 a Courmayeur https://tg24.sky.it/cronaca/2020/11/25/sky-tg24-live-in-courmayeur-ospiti#29 29/41 Mika è la star internazionale di X Factor Italia tornata dopo quattro anni di assenza, dopo essere stato protagonista dal 2013 al 2015. Insignito di numerosi premi e riconoscimenti, dai BRIT Awards ai World Music Awards, vanta cinque album in studio ed è spesso impegnato contro l’omofobia e il bullismo. Fra i suoi progetti più recenti lo show benefico “I love Beirut”, un atto d’amore verso la sua terra colpita da una terribile esplosione lo scorso 4 agosto. A X Factor 2020 segue gli Over, dando spazio a voci mature dall’identità artistica fuori dalle righe 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paoletta Posted December 4, 2020 Share Posted December 4, 2020 @Kumazzz thank alot Eriko... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gabry74 Posted December 5, 2020 Share Posted December 5, 2020 Mika, Emma, Manuelito, Manuel and Alessandro Cattelan at 21h30. 2 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paoletta Posted December 5, 2020 Share Posted December 5, 2020 (edited) @Gabry74 Grazieee mille Gabry ecco perchè non è attivo Edited December 5, 2020 by Paoletta 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yasmine951 Posted December 5, 2020 Share Posted December 5, 2020 Thank you very much for the information. Is it sky uno or another sky ? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lormare73 Posted December 5, 2020 Share Posted December 5, 2020 1 hour ago, yasmine951 said: Thank you very much for the information. Is it sky uno or another sky ? It's Sky Tg 24 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gabry74 Posted December 5, 2020 Share Posted December 5, 2020 2 hours ago, yasmine951 said: Thank you very much for the information. Is it sky uno or another sky ? SkyTG24: channel 100 and 500. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 5, 2020 Author Share Posted December 5, 2020 SkyTG24 periscope https://www.pscp.tv/SkyTG24/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 5, 2020 Author Share Posted December 5, 2020 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anna Ko Kolkowska Posted December 5, 2020 Share Posted December 5, 2020 You can rewatch the program on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/SkyTG24/videos/1276524586049809 The interview with X Factor judges starts at 55:00. They are via Skype from their places. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 5, 2020 Author Share Posted December 5, 2020 Here is a part of XFactor members. Sky TG24 LIVE IN a Courmayeur chiude con Alessandro Cattelan e i giudici di X Factor https://tg24.sky.it/spettacolo/2020/12/05/live-in-sky-tg24-x-factor 05 dic 2020 - 22:45 Sky TG24 Live In Courmayeur, il primo di una serie di appuntamenti che porterà l’informazione di Sky TG24 nelle piazze e nelle città italiane, si chiude in compagnia del capitano di XF2020, Manuel Agnelli, Emma, Hell Raton e Mika con il talk condotto dal vicedirettore Omar Schillaci Dopo più di otto ore di diretta, circa quaranta ospiti dal mondo della politica, dell’economia, della cultura, dell’industria, della scienza e dello spettacolo, si chiude il primo di una serie di eventi dal vivo che porterà l’informazione di Sky TG24 nelle piazze e nelle città italiane (LO SPECIALE). Dal teatro di Courmayeur, dopo una giornata densa di confronto e dibattito con alcune delle più importanti personalità italiane e internazionali, il vicedirettore Omar Schillaci incontra tutta la squadra di X Factor 2020. Alessandro Cattelan e i giudici Manuel Agnelli, Emma, Hell Raton e Mika arrivano puntuali alle 21.30, ciascuno in collegamento da casa. cosa dobbiamo aspettarci in finale? A pochi giorni dall’attesissima finale che vedrà sfidarsi Blind, Casadilego, i Little Pieces of Marmelade e N.A.I.P., giovedì 10 dicembre alle 21.15 su Sky Uno e Now Tv, in diretta dalla Sky Wifi Arena (VAI ALLO SPECIALE), i protagonisti del talent show più amato del piccolo schermo, si raccontano e ci raccontano questa stra-ordinaria 14ma edizione. La prima domanda del vicedirettore Omar Schillaci è per il capitano che tra parentesi fino a pochi minuti prima del collegamento stava seguendo la partita dell'Inter. "Se dovessi commentare questa stagione di X Factor? Ale non ha dubbi, è stata una "partenza difficile ma poi è stata sopratutto un grande sì, con tante i e con tanti punti esclamativi". Il capitano ammette che il periodo del Covid lo ha segnato, la preoccupazione è stata tanta, non tanto a livello fisico quanto mentale. Ma l'entusiasmo fa parte del suo dna e la grinta lo ha fatto tornare sul palco più carico che mai. "Questa edizione ha un livello altissimo, so che sembra banale dirlo, ma è la verità". Tre cose che dobbiamo aspettarci giovedì prossimo? Un vincitore, tre eliminati e...due ospiti speciali che possiamo già anticipare, i Negramaro e Madame. Ciascuno dei giudici commenta la propria personale esperienza, e se per i veterani Agnelli (alla sua quarta partecipazione a X Factor Italia) e Mika che torna dopo quattro anni di assenza (è stato protagonista dal 2013 al 2015), è un gran ritorno a casa, per le new entry Emma Marrone e Hell Raton, il talent rappresenta qualcosa di "completamente nuovo ed emozionante, una scoperta e una sfida". Emma non scorderà la sua prima volta e prima di ogni altra cosa ringrazia i suoi colleghi, Cattelan e tutte le persone dietro le quinte che lavorano all'unisono nonostante le complicazioni. Cosa succede se dovesse vincere Blind? "Naturalmente glielo auguro, ma senza retorica, auguro la vittoria a tutti quanti, auguro a tutti i concorrenti di trovare la loro strada...dopodiché