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Everything posted by mellody

  1. aww, nice to see the john thread up here. i just recently wondered what he's up to atm, while mika is in the studio, whether he's touring with any other artists. if i knew he was coming to munich with another singer/band, i'd go there just to see john!
  2. i know, but i didn't talk about the music in my post, just about the way how her life was summed up in the trailer. and after all, mika said he *did* like the music!
  3. i think what mika wrote about the opera already comes across in this video. very superficial, i'd imagine already from that short clip that the story in the opera doesn't go deep.
  4. a man would say that she had two huge talents. but seriously, i read that she started to get all that media attention when she married the 89-year-old billionaire, he died without having her mentioned in his will and she went to court to get half of his money, which ended in an endless fight with his family. i don't know the details, but from my point of view both her and the guy's family were greedy. i understand that she wanted some of his money, since imo that was the reason why she married him, and maybe he had told her that she was in his will? and i understand that the family didn't want to give her half of it. but couldn't they have found an agreement, like a few tiny millions of the billions that were there?! i don't know whose fault it was that this wasn't possible, and i don't get it. maybe she wanted to have it all, or maybe she would've been happy with a few millions, but the family didn't want her to get a single cent. but it's a different world from the one i live in, so what do i know. but of course it's an old story, young beautiful woman marries rich old man... to me there never is the question whether it might be out of love, i just think it can't be, and i could never imagine that for myself. but it's not so clear for everyone, maybe some older men hope that a young woman will fall in love with them although they're not rich, and maybe some young girls hope to find a rich old man to marry and they'd never have to work again. that's why this story was so interesting for the media. i don't know if anna nicole tried to sell them that she married him out of love - but probably, as in court she couldn't have admitted that she was just after his money. and then it's no wonder that most people think "love? yeah, right! :loco:".
  5. oh wow, already in english?! that was fast! i never really followed the story of anna nicole smith, just what you get to hear/see by random media usage. so the topic of this column isn't really interesting to me... what i find interesting though is what it tells about mika, that he seems to identify with anna nicole so much. he describes her story from his point of view in his article, but it doesn't really come across for me why he likes her, why he thinks that the opera doesn't do her justice, and that more people should see themselves in her. maybe it's just not as obvious for me, as it is for him. i don't know much about her, but i'd say that enlarging your boobs to the size of melons, doing porn, taking drugs, marrying a 60-year-older guy and then fighting in court for years to get some of his money is a sign that this woman should've told her problems to a shrink instead of making a reality show out of it, and it's no surprise to me that this lifestyle ended with an early death. maybe what mika wants to say is that one should have a closer look at where that all came from, that people may be driven by certain experiences to lead such a lifestyle. the media thing doesn't really apply to this case though imo - i mean, she *wanted* to be in the media, right? imo princess diana is a much better example for the media destroying someone's life than anna nicole is, and much better for most people to understand.
  6. wow, that's weird! i mean, 10 euro per year really isn't that much. in germany we have to pay 10 euro per quarter since several years - so if you need to see a doctor once per quarter, or even just need follow-up recipes for a medicine you always have to take (e.g. the pill), you have to pay 40 euro per year. they invented that to keep people from going to different doctors with the same illness - now if you want to go to more than one doctor per quarter, you need a form signed by that one doctor, or you'll have to pay the 10 euro again for the other doctor. i've even seen in the media not too long ago that they're thinking about charging 10 euro per visit in the future - really hope they won't do that, cause i'm sure they wouldn't stop it at a maximum of 40 or 50 euro per year! so well, if i was a pessimist, i'd say the german health system slowly goes towards the US one. but since i'm an optimist, i hope they'll never let it get that far, and am happy that it's still so far from it. btw, for the UKlers, what about the uk health system, don't they have financial problems too? or do you have to pay so much more taxes for it than we do?
  7. yes, that could be a reason too - but in addition, they generally get more money per privately insured patient than for a NHS insured one, so it might be worth for them to work overtime for that. some doctors will even find a lot of (unneccessary) things to do with you if you have a private insurance, whereas otherwise you're just treated as a number and aren't supposed to take up too much of their time. (talking bout the german conditions here again ). i personally don't mind if they're fast, as long as they help me get healthy. guess it's mostly a problem for older people who used to see their doctors as their therapists and were just happy to have someone to talk to. humanity sort of fell by the wayside when the insurance companies had to start saving money. but i still prefer this to having to sell my house (if i had one ) for a treatment!
  8. in germany we have the health insurance listed extra among the taxes on our payslip every month, so i always knew that and how much i was paying for it. and you also have different national health insurance companies, which used to charge different percentages of your salary (meanwhile it's the same for all, but they have different bonus systems now), and also offer slightly different services, so that choice makes people here be aware of their health insurance. it's often a big topic in the media too - we pay more and more for it, and get less and less, like, having to pay for certain things now, which used to be free. because the insurance companies are always short of money. medicine is expensive, and of course also the doctors want to be paid well. there are lots of discussions about it in germany. but altogether, i'm quite happy with the health system here, especially if i read what mika says about what it's like in the US. i also have to pay for private insurance now that i'm self-employed, but i know that with the monthly amount i pay, i will get all the treatments i need if it's necessary. about the other thing, yeah, i guess you just don't know what you'd really do or want unless you are in such a situation. but i hope none of us will ever have to make this experience.
