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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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2 days ago while i was napping, i had a dream that paris hilton was my cousin, and we went rock climbing. whilst rock climbing, i heard "big girl" come on, and paris ran away! so i ran after her, and she was on stage! mika wasn't there though. there was another stage that i entered on, so i danced with him. :mf_lustslow:

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I had a dream last night.

I was on a train and it was sooooo tightly packed and crowded that there was no place to walk, let alone sit.

So then this lady came up to me and said: "You're Antoinette, aren't you?"(That's my real name).

And I was like.."yeah.."

She was like" ok good...there's someone in first class waiting for you".

And I was like :blink:

So I just shrugged and went up to first class, since I was alone and I had no where else to sit any way...

As I reached the first class compartments, I saw this really tall figure with a mop of curly brown hair standing on tip-toe (yes...he was extraaaaaa tall) and trying to get a glimpse of me.

It wasn't too hard, since I stood on my toes as well and I'm considerably tall myself....and that's when I saw him. With those adorable glasses he wears at times. I approached him..and he was smiling soo wide.

"Hi", he said.

"Hello", I replied.

"Nice glasses", he said.

And I was like...huh????? I dont even wear glasses. But before I spoke, I put my hand up to my face and felt glasses..so..I guess they just popped out there, like things usually do in dreams.

So yeah...we just sat there....having breakfast...with everyone staring at us....two tall, curly haired people wearing identical glasses and rainbow coloured clothes...

it was good!! :naughty:

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I had a dream last night that I was at the signing at HMV again (and not giggling stupidly this time when he said 'hey, how are you') and something I said was like a geeky film reference or something and he replied with a related reference and I was just like 'Omg high five!' and he high fived me and then my dream changed into something else that I don't remember.

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I had a dream last night.

I was on a train and it was sooooo tightly packed and crowded that there was no place to walk, let alone sit.

So then this lady came up to me and said: "You're Antoinette, aren't you?"(That's my real name).

And I was like.."yeah.."

She was like" ok good...there's someone in first class waiting for you".

And I was like :blink:

So I just shrugged and went up to first class, since I was alone and I had no where else to sit any way...

As I reached the first class compartments, I saw this really tall figure with a mop of curly brown hair standing on tip-toe (yes...he was extraaaaaa tall) and trying to get a glimpse of me.

It wasn't too hard, since I stood on my toes as well and I'm considerably tall myself....and that's when I saw him. With those adorable glasses he wears at times. I approached him..and he was smiling soo wide.

"Hi", he said.

"Hello", I replied.

"Nice glasses", he said.

And I was like...huh????? I dont even wear glasses. But before I spoke, I put my hand up to my face and felt glasses..so..I guess they just popped out there, like things usually do in dreams.

So yeah...we just sat there....having breakfast...with everyone staring at us....two tall, curly haired people wearing identical glasses and rainbow coloured clothes...

it was good!! :naughty:


Haha. That's a cool dream! :naughty:

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i just woke up (:thumbdown: ) from a great mika dream!


he was giving a small intimate show in a ballroom, so of course i went! there were only about 25 people there. when mika came out to his piano, people started to move close to him, but the security guards made everyone move back. since i was in the 3rd row, behind tall people, while everyone moved back, i moved up so i could be in the front row....i had to shove some people...and children (sorry kids) to get there. it was a great concert, he didn't play happy ending (:thumbdown: ), but he played lollipop on the piano which was great. he did play "any other world" twice......? after the show people started lining up for autographs.....i managed to get myself to the font of that line too.


when i went up to mika i said "mika, could i PLEASE have one SMALL tiny, little picture of us??", he said "sure, i didn't pay for these" (gesturing to his clothes, he was wearing the brownish, gray hoodie he's been wearing after gigs, only it was purplish blue). so i walked to his side to take the picture, and i looked into the camera (jess (finkster) was taking a picture of us) and mika looked into my eyes, and told me not to look at his broken nail! he said "i know your looking at it, it's sooo noticable!", i told him "no, i'm looking at your eyes!". we were joking, so he wasn't being rude or anything. so after taking what would have been a WONDERFUL picture....if this was real, i asked to his see his "broken" nail. he showed me. it was the middle finger, of his right hand, it was just jagged, so i recommended a nail file, and dr. scholls (i don't know why). he had a neon green band-aide on his finger, like 2 inches away from the nail. mika is so weird lol.


to me it was a great dream, and i woke up sweating! mika makes me nervous in my dreams!!

