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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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That's a very random dream Nono LOL!!


(what does Nono stand for?)


Mine are always random :lol3:

So I just sound crazy when I try to explain them :no:



Um, it doesn't really stand for anything. It's just my nickname. :dunno:

The short story behind it is that the day I was born (or something), my mom was like "I'm going to name her Noelle, because you can't have a nickname for it." and my sister said "Well sure you can, little baby Nono" :teehee:

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Mine are always random :lol3:

So I just sound crazy when I try to explain them :no:



Um, it doesn't really stand for anything. It's just my nickname. :dunno:

The short story behind it is that the day I was born (or something), my mom was like "I'm going to name her Noelle, because you can't have a nickname for it." and my sister said "Well sure you can, little baby Nono" :teehee:


aww cute :biggrin2: my family nickname is "Pidge" lol xD

Can I ask what your real name is? Is it actually Noelle?

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Pidge? Why? :roftl:

Yes, it's Noelle.:teehee:


That's not a name you hear often, I like it!


I have no idea why they call me Pidge. My mum claims she's called me it since I was born, my dad claims it's because I couldn't say Pigeon when I was super young, but my mum files that story under the BS category :dunno:

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That's not a name you hear often, I like it!


I have no idea why they call me Pidge. My mum claims she's called me it since I was born, my dad claims it's because I couldn't say Pigeon when I was super young, but my mum files that story under the BS category :dunno:


Thanks. It just gets annoying when French people start talking about Christmas because "Christmas" in French is "Noël" and it's pronounced the same as "Noelle". Thank God I'm not in french class anymore. I'd freak out every time around Christmas when my teacher would talk :lol3:


Believe your mom :dunno:

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Thanks. It just gets annoying when French people start talking about Christmas because "Christmas" in French is "Noël" and it's pronounced the same as "Noelle". Thank God I'm not in french class anymore. I'd freak out every time around Christmas when my teacher would talk :lol3:


Believe your mom :dunno:


LOLZ, aww sad times :(

Foreign people tend to pronounce my name incorrectly...when I was Egypt everyone used to call me "Carolyn." :sneaky2:



"IT'S CAROLINE!!!!!!!!"


I got used to it after a while :roftl:


I only let foreign people call me Carolyn, though. If anyone else calls me Carolyn I ignore them lol.

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LOLZ, aww sad times :(

Foreign people tend to pronounce my name incorrectly...when I was Egypt everyone used to call me "Carolyn." :sneaky2:



"IT'S CAROLINE!!!!!!!!"


I got used to it after a while :roftl:


I only let foreign people call me Carolyn, though. If anyone else calls me Carolyn I ignore them lol.


At least that's like a legit mispronunciation. People call me Nicole all the time :furious:

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Nono, that dream is so random.. I have a lot of those:roftl:

And about mispronunciation, people used to call me Carolina/Caroline instead of Carlota/Carlotta..

I found it and still do find it so annoying! Even today I answered what my name was to a lady in a restaurant and right after she was like "Carolina, you can sit down, I'll be right there with the dish.":sneaky2: I was like *fake giggle* It's Carlota *fake grin*:teehee:

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Nono, that dream is so random.. I have a lot of those:roftl:

And about mispronunciation, people used to call me Carolina/Caroline instead of Carlota/Carlotta..

I found it and still do find it so annoying! Even today I answered what my name was to a lady in a restaurant and right after she was like "Carolina, you can sit down, I'll be right there with the dish.":sneaky2: I was like *fake giggle* It's Carlota *fake grin*:teehee:


You should've been like "Excuse me, Carolina sits on 95 :shun:"

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I posted this in the Aussie thread a couple of days ago, but thought I would move it over here as well.


Last night I had a dream that Silver won the gig-in-your-loungeroom thing from Mikasounds. I went on to the forum to read her report etc, hoping that there would be pictures and all of a sudden I went "That's my house!" Not that the gig was at my house, but there was a street shot and Silver's house was about four houses away from my house.


My house in this instance was the house I grew up in, ie my parents' house. Which meant that Silver was living in WA! Boy, was I ever surprised when I worked that out, as I had been pretty sure she lived in England.


But being a dream, this meant that instead of just reading her report on MFC, I "travelled back in time" slightly and actually turned up at her house. I'd missed the beginning of things, but turns out the beginning was everyone all having dinner together, then sitting round watching television. I'm not quite sure who exactly was there....


I remember Bianca was there, cos I called her OD instead of OKD and she got very hurt until I called her Bianca. I'm pretty sure Kelz was there and SoA, but I really don't recall who else.


