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It's really time to bring some reasoning into this- Mika's sexuality


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I've noticed that there are people who bring up the question of Mika's sexuality, a natural question in my opinion.

The problem is, these people get jumped ALL over, being told this is not something we should discuss.

This has been bothering me for some time now, because it seems a rather harmless question, and something people would natuarally be interested in.


It seems as though people try to avoid this issue because they are trying to protect mika in a way, which has a good motive, but seems to be in vain.

Mika has chosen not to comment on his sexuality. Whether straight, gay, or bisexual, he simply chooses not to tell the public at this time. From everything I've read, he enjoys remains ambiguous in this way, and admires other musical artists that were in the same way.

So this is the important thing- he chooses not to tell us. It seems like in attempt not be as forthright and obvious, so that we are kept guessing. He doesn't want us to know for sure, and the only way we will know is if he chooses to tell us.

SO, how does this turn into people thinking that Mika doesn't want it discussed at all? I don't think this is a correct inference at all.


Of course, gay bashing is completely unacceptable! I would hope all the fans here are mature, and un-bigoted enough that they don't have any problem, whatever mika may be. We love his music, his personality, his looks. Whomever he chooses to sleep with won't impact the extent to which i enjoy his music.


So, my main point, how does simply bringing up the issue of Mika's sexuality, discussing it, and giving our opinions become a violation?

Is it any worse than discussing his family, his past, his schooling?


I don't see a line being crossed.


I honestly don't believe Mika has an issue with these things being discussed. It's not like however much we discuss, we'll discover the truth.



Ok.. it feels good to get this off my chest. lol. sorry for the long winded post. I just felt it was needed.

I feel we're making the board all weird and creating an uncomfortable atmosphere by making this unaccecptable for conversation. These are just my thoughts- feel free to respond :)

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Thanks for posting this, I've kinda been thinking the same. I don't really participate in the discussions about his personal life here, but I have been wondering a bit why discussing or being curious about this matter should be any worse or different than discussing his family or being curious about his favourite pet or whatever is discussed in here. I mean, it might not be any of our business, but if we make everything else our business then why not this?

And yes it doesn't make a difference, but hey if people want to guess then why shouldn't they "be allowed" to do so?

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ah, thanks...:biggrin2:


...yeah....as to Mika's sexuality....I totally agree that it shouldn't be a topic thats completely off limits, just as long as it is being constantly brought up whether he's this or that. like girl anachronism said, we can guess, speculate, and ponder all we want, but we'll never be any closer to finding out anything unless Mika himself says so...:original:

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I think it's sad that him being gay or bi could actually be an issue for the public. It would be nice if we could move beyond the prejudice so that the question would be no more scandalous than what his middle name is, you know? I've watched so many friends struggle with the question of how to handle being 'in' or 'out' and wondering how it will affect their jobs, and it's probably no different for Mika if he is gay.

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I totally agree. It's reassuring to know that since this site is full of Mika fans the topics discussed are out of curiousity and come from a good place rather than placing assumptions and and promoting judgements. Hey...its Mika! hes too fabulous not to obsess aboutttt

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Wouldn't it be nice if it could be possible for an artist to just be gay without automatically having to become some kind of spokesperson for the gay community or whatever... I can completely understand famous people who prefer not to tell if they're gay, since it quickly becomes the big and only topic, maybe they would rather talk about their music :eek:

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cool, i'm glad people understand what i'm saying :)




i get that, and when an artist is gay it tends to define them. i'm thinking that there might be a good chance that if mika is bi or gay, he doesn't want to be put in a cliche category so he chooses not to comment. he seems like he wants for his music to speak for itself, and be an individual. it's understandable.

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We've talked about the whole issue of sexuality in public figures in my english class, which isn't so much english as just like, a forum where we talk and then write papers about what we've been talking about


I personally believe if there's someone who I think might be gay/bi *random!coughP!atd!Rydencough*, I'll tend to have even more respect for them for taking that step and coming out. I know how difficult taking those steps are, having done so myself personally, and it's extremely difficult, even being a non-public figure.


