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Everything posted by esperia75

  1. ...ohhhhh!! I love this Interview! Thank you for the translation!!!
  2. ...It's not worse than mine Welcome on board!!!
  3. ...Searching for objects with Owl on Ebay
  4. ...Thank you!!! I really love the way Paolo sings...and his sound is by now one of my fav. I have "new shoes" as ringtone of my work-colleagues calls
  5. I love all the Classical (and "modern" Classical) music, too. But my fav composer is L. van Beethoven. Genious and Passion for the Music. After, I love Bach' s magics at Organ. And Debussy's Nuages. These are my best three
  6. I've already said...I'm sure this video will be amazing! Lovely pics..Thank you dear!!!
  7. Great Greta! I call him in the same way Aria italiana
  8. I was born...let me think...32 years, 4 months and 7 days ago
  9. On my personal mobile phone I have this pic as wallpaper, while as ringtone I've finished to be involved in italian Relax(take it easy)-mania... On my business mobile phone, instead, I've as wallpaper my company's logo(I love to be part of a great team like my company)...but when colleagues phone me...everyone listen the wonderful "Grace KellY"
  10. OHHHH!!! I Love it! I think it will be a wonderful video! Thanx for sharing
  12. Well, I have to say it would have been wonderful for me to know him when he was "nobody", just to make sure the guy i see now in interviews and on the stage is a "real" person. But it would have been impossible for me...I didn't know not even Myspace at that time... Thanks to him, however, now I know people that for the world are "nobody" but for me are wonderful, and I hope for them the same success that now Mika has: I support them with all my love and enthusiasm. For me, anyway, the thing I love about Mika, above all, is his voice. So, if I met him on the street, and I hadn't the chance to listen him singing, I'm sure he would have been just "nobody" for me, despite of his undoubted good-looking
  13. I've signed, too Everything for my SunAdmin Don't forget you're amazing, too...this place is wonderful, you know
  14. Oh yes. I respect Mika. Even too much. My only dream, wish and desire about him is singing a song with him Anyway, in Florence, me and my friends "stalked" Mika (indeed it seemed he stalked us, only because we walked curiously in the same streets even we lose him out of sight ). I took a lot of pics and videos very very beautiful about him and his family walking around. But I've decided, with one accord to my friends, to destroy them, to preserve Mika and his family's privacy Respect
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