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"Adventures in Mubbinland" - THE MUBBIN THREAD


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(Please don't tell me there's a thread like this! I looked! I LOOKED!)


This is the thread for those new characters "The Mubbins"

If you'd like to be added to a fans list then request here (as with all the other character threads from the first album) and I'm hoping we can post anything Mubbin-related here as well :wink2:




So I looked at the album art a bit closer last night (actually used an electric magnafying glass) and read the Mubbin Story.


Here is the writing from it (I can't give you pictures sorry :()


(1st picture - Front cover)

*Narco is pearing in from outside the window on the bottom left corner*


(3rd picture)

*All 4 Mubbins in storybook-cover pose*



(5th picture)

*All Mubbins shown - Mubbina with arms in the air, Astor pointing to the rainbow water, Narco sleeping and Drinky leaning against a tree with arms folded.*

"What happened to us?" Asked Mubbina. "Will we be like this forever?"

"Must have been the water" Said Astor, Pointing.

"We should have stuck to the cider" Said Drinky. Meanwhile, Narco slept, unaware of his new appearance.


(6th picture)

*Drinky lying with bottles littered around and an unsmoked cigerette next to him*

He blamed it on his mother, for the things she said, on his father, even though he's dead. On anyone but himself.


(10th picture)

*A poster saying "MISSING: THE GOOD GONE GIRL" with a picture of the good gone girl and Mubbina sits near to it, crying*

And mubbina cried , and cried...


(12th picture)

*Mubbina is coming out of the page with her little handbag and in the distance, Narco sleeps against a tree. Outside of the page and in front of the book is Drinky with a kind of staff with a skull on the end of it. He is standing on a voodoo doll.*

Together they would go on adventures to fantasy lands...


Anyone have some analysis on this?


Oh yes and the picture opposite the credits (picture 13) has that picture below the class photo with all the characters from LICM and TBWKTM - Mubbins included was great!















Edited by Lolliepop_girl
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The artwork in this album is so phenomenal, yet overwhelming. I've been looking at it trying to understand it all, but it's quite hard. I love how it has the connecting thread of the Mubbins' story that correlates with the song lyrics and whatnot.

ALSO love how the class picture has LICM and TBWKTM (gah, a horrible acronym hahaha) characters in it...it connects the two albums. The whole concept of the two class pictures is great. How he's so sad and somewhat outcasted in real life as compared to being happy and belonging in his own world of characters. Genius.:wub2:

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The artwork in this album is so phenomenal, yet overwhelming. I've been looking at it trying to understand it all, but it's quite hard. I love how it has the connecting thread of the Mubbins' story that correlates with the song lyrics and whatnot.

ALSO love how the class picture has LICM and TBWKTM (gah, a horrible acronym hahaha) characters in it...it connects the two albums. The whole concept of the two class pictures is great. How he's so sad and somewhat outcasted in real life as compared to being happy and belonging in his own world of characters. Genius.:wub2:


Another lollipop girl! :huglove:


Couldn't have said it better myself :wub2:

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The art is so incredible. I seriously cried when I was looking at it. The Mubbins are so adorable. "Drinky" makes me laugh. But yeah, I'm super confused by a lot of it. I've been trying to figure out if one of them is supposed to relate to Mika or something. I don't know. BUT I LOVE IT!


Maybe each of them represents a part of him. I honestly don't know. Yet that's what so amazing, is it's thought provoking and open to interpretation. I'd give anything to sit down with Mika and discuss it with him for a few hours.:biggrin2:

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I get Drinky and Narco and I think Mubbina is meant to be "The Girl one" like the girl smurf or something. But what I don't get is Astor.

I read in an article that there's something wrong with them and one is narcoleptic and another one has a lazy eye/is crosseyed (and M has a lazy eye doen't he?)...

So what's each one's defining trait???


LOL Astor reminds me of Chopper (the dark purple one) in a popular kids show in New Zealand: The Party Animals


Well he did say that they were like tellitubbies or carebares who didn't make the auditions right? :wink2:

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  • 1 month later...
I have all the artwork cuz I bought it on iTunes so it's all saved as a file on my documents. Right now I can't upload them cuz I'm in the middle of doing homework (shouldn't even be here :teehee:) but I'll upload the rest when I'm done. :wink2:




Thank you!

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I have all the artwork cuz I bought it on iTunes so it's all saved as a file on my documents. Right now I can't upload them cuz I'm in the middle of doing homework (shouldn't even be here :teehee:) but I'll upload the rest when I'm done. :wink2:



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