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Everything posted by mellody

  1. i love the fact that they relaunched the site, and also that they simplified the design a lot - since hearing MYH, i had thought already several times that mikasounds, mfc and dmfc need a new look because the old one doesn't fit anymore. also love the new pictures, he looks grown-up, and good! but i'm not so happy about the way the new site works... it keeps jumping up and down when i click on something, and the imaginarium program pictures don't work for me at all? i wish they hadn't just kept the design simple, but also the functionality. i just tested it, you can't access it at all if javascript isn't activated, all you see is the start screen. that's not accessible web design, they should at least offer an alternative that works for everyone. ok it's better than the first version of the last design was, with all the moving stuff that took ages to load. but you'd think they'd have learned more from their mistakes.
  2. i'm definitely bringing sunglasses and a raincape, after all it's london. i don't have wellies, and don't have the space in my hand luggage to pack much. but i'll just use my old sneakers, or, if it's warm enough to wear a skirt, probably crocs or something like that. i also expect it to be muddy, in any case... it has been raining in munich nearly nonstop since a week, and they said on the radio that this weather came over from england, so...
  3. finally it was posted on a german website (apart from dmfc ), universal music indeed managed to write a news article about it on their site: http://www.universal-music.de/news/pop/news/article:207742/mika-meldet-sich-zurueck ... they're saying that there'll be news about him and his album in autumn and that until then we can listen to MYH. i'm hoping there'll be some comments from people who accidentially stumbled across it... would be interesting.
  4. i noticed yesterday that it's not a good idea to listen to MYH directly after underwater... i had both songs on my player to learn the lyrics on the train, and after listening to underwater a few times, i suddenly didn't like MYH so much anymore. glad that underwater will be on the album too, and hope the melody and harmonies are still there. :rolls_eyes:
  5. nah, it's called procrastination and one does it if one doesn't want to do what they're actually supposed to do (in this case: writing an article).
  6. ah yes, that's already one hour later than they first said. who knows, if they go on like this, it'll be 9pm after all. yeah, the non-vip tickets are just normal paper tickets. i think this whole delayed ticket sending out thing is a question of cost reduction. they first wait to see how many they'll need, and then they dispatch them all at once, it's more effective for them. in this case it's probably more about printing the wristbands... they first wanted to see how many wristbands they need to order. good luck nina and everyone else who's worried bout their tickets that you receive them in time!
  7. nothing on the german news so far, at least nothing that google can find. on the german mika forum, some like it, some don't, and most kinda like it but think it's too electronic and are waiting for the album until they decide. i think i have to find a german music blogger and write to them that they should listen to the song and blog about it.
  8. i agree with you ingie. y'know, i'm working as a concert security here in munich (as a side job), and at least for munich i can say that mika definitely isn't the only artist, and not the most famous either, that has fans queuing for hours and running into the venue as soon as the doors open, to get to front row. it also isn't limited to bands with mainly teenage fans. you have it at heavy metal and pop gigs, at big and small gigs, it doesn't matter. even for gigs with assigned seats people arrive before the doors open (though not hours), although i have no idea why. but it's definitely not unusual. i think the worst so far was take that, where people were spending the night in front of the venue - and they're not teenagers anymore either, but in their 30s and 40s. i guess this london gig (festival) in particular will be more relaxed though than the last london gigs... iirc, there were 50 or 60 on the rsvp list back then, which isn't the case this time. and several of them already said here on the thread that they can't be bothered whether they get to the front or not. it's always a question of how many places the front row has vs. how many people want to get to which place, and what they're prepared to do for this. it's different for every gig. if there are 20 or more people who want to get to front row center at all costs, you get people queuing in the early morning. those who are "just" happy with being in front row (not center), or also 2nd/3rd row, will arrive later. i also decide that for myself for every gig individually. in compiegne for example i couldn't be bothered because it was too crazy for my liking, so i arrived at 4pm, and still got a 2nd row place, although i think all or at least most numbered people got in before me, despite the chaos. but many of them preferred 4th row center to 2nd row side. but at some gigs i want to be front row center, at most i want to be front row, and i'll do what it takes at the particular gig to get there. there were very few times when i was among the very first ones queuing... and most of those times, it was a sunny warm day that i would've spent outside in the sun anyway - whether i'm sunbathing at a lake or in a queue, i really don't care. anyway: it's today in one week!!! #hibbeling
  9. hey, i never thought it was awful! but you're right, suddenly today i'm euphoric about the new song, which i wasn't until now. another thought: i agree with what someone wrote on here (can't be bothered to search for the post now), that mika doesn't use the electronic stuff to hide a lack of talent, but just uses it as one of many possibilities. i love this thought, it makes me accept the robot voice. and going on from that, i want to add a thought that i've just posted on the german forum, as an answer to someone who accused mika of being "too mainstream" with the new song: it's true somehow, but it isn't a bad thing. grace kelly also was mainstream at the time when it came out. it was the time of scissor sisters et al., and GK sounded like this music, just better. and i think this is what will happen this time around too. if i imagine to hear MYH at a club, i will love it so much more than most of the other songs that are usually played at clubs - and not just because it's mika. i love that it's mainstream enough to be possibly played at clubs, and i love that it's mika enough to be better than all that electro sh*t you usually hear on the radio and at clubs.