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I loved the whole nail and band aid bit, alex!


I actually had two separate Mika dreams last night.

Nothing beats the caribou dream, though. :roftl:


But in last night's dream, I was in California to see a small Mika show.

I was with Sivan for some reason. haha And we were by the front row of the stage, but not actually in the crowd. It's hard to explain. But It was kind of like a school's stage, where there are stairs at the side, and Lollipop was up, and Mika came over by the stairs to the stage we were at, and just started talking to me. And Sivan interrupted me in the middle of my sentence and Mika got "play angry" with her. xD

It was really weird.


The other one was even more strange, but I can't really remember it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah how cool! I had a Mika dream again tonight! :blush-anim-cl:


I was dreaming that I had a gymnastics competition, and it was outside? Really weard. And when I was doing my routine on the beam, somebody shouted: "MIKA HAVING A CONCERT OVER THERE!"

So in the middle of my routine I just jumped off the beam. :naughty: And run as fast as I could towards the noise.

He was singing Happy Ending, one of my favorite songs. And then during the "little bit of love" part, he jumped of the stage, and shaked hands of a few fans. And with everybody just very fast, like 1 second or something, but then he shook my hand. And he was looking me in my eyes, and walked forwards, but he didn't let go of my hand, and just keep on looking at me. So I touched him like 8 seconds or something. :mf_lustslow:


And then I got back to home. I was chilling on a chair or something, when suddenly my doorbell rang. So I opened up, and I saw a boy of my maths-class. I barely talk to him, so that was not making any sense at all. :bleh:

He said: "I've got someone for you, he asked me where you live"

And then I saw mika again! It was so wonderfull. He was acting very shy, and he was giggling and stuff. So cute. :wub2:

But the rest I don't remember anymore! I remember that we were talking a long time, but I can't remember where we were talking about.


Well.. All I know, that it was such a great dream! :wink2:

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I had the best Mika dream the other night and I didn't want to forget it so I wrote down and it ended up turning into a novel :shocked: I didn't like the real ending to my dream, so I thought of a new one and now I'm writing a book basically :naughty:

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I had the best Mika dream the other night and I didn't want to forget it so I wrote down and it ended up turning into a novel :shocked: I didn't like the real ending to my dream, so I thought of a new one and now I'm writing a book basically :naughty:
If you publish it, I'll buy it and fantasize about it all happening to me:naughty: :bleh::wub2::mf_lustslow:
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If you publish it, I'll buy it and fantasize about it all happening to me:naughty: :bleh::wub2::mf_lustslow:


Go for it, but once you snap back into reality you'll be depressed :naughty: Happens to be whenever I put down my pencil :thumbdown: Why can't our dreams be real?! :crybaby:

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I had a dream that made me wake up crying like a baby last night!!!

I had a dream that my dream came true :bleh:

What I mean it that I was a successful pop star in the dream.

Anyways..it was one of my concerts..dunno where...somewhere in Europe..

All the audience were amazing people from the MFC...the best audience I could ever ask for. What amazing people you all were, cheering me on and telling everyone you could that I was a fellow MFCer.

So in the dream, I had a huge surprise for you all. It was the last song of the night, and it was a cover, not one of my own. I sat at the piano, and started "Happy ending". I sang the first part alone..the "This is the way.."