Then after watching TV for a while, everyone wanted to play games. Probably what would have been called "parlour games" way back when. Stuff like charades and riddle games and cards etc etc. It was so much fun cos everyone was just sitting round hanging out with Mika, just having a very relaxed time.


I remember saying to Mika "I didn't think this could possibly be real. It couldn't possibly be in Perth, cos you're supposed to be on holidays in the French Alps! Or did you fly straight over here after a day or two there?" He nodded and I said "You must be wrecked!" He ignored that for some reason.


Eventually it looked like Mika was going to leave cos we'd all had a great time etc when I piped up with "But what about the gig? Aren't you supposed to do a gig for Silver in her lounge room?" So we all trooped in to this bigger room next door and we all sat on the floor and Mika sang songs (don't remember what) and chatted to us. And I specifically remember when he was almost finished someone said to him "See you in two weeks then?" and he said "Yeah", and I'm like "WTF???? What's happening in two weeks?"


And everyone just looked at me like I'd lost the plot and Mika says "The gig in two weeks" in a does-that-ring-any-bells kind of a way. And I'm like "But I didn't know!! And I don't have tickets and it will be too late to get any now!" and Mika said "Why don't you look on E-bay?" and I said "I've just bought a house! I can't afford to buy tickets off E-bay!" and he kind of smirked at me.


Then my sister turned up and I introduced her to Mika (she lives in Canada btw, but considering I was living at my parents' house, it kind of makes sense that she was too. We must have been teenagers again.)


And then I asked Mika some other stuff that I remembered when I first woke up and have now forgotten, but I just remember that he wouldn't answer me. It was kind of like he was ignoring me or something, like I'd already asked my "quota" of questions.


Then Mika had to go, and went outside to some sort of van and hopped in and they drove away and I realised that he'd pretty much been there all night, as the sun was about to rise.


So I snuck home and tried to get back in quietly without waking my parents, but Dad heard me and wanted to know where I'd been, so I explained about the gig at Silver's and he wanted to meet her so we went over there and I started to introduce them and realised that I didn't know Silver's real name, only her forum name and I couldn't very well introduce her as Silver. My Dad asked what her name was and for some reason she wouldn't tell us. So Dad didn't want me to have anything to do with her.


But then Dad suddenly wasn't there and I said to Silver "I didn't know you lived near me!" and she said "Yes you did. Don't you remember, a long time ago we worked out that we must live near each other but we never exchanged addresses so we hadn't worked out how close we were living to each other" and I was sad because all this time we could have been catching up with each other on a regular basis and we'd wasted that time. And then I looked at her house and it wasn't a house anymore but a block of units and I thought "No wonder I'd never worked out where she lived, there's so many of them" and Silver went back up the external stairs to her floor and waved to me from her balcony and then went back inside.


And I think that's when I woke up. It really was a fantastic dream and I was so happy and excited but also so relaxed at the same time.:biggrin2:

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Yes, I had a Mika dream this morning :pinkbow:

Yippee :yay:


:yay: You finally remembered a dream, and it's a random one! I applaud you.:naughty: I wonder what kind of tat Mika had. :teehee:




And speaking of family nicknames, most of my family calls me Kay Kay, which is fine by me...BUT

My dad calls me Bozo, Monchichi, and sometimes, Bozo-Monchichi! :blush-anim-cl:


So, I'm either this:





or a mixture of both:blink:

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:yay: You finally remembered a dream, and it's a random one! I applaud you.:naughty: I wonder what kind of tat Mika had. :teehee:




And speaking of family nicknames, most of my family calls me Kay Kay, which is fine by me...BUT

My dad calls me Bozo, Monchichi, and sometimes, Bozo-Monchichi! :blush-anim-cl:


So, I'm either this:





or a mixture of both:blink:


I know :biggrin2:



I don't think I know what your name us :shocked:

And nice nicknames. :naughty:

We call my brother-in-law Mochichi:teehee:

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I had a Mika dream last night... I can't remember much, but I blame it on my brain injury :naughty:...


Anyways, I remember reading a magazine, and there was information about Mika's concert in November, and that he was going to Sydney. I ripped it out and picked up another magazine. This one said that Melbourne was the place Mika was going in November, he was going to the Palais in St Kilda (which is right next to the beach and Luna Park!)...Oakie Doke was next to me talking to someone from the Kooks (the weren't from the Kooks cause it was a girl and I didn't recognise her), and told her that Perth missed out but Melbourne was going to be first for a concert then Sydney...




I remember having a dream where I had to do some sort of artwork to win tickets to a Mika concert in Sydney and Kelzy and soangel helped me, but I missed out and they got to go in :tears:

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I had a Mika dream last night... I can't remember much, but I blame it on my brain injury :naughty:...


