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Everything posted by mellody

  1. many thanks for posting and for translating!
  2. i just saw that on the venue website you can still buy tickets: http://www.kantine.com/ticket.php?id=1018
  3. yes, that's the pictures i mentioned in my post. this magazine, musikmarkt, will have an article about the event in their next issue, maybe there'll be more bout mika in there? but it's unlikely, as the magazine focuses rather on the business side than on the artists.
  4. hmm, it's only about half of the songs of this album that have an electronic sound though... what about the others? of course i understand that it affects your overall rating of the album if you don't like half of the songs on it because you don't like the electronic sound. i remember saying in the past that one reason why i like mika so much is that i love almost every single song on his records. but then, there's also one song on each cd that i usually skip when listening to it. on the first it was OMS, on the 2nd by the time. on this one it *might* be overrated, but i first have to listen to the whole song to make sure i really don't like it. i also came to like myh after several listens, because i like the "never gonna give you up" etc. part. maybe overrated also has parts that i like. besides, i hated love today in the beginning, but now it's one of my fave mika songs. actually i also don't like electro music. but for me, electro as such is just beats and electronic sounds. but as soon as there's a sung melody and lyrics, i don't care which instruments are used, whether it's real ones or fake ones or electronic computer sounds. or a vegetable orchestra. no, of course i'll like it easier/faster if also the choice of instruments pleases my ear. but still, the melody, the harmonies and the rhythm are more important to me, and if a song has a good melody that goes right into my ear, it's very likely that i'll like the song, whether i want to or not. but well, yeah, of course you're right that mika's sound is different on TOOL than it was on LICM. LICM reminded me of the beatles and queen, and TOOL reminds me of take that (their more recent stuff) and david guetta (stardust ). but i also like some david guetta songs, and most of take that's songs, so it's ok for me. and the most important thing is, i can still see mika's fingerprints in the songs, like i could on the first album. it wasn't beatles and queen, it was something new, "mika-ish". and also now it's not a david guetta or take that copy, but it's typically mika - that's why although of course i understand (though i don't share this opinion) that you don't like the songs, i can't understand the argument that it's not "mika-ish" anymore. but maybe you're just trying to find reasons for yourselves *why* this album doesn't touch you like the last ones, also like nanou said - i guess i would too if it was the case, i'd have the feeling like something has been taken away from me. maybe it also helped that i saw him live this summer (don't know if you did? nibe?), i remember before lovebox (when i only knew myh and celebrate) i was worried he had changed too much but then i saw and met him and all those worries were forgotten. re. the cake thing, i agree with deb... the dough can be extremely delicious. i *always* have to try it. and the cake will just be as good. and to those who were wondering about the lyrics of heroes, laramay posted them a few pages ago, i think hers were correct. ;-)
  5. in case anyone's wondering what gig it was yesterday, i just found a few news articles that say mika performed at the 10-year-anniversary party of universal music in berlin. http://www.gaypeople.de/index.php?art_id=10530&r=306 (german article, they just wrote he performed some songs of his new album) ... i also found a few pictures of the event on another website, but unfortunately none of mika.
  6. yes i think it's blood. and i'm not sure about the "put", think it's just "why no one else can see your blood on me..." - makes sense, as it's about soldiers that are suffering from their war experiences. i'm really looking forward to hear the whole text of this song, think it's a good one! actually several of the lyrics i can hear from those snippets are so good that they give me goosebumps. heroes. popular. tool. stardust. and i'm sure there are many more lyrics treasures to discover in the full versions. about step with me and the deep vocal range... am i the only one who thinks they might have pitched down the chorus? for me this album's still 100% mika. i must admit i had my doubts when i first heard celebrate, i still find it too mainstream/commercial, though i love it live. but then i heard tool (the song) and that's 100% mika. same with underwater. and now the whole album. it's a mix, dance and ballads, electronic sounds and acoustic piano/guitar. different styles. that's typical for mika. wonderful lyrics, songs that have a message. that's also typical for mika. experimenting with different sounds. also typical. rain also has electronic sounds, same as emd, so i don't understand why someone would say that this is not like mika anymore.
  7. i don't like it either. i tried to get used to it for a while - usually i like songs more when i heard them about a hundred times. but didn't work with that one. at some point i started skipping it on the album. it's not about the lyrics for me though... good lyrics can make me like a song i otherwise wouldn't bother about too much, but if i like a song and then find out that the lyrics bother me, it doesn't ruin it for me. only thing that has happened is that a videoclip ruined a song for me ("dancing with tears in my eyes". don't watch if you like happy endings. ). as for by the time, i didn't like the song, i didn't like the lyrics (though the "peaceful underwear" still makes me giggle. ), so i mostly skip it on the album. the last sentence of this snippet of heroes is "and you know, heroes are meant to survive" - i don't expect the text to be happy, as it's about soldiers who have to live with what they saw in war. but this sentence doesn't sound negative at all to me. listening more closely, he sings something about blood in the chorus though, that's another story... :rolls_eyes:
  8. hopefully that alien looks more like astroboy then, than like E.T.