Then out of no where, Mika's voice started singing "wake up in the morning..". For a second, you were all puzzled. Then he walked out on stage, with a HUGE grin on his face, singing. You all went NUTS. Screamingggggg and cheering...it was unbelievable. So I continued playing the piano, singing along. Then when we got closer to the end of the song, someone else took over the piano and Mika walked up to me and held my hand and led me to the front of the stage with him as we sang. Then we finished the song and both of us bowed, and everyone was cheering like mad. He hugged me realllyyyy tight and....I woke up:sneaky2:

The dream had me all shaky and shivery and I can't seem to get rid of the butterflies in my tummy:blink:

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I had my first Mikadream the other day and i even told my brother who didnt care but I did and he was like: wth is she talking about?? So here it goes:


Im at my grandparents house with my family and i go to the bathroom and when I come out everybody (including stalkerazzi) is in the kitchen. Note: very small kitchen, like 2 m2, but who cares, and then Mika comes out of there like an Angel. Where he came from, dont know, nowhere a door in sight. So he comes walking towards me with this blank face and im like standing in front of him and he looks at me and i scream, so he looks at me like: what is your problem?? But whatever so i asked: can i have a pic and an autograpf and he is like: im sorry so busy! me: Your in my grandparents house, so..... He's like: oh well, if thats the thing.. So he does that and then i blink and were in my grandparents bedroom, im on the treadmill (please, dont ask) and hes sitting on the bed and were talking and we wanna go outside into the tiny garden so we went and a ginormous bus is there, so we go in and my friends are sitting there.. So i join my friend and mika is gone.. But then we stop after a while and an english bus (you know, open roof and red and stuff) so i walk through the window on that bus but my friends stay put and mika is behind the wheel, turnt to the passengers, and im sitting between some weird people in my class that i dont even like and they were talking about some shoes they just bought. Well to wrap things up, the bus started driving and then i was like: wth, mika cant drive when he is turned to face me and then I woke up...


A lot happened in my dream....



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I have very very strange dreams at the best of times but this was just plain weird.........


I was with some friends in a car park, and Mika drove up in this really flashy car. We were all going crazy because it was Mika, but he knew us :boxed: he knew us like we were his best friends or something.....


i asked him "When are you going to get a gig in Hull?" and he said to me "Oh my gosh, why would i ever want to get a gig in that place!! It's disgusting!!" and i started to cry....


Anyway, you know when the dream switches all of a sudden? Well there i was buying plant pots with him in B&Q..... :boxed:

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I have very very strange dreams at the best of times but this was just plain weird.........


I was with some friends in a car park, and Mika drove up in this really flashy car. We were all going crazy because it was Mika, but he knew us :boxed: he knew us like we were his best friends or something.....


i asked him "When are you going to get a gig in Hull?" and he said to me "Oh my gosh, why would i ever want to get a gig in that place!! It's disgusting!!" and i started to cry....


Anyway, you know when the dream switches all of a sudden? Well there i was buying plant pots with him in B&Q..... :boxed:

:roftl: That must have been horrible though.

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I had the most awful dream about Mika, and I was so sad it's the only one ive ever had.

I drempt that I was at an awards ceromony and had just recieved a prize, I walked off stage and saw Mika stood at the back of the room, I went over and was like, "Hiya! Please could I have your autograph?" He just gave me a really dirty look and said, "Huh? Errrm NO!" I ran off and then, I was back at my house and my friends (who in real life cant stand Mika) came running in telling me they had met Mika and he had given them an authgraph.

I sort of half woke up feeling utterly dissapointed that I'd missed my chance to get an autograph, but then I came round properly and was relieved that it was just a dream... phew! :wink2:

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I had the most awful dream about Mika, and I was so sad it's the only one ive ever had.

I drempt that I was at an awards ceromony and had just recieved a prize, I walked off stage and saw Mika stood at the back of the room, I went over and was like, "Hiya! Please could I have your autograph?" He just gave me a really dirty look and said, "Huh? Errrm NO!" I ran off and then, I was back at my house and my friends (who in real life cant stand Mika) came running in telling me they had met Mika and he had given them an authgraph.

I sort of half woke up feeling utterly dissapointed that I'd missed my chance to get an autograph, but then I came round properly and was relieved that it was just a dream... phew! :wink2:


I have dreams like that, where you wake up really worried like it's real? It creeps me out :blink:

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I drempt that I was at an awards ceromony and had just recieved a prize, I walked off stage and saw Mika stood at the back of the room, I went over and was like, "Hiya! Please could I have your autograph?" He just gave me a really dirty look and said, "Huh? Errrm NO!"