Anyways, I remember reading a magazine, and there was information about Mika's concert in November, and that he was going to Sydney. I ripped it out and picked up another magazine. This one said that Melbourne was the place Mika was going in November, he was going to the Palais in St Kilda (which is right next to the beach and Luna Park!)...Oakie Doke was next to me talking to someone from the Kooks (the weren't from the Kooks cause it was a girl and I didn't recognise her), and told her that Perth missed out but Melbourne was going to be first for a concert then Sydney...




I remember having a dream where I had to do some sort of artwork to win tickets to a Mika concert in Sydney and Kelzy and soangel helped me, but I missed out and they got to go in :tears:


Oh, Teegs! :tears:

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A few nights ago I dreamt Mika was doing a verrrryyy small 'gig' in a bar over here. There were like 50 people, mostly mfcers and we even had an afterparty. All was going good, everyone had fun, it was all very relaxed and even Mika seemed to have a good time.


And then...













I got shot :mf_rosetinted: Yep, my dreams always end with someone trying to kill me, fantastic :mf_rosetinted:


oh... erm... :blink:

i never end up dying. my friends have dreams where their parents or friends die but not me. i had a dream where John Barrowman got shot in the head and it was on BBC news website but it showed the moment and i was really upset.

maybe it means that you should be thankful for what you have cos you never know what might happen... :dunno:


I had a dream the other night that it was my birthday, and my mom took me out of school early. I kept asking her where we were going but she wouldn't tell me. Then, the car stopped and we were at a Mika concert and my sister was there on stage with Mika. She pulled me on stage too (This was before the show started, and no one was even there yet.) He said, "Are you the birthday girl?" and I just nodded and giggled. Then he gave me a huge hug and signed my Songs For Sorrow book but told me not to read it until I got home. After that, he gave me is rainbow hearts bracelet! I told him not to, but he insisted and confessed that he bought all the ones that the Fuchsia store had. :aah: Then the concert started and he sang Happy Birthday to me, and when I got home, he had written his email address in my book! It was the best dream ever!


that is SO sweet!!! i literally went 'awwww!!!' at the end! i've never had a Mika dream... i have Mika daydreams where i dream what would happen if we were friends but otherwise no.... :tears:

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Oh man! So I had a Mika dream, well, kinda. Mika was in part of the dream at least.

Anyway, I was at my friends Jared's house and the telly was on but I wasn't really watching it, I think I was drawing. Jared walked past the tv and said "Hey, isn't this that Mika guy you like?"

So I looked up and he was right, it was Mika. But he was wearing these really soft grey wool pants wth a waist that went up to his chest, a bright pink scarf and a dingy green peter pan-like hat :shocked:

He was a judge on a home designing reality show and the contestants had just done a kitchen (though not very well). Mika was looking at the cabinets which were poorly sanded and doing a lot of really flamboyant hand jestures :boxed:

At one point he started complaining about the persons work, then sat down on the floor and pulled the waist of his pants waaaaaaaay out and down a bit so that, well, hair could be seen if you catch my drift. :jawdrop:

At that point I had stopped listening but I know he was still talking cause his mouth was moving. Jared and I were both on our feet, side by side, staring open mouthed as Mika continued to pull his pants farther down while saying something :eek:

Nxt thing you knew (since he wasn't wearing any underwear) he had fully exposed himself. :jawdrop: I covered my eyes but peaked through them at the same time and Jared seemed to find it quite halerious and couldn't stop laughing.

Then the show cut to a commercial and that was the end of the Mika part. I was horribly shocked :blush-anim-cl:


:floor: :floor: :floor: my friends would expect me to have a dream like that... (don't ask... :wink2:)

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there would be soooooo many here.


i'm going to post my friends dream. i converted her into a mika fan about 2 months ago. but she's obsessed with daniel radcliffe.



so my friend amanda was trying to learn the song "we belong together" with mariah carey, and i was learning "my heart will go on" by celine dion. and i'm such a gangster that i remixed it and became SO famous. she was very mad at me, and told mika what i did, because apparently mika and i are together :wub2: . but he didn't care. so she caught me coming back from mika's carnival with mika,of course, arm and arm.(she had a dream that he had a carnival last week, so i guess it carried on) then she saw her boyfriend daniel radcliffe link arms with me also, and she got soooo mad. then she ended up at school....whenever you have a great dream, you always end up at school.


i was joking with her that i'm a dream ho/pimp.


i'm obbsessed with Mika AND Daniel Radcliffe! but one's a singer and the other's an actor so it works... :biggrin2::naughty:

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