  9. just read the article, and of course agree with what has been said here, that it's very touching. and i totally agree with his conclusions about health care systems. just 2 things that confuse me a bit. first, this sentence: "We have never grown up with health insurance and my sister as a UK resident is proud of the fact that she did not need to." he just said before that they do have a health insurance in the uk? or does he mean PRIVATE insurance in this case? that's the only way it'd make sense to me... and second, the fact that he said you shouldn't exist on your own, but then that when he saw paloma, he didn't want her to know he was there. on the first time reading this, i must say it shocked me. if i'd been in paloma's situation, i'd have wanted to see and have my hand held by someone i know and love, instead of just all those unfamiliar faces of firemen and ambulance. thinking about it more closely though, i can think of several reasons why he preferred to hide. maybe he wasn't able to stay calm enough, so he would've scared her more than helped her. and/or another family member was already by her side - surely 5 people right there would've been too much. or since she isn't me, she indeed might've preferred to see none of her beloved ones there, and mika knew this. whatever... so of course i don't blame him, i'm sure he did the best thing in this situation. it just confused me when i read this, and i had to think for a bit to find what reasons he might've had for that.
  10. i heard about this song last week, and wanted to post it... well, no surprise that it's already on mfc! i prefer this live version though, the comedy aspect comes across a lot better there imo: (happy ending at 1:25) i think what they did there is genius, especially in the end when they mix several songs on top of each other. and of course i love it that they included mika!
  11. that last thing might be a language problem for me, in my ears it sounds very harsh, because i connect it mainly with the original(?) meaning, and would translate it into something like whore/slut. but i just looked it up on leo.org again, and also found some german translations that sound less harsh... "zicke" would probably describe it best for what mika wrote - and you're right, if i translate it this way, the word fits a lot better. still, i don't like it if someone judges over others so quickly and then makes it public. it's more about the principle for me than about what mika wrote, because like i said, we'll never know who that girl was. but that is one way how bullying can start. someone quickly builds a negative opinion about someone else, and makes it public in a group. that other person will never be able to join the group, because everyone is already prejudiced before they've even talked a word with them. so, about the girl, in other situations she might be the nicest person on earth, and not impolite at all. but who knows, maybe she already has a bf but gets chatted up by 3 guys per day, and if she reacts nice and polite, the guys would take that as an offer to go on. if you've made that experience a few times that guys just don't understand a polite "no" (indeed there are still too many guys who think that a woman means yes if she says no ), you might just be more direct to the next one who chats you up. @marylin: LOL!!
  12. dunno if someone said it yet, no time to read through all those pages... but apart from the fact that i really like the column and the topic he chose, i must say it makes me a bit angry that he puts this label "bitch" on the brunette, just because of that quick moment he observed. there can be a thousand reasons for her reacting like that - and mika of all people should know what it can do if you judge a person too quickly. ok, i guess this behaviour is just human, but it's one thing if you think it to yourself, maybe say it to a good friend, but it's another thing if you write it in a magazine column. even though we'll never know who that brunette is, it is not a nice thing to do. but maybe that's just me. apart from that, i find his thoughts about the whole online dating thing really interesting. that experience he made with the myspace person... he definitely has a point there. i've started online dating about 12 years ago, first in chatrooms, then on friendship- and dating-sites (never dated anyone from myspace/facebook though...) - and sometimes, especially if the guy lived in another town, we wrote so many personal e-mails and chat-messages that it already felt like a relationship although we hadn't even met in person. it really accelerated things, and when we finally did meet in person, we both weren't disappointed, because we knew we had so much in common. at first. but then you get to know each other in RL, and realize it doesn't work. on the other hand, i've also made this experience in RL, completely without the internet. the concept of "love at first sight". you immediately have feelings for someone, and because your feelings are so strong, you think you know this person, and if they also tell you that they have feelings for you, you think that their feelings must be as strong as yours. but i think it's very, very rare, that 2 people immediately fall for each other in the same way, and that it stays that way if they get to know each other. but i guess it's very common amongst (mainly female) teenagers to feel so strongly for someone else, especially if they do get a certain feedback from them. it doesn't have to be completely one-sided, but if your feelings are a lot stronger than the other one's, you still have a problem. i've learnt from my mistakes, and want to get to know someone now before i start a relationship. personally, not online. but the internet is still a good place for the first contact, it's easier there to get in contact than it is in RL. ok, that was the first thing... would like to comment on other parts of the column too, but gotta leave now. :rolls_eyes: RL is calling.