  9. well my bf (who had to listen to the album since he's home ) loves the higher part (chorus?) but he thinks it should build up from there, and not go back right to the slow part. since he said this, i hear it too - it's like there's something missing... but maybe it'll build up towards the end, like it's the case with many mika songs. we'll see when we hear the whole song, maybe also then the slow vs. fast part doesn't seem so weird anymore but it'll all fit better together? having said this, i guess that's also a reason why i'm not so happy about myh right now - i like the end of the song most, and that's missing in this version of course. :rolls_eyes:
  10. nope, wasn't me... after milan i said i couldn't remember much of it, so i probably found it boring. but i like it since i heard the live version from amsterdam. and i like this album version. something in heroes is disturbing me... but dunno what, and in any case it's getting less since i listened to it about 100x meanwhile.
  11. you have a point with that. i didn't listen much to the lyrics yet (though of course i noticed they were different) cause i thought why bother if it's only short snippets... well ok i did listen to the lyrics of popular, to memorize them.
  12. i know. that doesn't make it better though... it sounds too similar - anyway from that short snippet. i'll always mix up the lyrics. :rolls_eyes: lol robi, i also loved TY and PUOTF most from the 2nd album, and i agree about UW - but MYH to me is nowhere as good as any of those 3 songs. it's funny how different the tastes are. well, who knows what i'll think when i have the whole album. it's probably a difference to hear MYH every 9 minutes vs. every 50 minutes or however long the album is.
  13. the more i listen, the more i hate MYH, to be honest. i didn't like it in the beginning, then came to like it (probably cause it was the only new mika song we had by then ), and i still think it's ok. but really, was it necessary to put it on the album TWICE?! he could've put that faster version of step with me on the cd, i wouldn't have minded hearing *that* twice! anyway, guess i'll listen to the french version more often then, as it has emd instead of the 2nd myh. if he releases MYH as a single, i'll slap him.
  14. i understand "with a space boy high" - and high makes sense because the next line is "from the world we've left behind", i think that's what the "high" belongs to. i'm surprised about the space boy, but well if he wants to fly through the sky with his beloved space boy, why not. (reminds me a bit of some of the weirder beatles lyrics, something like lucy in the sky. )
  15. actually several songs on this album remind me of other songs (haven't bothered yet though to find out which songs exactly, it's always just bits and pieces)... but that's not a bad thing to me - it was the same with mika's first album. it reminded me of the beatles and abba and queen, and others. but who cares? i love it, that's the most important thing!
  16. somehow the videos for myh and celebrate have disappeared from the site?
  17. it was the "dance with me emily" - it was louder in milan, more of a command, i quite liked that... but i can understand that he didn't want that bit to stand out SO prominently - it's a minor change, and of course i also still like the song. talking about dance tracks, stardust and overrated are the obvious ones, but i could as well imagine a remix of heroes in a club. sorry to destroy your hopes, but the new overrated is a much bigger change than i see you was from i'm falling. :rolls_eyes: nope.
  18. as the new one is the miami edit, the other one must be the LA edit - anyway that's what he told us in milan.
  19. you should've left the room when he did the 2 new songs in amsterdam on monday. it's the studio versions, why resist?
  20. i don't like overrated so far, but i'll wait for the full version to make a decision. maybe it's just because they only play the chorus and i know that line too well from the demo version so it sounds wrong to me. the more i listen to SWM in this version, the more i get used to it. i'm still sad about the loss of the faster version, but i love this one too. (btw, the abbreviation SWM reminds me of our local power supplyer, Stadtwerke München = SWM, swm.de ) about emily, i think the "dance with me emily" was louder in the milan version - it made me laugh, was really funny! that's not there anymore now, but i can understand that he didn't want people to start laughing when listening to his song. the new version of myh irritates me somehow - it doesn't sound as different as i had expected, still vocoding, just additional strings. and a different text, and that's what irritates me. it's like something you're used to and like, and then it's suddenly different. guess i'll have to get used to it first, like to the other version. i think i like stardust more than i liked it in milan. i definitely like kids more. heroes too, though the song has something about it that disturbs me, can't say what it is, but it keeps me from loving it. so far. and well, like i said, tool, popular, uw and drunk are fantastic! ok, and swm too. my power supplyer.
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