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Everything posted by mellody

  1. grr, i hate that stupid internet connection here at the hostel! keeps disconnecting. gonna write a little (well, let's see...) report now, but for a start: http://www.twitpic.com/13igp8 (sorry bout the watermark, gonna post it with only my usual small watermark once i'm back home).
  2. before i'm off to bed (really need some sleep...), i quickly uploaded the new drum intro for lollipop - a bit out of sync at times, but still really fantastic! after thinking a lot about yesterday and watching my videos, i think the main reason why this show wasn't as magical to me as usual might've been because of the venue. maybe i'm just so used to those small gigs meanwhile. nah, seriously, that venue somehow felt like a university auditorium, it was huge, although it was just 2200 people - but it was all spread so widely. well whatever. i'm really looking forward to tomorrow's gig in that fab old theatre, and am curious whether my feeling from the first gig will stay or whether i'll wonder what the hell i was thinking when writing that. btw, something which i found quite funny but also a little bit creepy... the night before the gig i dreamt about a mika gig with the other mfcers (though i kinda missed the gig in my dream, and mika was late for it and he was really p*ssed off about that but that's not relevant here... ), and after that gig in my dream, christine got a present from mika, an envelope with a game inside that mika had drawn himself, consisting of different parts of figures and faces which you put together - like, the head, the torso and the legs, and you can combine them in different ways. and if you look at tiibets biotg video and notice the background, what was projected on the huge book... i f*ing dreamt about that the night before!!! i really was like when i saw that at the gig and remembered my dream! ok really off to bed now, let's see if i have another preview dream on tomorrow's mika gig!
  3. ok uploaded 1 vid, its the golden confetti+some sexy wag moves. sweet dreams!
  4. damn my battery's leaving me and if i go inside my room again where i can charge, that girls gonna kill me if i keep typing+clicking. might try to upload a vid without commenting, but not sure if i can. heres the pic of the inflatable lollipop girl: http://twitpic.com/134coy
  5. btw, sunshine fell off stage when he came running out for the intro - poor guy. at the first moment i didn't know who it was, and i was like OMG hope it's not mika!! luckily the stage wasn't very high, so he just climbed back up and went on. mika and the giant shoe: http://twitpic.com/134b6m
  6. nope. john said sth like he wouldn't advise us to wait, as mika had lot of meetings and john said he had no idea what time he'd come out. they ordered pizza for the whole team in the backstage area, so that looked to me like it'd take a while til they'd get finished. what i suppose is that they were watching videos from the show together, working on improvements. another pic (mika leaned out of my picture, arrgh! wanted him with that bird together! http://twitpic.com/1349nr)
  7. intro: http://twitpic.com/1347tv sorry again bout the watermarks, like i said on the old belfast thread, they're just til i get back home and can do it all properly, but i don't want ppl to upload my pix on mikasounds before me. when i'm back home, you'll get the pix with the usual small watermarks.
  8. yeah sorry forgot happy ending. obviously lorna was there, we saw her before the gig, but she didn't sing with him. about the thumb, he didn't play ANY piano, although there was a grand piano on stage, but they put that to the side, he danced on it a few times though. he said sth after the 2nd or 3rd song, i just thought i heard something about thumb but wasn't really sure, until he said again before toyboy that he can't play piano tonight. he wasn't talking much at all though, only something like this is our first night so everything's going wrong, and the usual hellos and goodbyes. he didn't even introduce the band, or bow together with them in the end. and well a few bits+pieces in between, but compared to his usual shows, it was hardly any talking or joking with the crowd, singing competitions, the usual stuff, i missed that. guess that'll get better though when he's more used to and comfortable with it all. hope so anyway. the sceneries in the book were nice, but i'd have hoped for more interaction with it. there was one, there was a boy doll in one of the pages, which they pulled down and kinda buried mika underneath (on purpose). again, hard to describe. well guess i'll just post a few pix now, instead of trying to explain more.
  9. ok, continued. lollipop was the last song as always. there was golden confetti during wag AND during lollipop. plus balloons for lollipop, as always. for wag, he did the intro that he had done at that german radio station session last summer. during big girl there was a huge inflatable woman's shoe including a part of the leg - mika was almost buried under it while it was inflating, lol! during lollipopgirl, there was another inflatable, a lollipop girl with a skull head. hard to describe, got pix of that. the show started off by david coming on stage dressed as a schoolboy, sitting at a schooldesk and writing, and on the book stage deco you'd see the writing he was doing. as far as i saw, you've seen pix of that huge book - what they said about pages falling down was that it's in fact 2 frames, inside which are different layers of curtains, and those keep falling down during the show. fab idea! btw, on the t-shirts it said it's the "imaginarium tour 2010" - nice name. the part i absolutely loved was dr john - there was a feathered sack falling down from the ceiling, that was so funny! and then mika got a feathered coat out of it (soooo fluffy, loved it!! ), and put it on. he also was wearing a hat, underneath which there was a 2nd, smaller hat - and he was acting a lot during that song, playing that crazy old man dr john, pulling faces, lifting up his hat, and doing different things with that coat, like turning around so it was flying around him and some feather bits spreading everywhere, lol! apart from that, he was always wearing the same outfit, a jacket at the beginning, and he took that off at some time and had a vest underneath. tbc...