LMAO!!! you won a prize, right? I assume he didnt...thatexplains clearly why he didnt want to give you an autograph...hey are you sure it was a dream, it sounds so realistic,lol


I often dream about mika and there is always a lot of water in my dreams except once where it was in a desert and my watch was broken, mika was signing autographs in a tent

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I had a dream the other day that we were having an argument over which sort of nail clippers were the best, and I was just like "wtf, you're an idiot, they're not even nail clippers, you trim your cuticles with those" (cos he was arguing that those little things that look like pliers were the best sort of nail clippers even though they're not nail clippers at all). Then he got all like "Yeah, well, whatever, I don't care," in that 'I'm-losing-this-argument-but-I'll-never-admit-it' sort of way.


It was completely and utterly ridiculous and I probably need to get my head checked out.

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I had a dream the other day that we were having an argument over which sort of nail clippers were the best, and I was just like "wtf, you're an idiot, they're not even nail clippers, you trim your cuticles with those" (cos he was arguing that those little things that look like pliers were the best sort of nail clippers even though they're not nail clippers at all). Then he got all like "Yeah, well, whatever, I don't care," in that 'I'm-losing-this-argument-but-I'll-never-admit-it' sort of way.


It was completely and utterly ridiculous and I probably need to get my head checked out.


LOL! NO!! your dream seems totally mentally sane to me, no head checked out here, he would probably go into the 'I'm-losing-this-argument-but-I'll-never-admit-it' way, I'm so surprised all those dreams sound so realistic, mine are never... the last time, many people were running in a green plastic tube linked to a swimming pool, we were all running away from the pool and then we crossed mika who was running the other way around (towards the pool which is absolutely non realistic) he was tossing papers in the air while he was happily running,his aura was white, we all immediately turned around and started to run in the same direction, we were all running in that plastic green tube towards the so blue pool etc. it's really longer but I wont bother since it doesnt make any sense at all.

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Oooh! I want to post one of my dreams!


I'll do the first one that I ever had. If I can remember it all. And not make it too long.


I was with my family on a train (the setting was in the early 1900s or something) and then all of a sudden, these people come on board and start ordering people around. They even threw a little girl off the train while it was moving:shocked: . Anyway, they took us to a theater and made us sit down to watch a weird, old fashioned concert or something. I was sitting between all these people I didn't know. All of a sudden, Mika starts performing and I was like...:blink: . Then he started walking up the isle and came right to me and was singing to me. I was so happy, but freaking out because I thought the dictator people wouldn't like that at all and they were going to kill me. Then I woke up.:roftl:


The end!

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  • 2 months later...

. I once had a dream in which I was living Mika's dream in HAPPY ENDING!

I woke up in the purple bed, floated into the air and saw the singing hands and floating microphone!


2. I once had a dream that MIKA was sitting on my porch one day as I came home. He ran up to me and gave me a HUGE HUG! He smelled SO GOOD, IT WAS NOT EVEN FUNNY. ( I woke up with that smell in my head, and realized it was regular OLD SPICE. You should have seen me at the supermarket smelling all the body sprays trying to figure out what it was MIKA was wearing?!?!? XD IM SUCH A DORK! ) Then he gave me the dodgy holiday shirt right off his back (because for some reason he was wearing two.) He gave me another hug and invited me to my town football feild where he would be performing the next day. I said I would come and he left. That night, at the game, security announced over the loud speaker that they were looking for me! PLEASE COME TO THE FRONT OF THE STAGE! Mika stopped looking around and said "OH THERE SHE IS! Now, WHOS READY FOR A SHOW??!"

Everyone screamed, and he sang a song (I dont remeber, but it was either Happy Ending or RELAX) RIGHT TO ME!




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Heyyy guys...x


I hope you dont mind me making this thread a [ official dreams of mika ] =)


Sooo Guys!!!


Have you had dreams about MIKA?


&& would like to share them with us...?


Any kinds of dreams....funny,sad [ hey not nawty :P we got yung members lol]


So Who would like to start....?


I've not had a proper dream with him in it yet :(


Neone gonna start us off....? =)





I had a dream where he was in Sainsbury's, performing on the deli counter :roftl:


And one where he was my age(12), and we were running round a big house together :wub2:


That was probably my best dream ever...:blush-anim-cl:

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