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i had to share this with someone and i figured that no one would understand better than my fellow "mika-ites." today, my dad and i were driving when we were rear ended. it was quite scary because although no one was hurt, it was the first accident i was ever involved in and i was quite shaken up. i had my ipod in, listening to mika of course, and i started to freak out. i had my head down in my lap and was on the verge of tears, when i realized that relax(take it easy) had just started. how crazy is that? the moment i needed comforting most, the exact mika song that could do it came on. i realized how amazing this was, and i started crying for another reason. it was almost like i had a comforting hand on my shoulder. while re reading this im realizing how pathetic it is, but hopefully you'll understand!

if you read this mika, thank you!


<3 em

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first of all hello and welcome:thumb_yello: 2nd im glad yr ok!!!! its a shock when something like that happens!!!! stupid ppl. driving to close!!!! oh dont get me started on drivers LOL

Good old Mika always there when needed!!!!:thumb_yello:

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Good ol' Mika!

He helped me today as well. I just got my hair cut and wasn't really satisfied with it. I was walking round lakeside looking for something to cheer me up *at this point i realised there needs to be SO MUCH MORE MIKA MERCHANDISE*

so by this point i was angry and upset


sister picks me up an hour later


whats one the radio?





I was like YEEESSSS :D

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Hope you and your dad are ok now, I've been in a few accidents and it's not much fun when you get shaken up like that. Thankfully you had Mika on your Ipod to calm you down, the last really bad one I was in all I had was my boss at the time asking if his van was alright.

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It's a good thing you're ok!! I just started driving last year and I remember on my 2nd time out on the roads my breaks stopped working and well.. it was scary! (I was fine!) Unfortanately Mika wasn't big last year =[


But he helps me out this year a lot cause it's junior year and I have more HW and tests then I can handle so Mika's cheery tunes always put a smile on my face. :)

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i had to share this with someone and i figured that no one would understand better than my fellow "mika-ites." today, my dad and i were driving when we were rear ended. it was quite scary because although no one was hurt, it was the first accident i was ever involved in and i was quite shaken up. i had my ipod in, listening to mika of course, and i started to freak out. i had my head down in my lap and was on the verge of tears, when i realized that relax(take it easy) had just started. how crazy is that? the moment i needed comforting most, the exact mika song that could do it came on. i realized how amazing this was, and i started crying for another reason. it was almost like i had a comforting hand on my shoulder. while re reading this im realizing how pathetic it is, but hopefully you'll understand!

if you read this mika, thank you!


<3 em


this is cool :)

u see? music help us on so many ways :)

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Mika where were you when I was freaking out after my car accident a couple of years ago??? Hanging around at the Royal Opera House? Dammit! :blink:


Hey but I am really glad that you have not been injured, photojenny14, cars can be repaired...

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Hey and welcome here! And you know, when I'm listening to Mika on my mp3, and when I get mad of something, there is always Relax, always. I don't know how to name it, but it's really weird sometimes... Lately, I was standing in a long long queue (don't remember where) and was freakin' out, wanted to tell them waht I think about that bad service, but... Then Relax started... I went out.

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