But either way, I love Mika, and I know I'll support him no matter what

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The problem is that it becomes THE topic , and yes maybe we should discuss it , and its an interesting topic to be true , In my experience it becomes the sole topic of conversation and to be honest ... does it matter ???? , I just dont get why a topic needs to be posted to question it ....


Now ... on the other side of the coin Mr Mercury was in exactly this position in life , he didnt talk about it , in the early years he was going out with a lady and then his true feelings came out and he was obviously gay , I think it creates a lot of "mystique" and that great for the press , is he / isnt he etc.


As long as the forum doesnt become a "is mika gay" board then its cool , I do think its boring mind ya :thumbdown: , but hey thats my opion and we are all allowed to have that AND comment as well! , just as much as someone can comment another can comment back and say its boring !



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I know, I've thought about it too. I don't turn mean, when someone makes a topic about it. But I think that if none of us actually knows and unlikely gets to know it, then we're just talking about the same things all over again. "Is he or is he not?" So quite pointless in my mind. But discuss if you like to:wink2:

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What I want to know is why people think Mika might be gay in the first place? I know enough straight and gay people to know that sterotypes are completely wrong; one guy I know sounds exactly like Julian Clary, yet is completely straight, and another is as hard as nails - and gay.


Rather like Mika I got moved around a lot as a child, and guess what - I got all the same homophobic jibes that Mika was called at school. Does that mean I am gay?


So we have a young guy who dresses in unconventional clothes and sings in a falsetto voice, and the press immediately equate this with being gay. I suspect some of the press guys are the same bigoted morons that taunt any kid that doesn't fit in at school with the words 'fag' and 'poof'.


Whether Mika is or isn't, I just feel sorry for him - he's clearly a sensitive, thoughtful and deep chap who's just lost the majority of his privacy, and I for one am not interested in probing into areas that only his close friends should know about.

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Happy Ending AND Nicole I so agree , :thumb_yello: , thats why when its raised here it gets negative comments .


We have an artist here , who we have been waiting a long time for and people want to discuss is he or isnt he etc , its boring and negative (in my opinion) :mf_rosetinted:

Couldn't it also be that this is taken a bit too serious here? We keep stating that this is completely unimportant, so why should it be such a big problem for us if someone mentions it or not? :mf_rosetinted:

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I don't think anyone should be negative or rude about bringing the topic up...


However, my opinion is that if this were a public forum in a workplace, would you think it appropriate to discuss a colleage's sexuality, or if you are younger, would it be right to discuss another pupil or teachers sexuality on a school forum?


So, why do we think that a pop star's life suddenly becomes public property?

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This is going in a strange direction ! :thumbdown: , I wasnt being rude at all , if you look a few posts behind I gave a really balanced point of view! ..


OK my post looked blunt (sorry I really didnt mean for it to come across like that , it was half joking) , but this is proving a point we are talking about him and the focus is on the negative ....... :cool:

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I don't think anyone should be negative or rude about bringing the topic up...


However, my opinion is that if this were a public forum in a workplace, would you think it appropriate to discuss a colleage's sexuality, or if you are younger, would it be right to discuss another pupil or teachers sexuality on a school forum?


So, why do we think that a pop star's life suddenly becomes public property?

Okay I'm not trying to get into a big fight here (so I should probably have quit posting, but I try once more :boxed: )


I don't believe it would be appropriate to discuss a colleagues family or background or analyze their every word either, this is quite a different situation. I am not actually trying to claim the right to discuss sexuality here, what I am trying to say is that in my opinion to make it some sort of taboo makes it an even bigger issue and I simply just don't think it should be like that. I'll quit posting in this thread now, just think maybe people misunderstood was I was trying to say :boxed:

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