  10. nope. no, guess she just saw my costume and decided we all were crazy. interesting point of view, actually i thought THEY were really crazy, and rude as well. won't waste my precious time now for going on about them, but believe me, they were really getting on our nerves! yeah that's what the others told me later, i had really trouble understanding the things mika was saying, i just understood he said something bout his no.1 fan in belfast, guess he thought you were from belfast, but you're from dublin i heard? tztz, mika, get your facts right! but it's the idea that counts, right? where should i start... well, i can't share tiibets euphoric feelings tbh, no idea what it is, was i expecting too much? was it because it was the first time he ever did that show and it still has to develop and he was nervous? was it because he wasn't on full form, with not being able to play piano and still suffering from his cold (i saw him cough a few times)? probably all 3 of that, but the thing for me is, it was a fab night, of course, mika gigs always are - but i missed the magic and euphoric feeling that i usually get at mika gigs. i'm sure though that it'll get better, when mika and his whole team have been doing the show a few times together, and they're all more used to it, etc. ok but now apart from the general feeling i got: like i already said on twitter, he did that techno rain version from the energy awards. arrgh, i don't like that! but most of the other mfcers loved it, so it's a question of taste and i have to learn to live with it i guess, lol. that was the start of the show. then came biotg, and then i don't remember the order now but the other songs he did were big girl, relax, sitm, touches you, gk, toy boy, wag, lollipop, billy brown, blue eyes, dr john, good gone girl (), i see you, any other world, love today... hmm, hope i didn't forget anything. he didn't do pick up off the floor (hopefully just because of his thumb) and also not one foot boy. grr, one moment, gotta move cause there's a girl in our room who wants to sleep+feels disturbed by my typing. will continue the report in a minute.
  11. i'm sure we will. weather is clearing up, might become a sunny day!
  12. cloudy today, but it's supposed to stay dry. we managed to sneak into the hall yesterday where mika will be playing - the standing area is quite small, most places are seated. the hall is very high and very broad, so i'm sure all the mfcers will get to front row (the standing area is rather wide than deep), and maybe mika can even build up the big version of his sage set? and like i tweeted yesterday, there'll be 2 entrances on opposites side, so 2 queues, and we can queue inside. nice. really tired, will take my time til i go to the venue, don't think the queuing will be crazy here. i fear i'll be the only one in fancy dress. but whatever, it's carnival in germany, i'd even dress up without a mika gig today, lol! remember that i can only write tweets once i'm at the venue, and not read any questions you ask me on twitter, except if i go online which i won't do (or maybe just once), as it's quite expensive. but will try to keep you updated on twitter.
  13. bought 2 copies of the haiti single at hmv today. and a licm album too, wanted one that has ring ring on it (the german one doesn't ), and it was only 4 pounds. what annoyed me though was that they didn't have mika in their brit awards nominees rack! i corrected that failure by relocating a few mika cds.
  14. a new mika poster that's hanging at the waterfront hall: http://twitpic.com/12nqdl it indeed is sunny but cold here. seemed warm to me when i arrived, compared to the -7C and snowstorm in munich. but when walking through the city, i found that it doesn't really feel much warmer. it's a bit windy, so the +4°C rather feel like -4 or so. maybe it's warmer in the early afternoon in the sun, but i guess it wouldn't have hurt if i had taken my down jacket instead of the woolen winter jacket. bought ear muffs at a 1-pound-shop today, that definitely was a good idea. and also glad that i packed my leather gloves instead of the thin ones. that waterfront hall looks huge, although it has just 2200 places - but it's a huge building with a restaurant + bars, etc. it's open to the public during the day, so maybe we can queue inside? might go there again tomorrow and ask someone about it. would definitely be fab, because much warmer.
  15. yeah, that's what i hope for and the reason why i can't be bothered going for front row at the first one.
  16. i have a canon powershot a620, and tiibet has a newer model of that. they're not really small+light, but they're fab, in the manual mode you can set the shutter time, so you can take pix at gigs without flash. mine's from 2006 though, so there might be good AND small/light cameras meanwhile. i found mine back then by researching online which camera would take good pix when there's not much light.
  17. stop it with your umbrella ella ella, the weather in belfast is gonna be nice! it's enough if there's supposed to be rain in dublin! :rolls_eyes: apart from that, i agree.
  18. ah, ok. well, whatever the reason, i don't mind that we have mika and his first show of the tour all to ourselves! a gig with only 15 mfcers is certainly a lot more relaxed than with 80 like in london.
  19. well, it's only half as many mfcers going than to dublin. i can't really understand why though, it's a saturday, and seriously, if i hadn't booked belfast already in the first place, this week i would have, the excitement is killing me and i couldn't wait a day longer to see that show!
  20. i'd also love to know if anyone has decided on a hotel yet... i've looked, but couldn't really find anything affordable, so i was thinking that i might come with the night train, party the night through after the gig and leave again at 6 am. it's a quite stressful option, but as i should soon book my trains, i'd really love to know if there's an alternative to this that i can afford.
  21. i think he just wants a few quiet days before the tour kicks off and everything's going to be crazy. well, and he's surely busy rehearsing atm. he probably fears that he couldn't hold himself back to spoil some secrets about the tour if he tweeted, he's probably as excited about it as we are! i bet if he tweeted, he'd want to write something like:
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