  13. :lmao: thanks very much. i almost fell off my chair laughing. hmm, that article sounds interesting, and i can totally relate to that topic - almost all my boyfriends so far (definitely all the serious relationships) i've met over the internet. not all of them on dating websites, but most... and i'm very curious to read the whole article! damn, i really should learn italian... and i love it how his stalker side comes through again, i can very well imagine him sitting there and googleing for people, to find out everything about them!
  14. klar, ist ja auch nix dagegen einzuwenden. gut zu wissen, dass die seite für neue fans noch was zu bieten hat, und daher nicht komplett für die katz' ist.
  15. ich dachte du stehst vielleicht mit penniman im kontakt, sie orgainisert ja das cover, hast du ihr denn mal ne pm geschrieben? klar steht der private gig auf youtube, aber ich meine PROFI-aufnahmen, es waren mehrere kameraleute mit profi-kameras vor ort. grace kelly wurde ja schon veröffentlicht auf vimeo, aber wie gesagt, angeblich soll es auf mikasounds auch bald einen vlog darüber geben. ja, mit den YT videos hast du leider recht. aber zum glück gibts ja web-proxies, mit denen man das umgehen kann. eine feindschaft gibt es nicht, aber das ist halt die offizielle seite der plattenfirma, und leider ist es der plattenfirma zum großen teil sch... egal, was mika so macht, und was seine fans wollen. mit promotion für sein letztes album haben sie sich nicht sonderlich angestrengt, und wie MissPie schon sagte, sind die infos auf der seite ein witz, und allen lesern von MFC und mikafanclub.de schon längst bekannt, wenn sie dort veröffentlicht werden. wenn mika grad ein neues album oder dvd rausbringt, gibts auf der seite ein paar bilder und videos, vielleicht mal ein gewinnspiel für konzertkarten - und das war's. über die offizielle internationale mikasounds.com seite gibt's aber auch genug zu lästern, obwohl viele infos draufstehen und die sich generell deutlich mehr mühe geben damit als die in DE. naja, von großen plattenkonzernen zu erwarten, dass sie sich in irgendeiner weise kundenfreundlich verhalten, ist wohl einfach zu viel verlangt. :rolls_eyes: http://www.mikasounds.de
  16. klar bin ich die! ja, die "tolle" offizielle deutsche mika-seite kenn ich. die war der grund, warum ich mikafanclub.de gestartet hab. aber ein paar nette bilder und videos sind immerhin drauf, das stimmt. die interview-videos sind aber auch auf mikasounds.com bzw. bei http://www.youtube.com/user/mikasoundsblog in mikas vlog zu finden. wär toll wenn er mal wieder einen vlog veröffentlicht. angeblich soll es ja demnächst vom magic numbers gig einen geben, hat irgendwer von den kameraleuten dort behauptet.
  17. haahaa, i love the videos! in the first one, where he's like "YOU weren't there for the picture!" (i'd have been like ":shocked: OMG what did i do wrong?!" for a second, if it had been me, LOL! ) ... and the 2nd one, i first was like "aww!" when he went to the baby, but the look on his face afterwards is just hilarious! maybe he wasn't happy about the fact that the baby kept on crying although mika stroked his/her cheek!
  18. klick doch mal auf den link in meiner letzten nachricht, dann weißt du es. :wink2: dort dann einfach oben auf "new thread" klicken.

  19. tztz, und dann traust du dich hierher?! ich glaub auch net, dass wir in diesen 7000 posts irgendwas weltbewegendes besprochen haben, was man unbedingt lesen müsste.
  20. hey, finds toll dass sich hier grad lauter neue mitglieder aus deutschland anmelden! :biggrin2: wenn du magst, stell dich doch kurz mal im introduction board vor? :wink2:http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=3

    liebe grüße aus münchen

  21. yes, you poor poor girl that you had to sit through that. of course WE love it, and i also really hope they'll publish it all... i just fear they might not share our view that it's these little "mistakes" that make it so special.
  22. who made that t-shirt-necklace for him? it's amazing! i don't think they'll post the songs he totally messed up. so will we get to see any of it then? thanx for your detailled report christine! and everyone else again too! it's great to see that all the 6 winners are mfcers! i'm still a little bit jealous and sad that i couldn't be there, because i'd loved to have seen a mika gig in that atmosphere, completely acoustic, fans sitting on the floor around him, requesting songs... - but having seen the videos, i actually think that i wouldn't want to swap it for my 2 fave gigs so far, the little radio gigs in munich and hanover in 2009... it was different of course, but as close as you can get to a living room gig, if you don't win one. i really hope he does that radio stuff again for his next album, and in many countries, so everyone gets a chance to experience a mika gig in such an intimate atmosphere.
  23. aww, melachi is sooo cute! i'm normally rather a cat person than a dog person, but she's so beautiful, really adorable! thanks again everyone for the photos+videos!
  24. thank you everyone for your pix+vids+reports! i'm happy that so many mfcers got to go to the gig, and are willing to share their experiences with us. btw, who made that t-shirt necklace for mika? love it!
  25. i think she means on sendspace (or another data upload site), not on youtube.
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