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Blue Sky

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Everything posted by Blue Sky

  1. Mika newsletter for Japanese fans: MIKAが届けるあなたへのクリスマス・ソング ◆MIKA×フランス音楽界の巨匠のクリスマス・ソング完成! 作曲家、編曲家、ピアニスト…数多くの肩書きを持つフランスが生んだ巨匠=ミシェル・ルグランが、 16人編成のジャズのビッグ・バンドと34人から成るオーケストラを集結させ、 自らが編曲/指揮を手がけて制作したクリスマス・アルバム『ノエル!ノエル!ノエル!』が完成しました! このアルバムにはジェイミー・カラムやルーファス・ウェインライト、イギー・ポップといった超有名アーティスト達がヴォーカルで参加しているのですが、MIKAも参加!!MIKAは「ジングル・ベル」に参加し、流暢なフランス語と らしさ満開のヴォーカルを披露しています! この作品の詳細は11月からUniversal Jazzのホームページで随時アップしますのでチェックして下さい! http://www.universal-music.co.jp/jazz/ URL doesn't seem to match their newsletter. Hopeless Universal!
  2. I would like to share Pharrell Williams' collaboration with Palladium Boots called Tokyo Rising - 5 short videos, very interesting artists and musicians. Especially interesting when the go UNDER Tokyo into the aquaduct!! http://www.palladiumboots.com/video/tokyo-rising#part1 :aah:I wish Mika would do this kind of collaboration.
  3. All fixed:thumb_yello: Next time, just drop a PM to the mod who opened the thread if we have missed adding something.
  4. :lmfao: wonder if he was the guy tweeting till his phone ran out....
  5. Mika is playing at the AFTER party...it may not be in exactly the same place as the huge dinner....
  6. Just an aside, if you listen carefully to the recorded version of KickAss, the ahh ahh oh is in there running through the background of the track, he just brought it to the fore for the live gigs. Worked beautifully:thumb_yello: I think he was testing Underwater to do it next weekend in Washington. Maybe he can see it has had a good reception, maybe he will do it in his set It seems like just the right audience. And Mina Alisa, a song thread is to discuss the song so what's your problem??? Nobody is trying to teach Mika English, just discussing how the particular phrase sounds, how it translates into other languages. Dissecting his music and lyrics amuses some of us MUCH more than dissecting his body parts.
  7. Walk unsteadily, stumble...falter my feet....fall to my feet...neither of them are really correct in English, it was just a passing thought.
  8. I am just thinking aloud...what if he is saying the word FALTER not "fall to" in that line....
  9. Well we all knew something was coming after Cherisse's tweet, but.... WOW!! This is impressive!! And to think you will miss him Deb....
  10. Everybody's Talking??? OMFG where is THAT video??? And idiviki will have her hit count go crazy now, with Perez linking the video:aah:
  11. IDIVIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's this secret gig?? Is it before the show, or after??
  12. Did you see the next vid of it? [YOUTUBE]3mHK0Fm4ymw[/YOUTUBE]
  13. Doesn't the start of the song sound like the tune from Lazing on a sunny afternoon... for those old enough to recall that song:teehee:
  14. TOMOMI!!!!!!!!!! Report please!!!!! The report thread is here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26248
  15. Have a great time with the Korean MFCers Tomomi. Send them my and I will make it there one day!! Oh and enjoy the Mika gig:teehee:
  16. March is sooner than I would have expected...I remember in 2009 waiting for the release of TBWKTM, we saw on a wikipedia entry it would be released in September, and we all thought we wouldn't survive the year....but it's over 2 years since that album, and I guess we survived. I don't want him to hurry to meet some random deadline, I just want him to get it done to his satisfaction...and to get his ass to #1:teehee: About 5 times with this album.
  17. Caz and Yuna, can you please take your torrent/file sharing discussion into a PM? Thanks!
  18. I have mine here, but have never opened it and don't intend to, sorry- I am a collector, don't need to see/listen to it:aah:. The Japanese thread should help.
  19. Yes, Jimmy tweeted that he was getting married today! Wishing him and Mrs Sims all the best for their future together.
  20. I was very upset too, I totally fell for the joke and spent a whole day googling that random Pam Travers post. :roftl:
  21. Oh Douleur you speak Russian?? Such talent for a youngling!
  22. This has to be one of the BEST MFC stories...when you think of the actual likelihood in terms of statistical possibilities!!! How lovely you gave him a note and explained it all. And such a nice photo!
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