  10. day 3 of the new mika song... it's back in my head, though i haven't listened to it yesterday! it started this morning with the line "never gonna give you up", suddenly the melody was there again though i couldn't remember any of it yesterday. and starting from that, i now remember the whole song and it's stuck in my head. so it seems that it's one of those songs that you don't remember actively, but it creeps somewhere through the back of your mind and suddenly it's there and you have no idea where it came from (usually, if it's a song you heard on the radio... of course *I* know where it comes from. ). not bad if a song does that, i'd say. ... so maybe i have to revise my opinion that it wouldn't make a good single.
  11. wrong thread title, the song is called make YOU happy, iirc. but good idea for a thread!
  12. i thought yesterday that the song would stick easily in your head, but although i've listened to it about 10 times yesterday, i can't remember it anymore today. i think it won't become my fave mika song and i hope he has better songs for the singles... also because the video is nice, but not really special, imo. but i'll definitely enjoy hearing myh on the album and won't skip it like i always do with "by the time". though you never know... some songs i only love since seeing them live, e.g. love today. it definitely made me even more curious about the album, and i guess that was the purpose behind this "leak". funny thing is, after hearing this song, it's hard for me to imagine him playing his old songs at the gigs, next to this. maybe rain, but not songs like lollipop or we are golden.
  13. it's been a loooong time since i last said this when looking at a mika pic, but: *faints*.
  14. yeah, i think the song lives from the rhythms more than from the melodies. the rhythm sounds very unusual, i guess it wasn't easy to make this, and probably won't be easy to do live. although it's mainly at the robots voice part, and i guess they won't sing that live.
  15. of course it was private, otherwise mfc would've found it yesterday already. still it's a weird "coincidence" that they upload this video and the next day the song leaks. but whatever, i love the fact that it leaked, and mika is alright with it too, so whether it was on purpose or not i don't care.
  16. ah, now i know what it reminds me of... owl city, fireflies. though i have to admit that currently i like "fireflies" more than the new mika song, also the video... but i've always loved that song, it has something magical (also partly because of the video) that "make you happy" misses. MYH is better to dance to though.
  17. lol, it was already uploaded yesterday... i bet mika wasn't so surprised by the "leak" as he said on twitter. great to see it in hd quality! i'm glad though that it isn't the official music video, like andy said in a tweet before - i like it as a background to the song, but i wouldn't like another (official music) video without mika in it.
  18. like i said on twitter before, i'm not really into this robot voice thing (the first few seconds of the song i was like "ok, i hope this gets better..."), but apart from that, i really like the song. especially towards the end, when it turns so dynamic and has a sort of climax, if you know what i mean. it's a shame really that the chorus is "destroyed" by this robot voice (IMO), but maybe i'll get used to that too. i guess (hope) he won't use robot voices in every song on the album, so i guess i'll be ok with the direction his new music is taking.
  19. yeah, well, i was just referring to what they wrote on fb. what's getting on my nerves about his early performance is that we don't know what will happen after. i love it if my day is pre-planned: hanging out with my mika friends, waiting for the gig, then the gig, then trying to meet mika (not sure if it works at a festival, but at least one can try... ), then sleep. but this way everything is open. mika might come on the circus stage again with jodie harsh, who knows? can i go watch other artists, or watch the german football match at some pub , without having to fear that i might miss mika coming back on the circus stage? this situation bothers me much more than the only-40-minutes gig. i'll get over it eventually, but atm my plans are destroyed and i'll need some time to adjust to the new situation.
  20. yeah, they wrote on fb that he'd put on a special show for that small stage... and the shows on tiny stages that he did so far (like for the radio gigs) always were shorter than the usual ones. so much for the glowstick glasses then. but who knows, maybe a thunderstorm comes when he's on, then it's dark as well.
  21. it also wasn't what i first thought. i'm just prepared for everything.
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