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Everything posted by mellody

  1. that was milan in 2007, here: (in the info box you'll find the links to the other parts of this show)
  2. i quite like "10 meter geh", it's funny! it was fab in berlin on the acoustic tour. it's not exactly one of my fave mika songs, but that one performance of it i really liked.
  3. haha, that was the bit where i paused the video as well, and thought about doing a screenshot of it. now i don't have to do it anymore. love that curl which curls over his fingers! the other bits where i stopped were 1) to see what stuff was lying on his table and 2) at the astronaut suit, looks like the head part got broken.
  4. ok i know this is not the most important voting ever, but please don't totally forget mika on starflash: http://www.starflash.de/stars/mika-35982.html he's currently on the last page (no.186), and we want him on the first! *starts voting*
  5. just found this article about the MIDEM: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/entertainment/PIRACY-RISES-24-2010 - it's about the music industry and piracy, and they mention that mika's manager will be (meanwhile: was) at the MIDEM, together with other managers, "to talk about how they are gradually taking on the former role of record labels by helping guide their artists' careers and manage their rights."
  6. yup that's fine. and thanx for the link sabine! so, here are all the german radio stations we know of where rain is in the charts - on the ones with the +5 points you can only vote once a week (once in every browser ). on radio cottbus you can vote as often as you want. http://www.radiogong.com/index.php?id=webcharts http://www.radio-cottbus.de/top_15_hoerercharts.html http://www.popdanceradio.de/usercharts/index.php http://www.pride1radio.com/index.php/charts http://www.vibes-radio.de/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=79
  7. yeah, twitter is swallowing tweets again, i only got it on tweetdeck, can't see it on my twitter page either. what i like about this second tweet is that it means he obviously reads some of the tweets he gets... well, either he reads although he's not posting, or he reads back that far when he comes on. i guess it's the first option. ha! stalker.
  8. 2 new tweets from mika! Back from the studio. Starving. Eating popcorn and peanut butter. But i feel I must venture out for some cheese. Love the new madonna song 9 minutes ago from Tweetie By the way thank you to everyone for their kind commments about Sunday. Was very chuffed xx 8 minutes ago from Tweetie
  9. rain entered the german charts at no. 56! http://www.mtv.de/charts/germany not really a top chart position, but definitely better than nothing, especially seeing that there's no promo for that single whatsoever - not even much radioplay, as probably everyone got confused by the release date being postponed twice. i'm happy to see mika in the german charts.
  10. that's why i said there are 2 who are on both lists. you and me. ok i might not know the mfc nicknames of each dmfc member, but there are definitely some people missing on this list who also are on mfc.
  11. lol, there are 15 germans on the DMFC list, of which only 2 are on this list too i think, so i wouldn't be so sure of that.
  12. on the german forum we have the idea of dressing in glitter stuff for that gig. we want to wait for mika's stage theme to finally decide, whether that gives us better ideas, but so far, our plan is glitter+sequins+generally rather fancy than jeans+t-shirt. so, no huge costume planning needed for that.
  13. mine too, it arrived yesterday, the time on the notification says 8:30 am... i was at home, but obviously so sound asleep (because i only went to bed at 6 am, had been out partying) that i didn't hear the door bell! i'm not happy about that fact though, because unlike parcels, they don't keep letters at my local post office next door, but i have to take the bus to get to that other post office. i wonder whether they learned their orgainization skills from team mika...
  14. lol, i obviously missed that story back then, really funny! about that hat, i don't know whether it's english or russian or whatever (btw old men in germany wear such hats too i think... ) - but imo mika doesn't look russian in any of those pix except for the one by wonka.
  15. don't have time to read the whole thread... watched the rain performance, heard that robbie won mika's award (), saw pix of that red carpet look ( though fluff-obsessed me loves that bowtie of course! ) - is there anything else i've missed? any interview? did they show the competition winner mounting the steps with mika and if yes, who was it?
  16. i'd say it was a remix of the song, obviously supposed to sound like this. i don't like such electronic music, hope mika's not doing too much of that in the future, as that'd be about the only way he could make me lose interest in his music.
  17. i'm definitely dressing up, but do i really have to decide right now what as? it's still 3,5 months til that gig! :rolls_eyes: and i still didn't get to watch that movie again...
  18. thanx. and i hope they'd accept the answer "walter." but i think only the mika fan has to know the mika questions, and the tt fan the tt questions? if it was the other way round, i'd be perfect for this, as i used to be a huge tt fan - so at least i could answer all the questions about the old tt times. the last 3 years my head was filled with other things though.
  19. ok then no idea whether it was during or before you were in the rain, LOL! probably during, before AND after, as it was practically raining every 10 minutes.
  20. neither, it was the day before the gig (or even 2 days? ), not the gig day where a part of the queue hid in that restaurant/bar thingie while the rest was still outside and drowned by the rain.
  21. what means "what make" though? i don't know this expression. maybe we should send questions like "why did mika write grace kelly", that's "serious", and it'd help the mika fans to win!
  22. for the german-speaking ones on here: follow bayern3 on twitter http://twitter.com/bayern3 , they only have 117 followers so far, and request them to play more mika (especially more current mika songs ). i did so yesterday and they answered that they'd play big girl today - arrgh, they should play rain, it's the current single! of course you can also try if you don't speak german, guess they understand english as well. and could be that you're listening to them online, how would they know?! btw, it's the most popular radio station in bavaria, a really big one - but their twitter account is quite new i think, that's why they don't have many followers yet.
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