vorrei passare il Natale con i miei genitori che mi mancano". Manuelito si porta a casa "una grande crescita", ma se dovesse darsi un voto è un sei politico, "non sono mai contento". Tra i fantastici quattro c'è complicità e sintonia, ma è anche vero che come sottolinea il capitano, "il tempo degli inchini è finito", siamo vicini alla finale e la tensione scatena qualche battibecco. Ed è su questo punto che Manuel Agnelli è chiamato in causa "sì, mi avete visto arrabbiato di recente, ma è normale, noi facciamo un grandissimo lavoro ed emotivamente siamo molto coinvolti, perdere un po’ il controllo dimostra che noi lì dentro siamo veri”. un'edizione all'insegna dell'inclusione e della solidarietà La 14esima edizione di X Factor Italia ha riportato la musica nelle case degli italiani, un sano intrattenimento e un po' di leggerezza, ma il messaggio include un tema importante, quello della diversità e dell'inclusività, il rispetto degli altri e la non violenza sono fra i valori che contraddistinguono l’approccio artistico e umano portato in campo dai giudici quest’anno. “Ognuno di noi può essere un esempio di coerenza, io mi sono schierata sempre a favore dei più fragili, contro ogni stereotipo e ogni forma di violenza, tutti noi possiamo fare qualcosa per tutto ciò che succede intorno a noi”, parola di Emma. Il suo è un pensiero condiviso dai colleghi, impegnati in prima persona per difendere i diritti di chi si trova in difficoltà, Manuel Agnelli in particolare ci racconta degli appelli per il mondo della cultura e dello spettacolo “siamo riusciti noi musicisti e gli addetti ai lavori anche a far conoscere un mondo di professionisti necessari che in questo momento sono a casa, sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica sull’esistenza di questo mondo è fondamentale, molto si deve ancora fare”. Come si conserva la speranza? La risposta di Mika è un invito al viaggio, quello verso l'altro, "è un momento difficile per tutti, economicamente, a livello sociale, a livello emotivo, è importante mantenere il sorriso, prima di avere la speranza, occorre provare curiosità verso le persone, la musica, il mondo, nei confronti di quello che non conosciamo, nei confronti delle persone diverse da noi, questo nostro approccio può essere un vero antidoto, rispondere a tutto ciò che sta accadendo oggi con curiosità". Sky TG24 Live In Courmayeur, the first of a series of events that will bring the information of Sky TG24 to Italian squares and cities, closes in the company of the captain of XF2020, Manuel Agnelli, Emma, Hell Raton and Mika with the talk by Deputy Director Omar Schillaci After more than eight hours of live broadcast, about forty guests from the world of politics, economics, culture, industry, science and entertainment, the first of a series of live events ends that will bring the information of Sky TG24 in Italian squares and cities (THE SPECIAL). From the Courmayeur theater, after a day full of discussion and debate with some of the most important Italian and international personalities, the deputy director Omar Schillaci meets the whole team of X Factor 2020. Alessandro Cattelan and the judges Manuel Agnelli, Emma, Hell Raton and Mika arrive punctual at 21.30, each in connection from home. what should we expect in the final? A few days before the highly anticipated final that will see Blind, Casadilego, the Little Pieces of Marmelade and NAIP challenge each other, Thursday 10 December at 9.15 pm on Sky Uno and Now Tv, live from the Sky Wifi Arena (GO TO THE SPECIAL), the protagonists of the talent most beloved show on the small screen, they tell us about this extraordinary 14th edition. The first question of the deputy director Omar Schillaci is for the captain who, by the way, was following the Inter match up until a few minutes before the connection. "If I had to comment on this season of X Factor? Ale has no doubts, it was a" difficult start but then it was above all a great yes, with many i and with many exclamation points. "The captain admits that the period of Covid marked him , the concern was a lot, not so much on a physical level as on a mental one. But enthusiasm is part of his DNA and determination made him return to the stage more charged than ever. "This edition has a very high level, I know it seems trivial say it, but it's the truth. "Three things we should expect next Thursday? A winner, three eliminated and ... two special guests that we can already anticipate, the Negramaro and Madame. Each of the judges comments on their personal experience, and if for the veterans Agnelli (in his fourth participation in X Factor Italy) and Mika who returns after four years of absence (he was the protagonist from 2013 to 2015), it is a great homecoming , for the new entries Emma Marrone and Hell Raton, the talent represents something "completely new and exciting, a discovery and a challenge". Emma will not forget her first time and first of all she thanks her colleagues, Cattelan and all the people behind the scenes who work in unison despite the complications. What happens if Blind wins? "Of course I wish him so, but without rhetoric, I wish everyone victory, I wish all competitors to find their way ... after which I would like to spend Christmas with my missing parents". Manuelito brings home "a great growth", but if he were to give himself a vote he is a political six, "I'm never happy". Between the fantastic four there is complicity and harmony, but it is also true that as the captain underlines, "the time for bows is over", we are close to the final and the tension triggers some bickering. And it is on this point that Manuel Agnelli is called into question "yes, you saw me angry recently, but it's normal, we do a great job and emotionally we are very involved, losing control a little shows that we are real in there. ". an edition dedicated to inclusion and solidarity The 14th edition of X Factor Italia brought music back to Italian homes, healthy entertainment and a little lightness, but the message includes an important theme, that of diversity and inclusiveness, respect for others and non-violence are among the values that distinguish the artistic and human approach brought to the field by the judges this year. “Each of us can be an example of consistency, I have always sided in favor of the most fragile, against every stereotype and every form of violence, we can all do something for everything that happens around us”, says Emma. His is a thought shared by colleagues, who are personally committed to defending the rights of those in difficulty, Manuel Agnelli in particular tells us about the appeals for the world of culture and entertainment "we musicians and professionals have succeeded also to make known a world of necessary professionals who are at home at the moment, raising public awareness on the existence of this world is fundamental, much still needs to be done ". How is hope preserved? Mika's answer is an invitation to travel, to the other, "it's a difficult time for everyone, economically, socially, emotionally, it's important to keep a smile, before having hope, you need to be curious about people, music, the world, towards what we do not know, towards people other than us, this approach of ours can be a real antidote, responding to everything that is happening today with curiosity ". 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 5, 2020 Author Share Posted December 5, 2020 Dailymotion 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mellody Posted December 5, 2020 Share Posted December 5, 2020 I'm pretty sure Mika's interview was prerecorded, probably on Wednesday, as that's when he was wearing this outfit. I suppose he's busy tonight. More Voice recordings? But I thought they'd only continue in January? Or maybe it's some stuff for the Star Academy already? Probably not filmings, but some virtual meeting with his coworkers, or whatever. It's an interesting point of view that he says curiosity is even more important than hope and than optimism. I wonder what he means with that. At some point he mentions people who are different - and of course that's an important point, I just read today that the Austrian chancellor was blaming immigrants for having carried the virus into the country again after summer, and this blaming of certain groups, no matter who, is something that causes even more problems instead of helping anyone. So I suppose from a point of view that hope and optimism without reflection can make you careless, blame others, think it's everyone else's fault that the virus spreads, it certainly makes sense to put curiosity above it. From my point of view, an optimism / hope without naivety but with a reflected look on things, is what helps me most. Like, know there might be problems (for example with the vaccine), but not worry about them before they actually occur, because it's things I can't change anyway. "Who gives a sh*t about tomorrow, when it comes we can worry then". Just without letting this attitude make you careless, because it's important to take care of the things that I CAN change, like wearing a mask or reducing contacts. Optimism in the sense of "nothing will happen anyway if I neglect the rules a bit" is harmful. Well, but not sure if I understood Mika's point? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 6, 2020 Author Share Posted December 6, 2020 VIDEO LINKS VK 2020.12.05 SkyTG24 LIVE IN a Courmayeur 45 minutes ago, Kumazzz said: Dailymotion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mellody Posted December 6, 2020 Share Posted December 6, 2020 Ok it seems the other judges were prerecorded as well. So weird that they made it seem as if it was live. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krysady Posted December 6, 2020 Share Posted December 6, 2020 Wait, I thought this was live, isn't? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mellody Posted January 6, 2021 Share Posted January 6, 2021 I read an article today about hope and curiosity, it reminded me of Mika's words that curiosity is more important than hope, and I think I understand the connection now. Curiosity is like experimenting, as scientists do, try something, look at the outcome, and if it doesn't work one way, try another way and see how the outcome changes. So what they say in the article is that we should treat hope like a scientific hypothesis, which means a) doing something to get closer to what you hope for, whatever it is that you try, but if it doesn't work, just try something else. Because the best theory isn't of much use if it isn't tested in practice. And b), and I think this goes in the direction of what I said in my post about it, knowing that it can also go different than you planned, be open for a different outcome than the one you hope for. Without that, you might fall into the trap of that destructive version of optimism that I wrote about in my previous post. I love it that a random article in a German newspaper explains the meaning of Mika's words to me. And I love it that in some ways he has this profound understanding of life, of how certain things work - he might not be able to explain it like they did in that article, but he's totally right with it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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