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Everything posted by mellody

  1. well, it's only half as many mfcers going than to dublin. i can't really understand why though, it's a saturday, and seriously, if i hadn't booked belfast already in the first place, this week i would have, the excitement is killing me and i couldn't wait a day longer to see that show!
  2. i'd also love to know if anyone has decided on a hotel yet... i've looked, but couldn't really find anything affordable, so i was thinking that i might come with the night train, party the night through after the gig and leave again at 6 am. it's a quite stressful option, but as i should soon book my trains, i'd really love to know if there's an alternative to this that i can afford.
  3. i think he just wants a few quiet days before the tour kicks off and everything's going to be crazy. well, and he's surely busy rehearsing atm. he probably fears that he couldn't hold himself back to spoil some secrets about the tour if he tweeted, he's probably as excited about it as we are! i bet if he tweeted, he'd want to write something like:
  4. 3 days!!! :woot_jump: i really feel like jumping through my flat, up to the ceiling and back, like a bouncy ball. and i still have so much to do before i leave tomorrow! only slight snowfall here, hope it'll stay that way, then i guess i don't have to worry bout my flight. any way, it won't be a drama if the flight is delayed, that'd only mean i'd miss some sightseeing, but there's enough time til the gig.
  5. just wanted to mention that i'll probably post my pix directly from ireland only with HUGE watermarks on them, as the last time they appeared on mikasounds.com before i got to upload them there, and then my pix weren't accepted anymore, probably because they thought they were duplicates! (again grrr @ mikasounds.com for mismanagement! ) but will post all my pix like usual with only the small watermark, once i'm back and have time to upload them on mikasounds myself.
  6. hope it's not as mad for the 2nd gig as it probably will be for the 1st! it's only half as many mfcers there, and some might have school/work that day, so there's still hope. i hope. :rolls_eyes:
  7. same here bout the donuts. had hot chocolate though. yeah, i remember bout amsterdam. i didn't get mine back. took a similar one instead.
  8. yes, and i still prefer fluffy flakes. umbrellas are so unhandy, especially in a queue, since there usually isn't enough space, so you'd get an umbrella in your eye, or the water from the umbrella from the person next to you is dripping on you, you don't have your hands free for other things, you get cold fingers, and some venues don't allow to take umbrellas inside, so after the show, you'll be left without an umbrella. and if it's raining really hard, or if it's windy, the small pocket umbrella wouldn't help much, and you'd need a big (expensive) one, which i'm certainly not willing to take with me to ireland and possibly leave it at the venue door! so, um, i guess i'd just prefer if the weather kept dry.
  9. nope. rain means i'll get wet, so i'd definitely prefer some fluffy flakes! especially rain when it's really cold is so awful! you get wet, AND you'll freeze your a** off! let's just hope the forecast is wrong, it's still almost a week, so they might change it 3x until then anyway.
  10. yup, that's why your name is green in the first post.
  11. just found this in the mikagasmics thread, think it fits quite well here too...
  12. oh, is that the jacket he was wearing in cannes? same colour anyway. only just found this thread and the pix of mika with straight hair, wow!
  13. i know, got some complaints about that already (right, robertina? ) - that's why i was saying, if i'm wearing the hat, i'll stand at the side, so i won't be blocking any mfcer's view.
  14. a caption bout me! *feeling honoured* he's wearing a W around his neck though...
  15. well, even mika sings about it: we are not what (who?) you think we are!
  16. as i said, haven't decided for sure about the gray skelly costume yet, will wait til i see mika's new stage set. but i'll definitely wear a costume, and one that's hard to miss, that's for sure, yes.
  17. superstar, got your gig report, thanx! loved reading it, i remember how excited you were when you met john in oakland, and that comes across really well in your report, fab!
  18. i'm wondering what john will think if he gets a "book" that consists only of 10 pages. NOW GET GOING EVERYONE AND WRITE SOMETHING!!! anything, whatever. i'm giving you 2 more weeks, new deadline is sunday the 21st. maybe we'll get a nice new john story on the first few uk dates, that will remind people of why we love him and why he deserves a book with 100 pages, instead of 10! your message doesn't have to be longer than this mfc post, for example. use a big font. or don't write anything but draw something or make a photoshop picture relating to john.
  19. kind of. as in the skeleton puppet of mika's old stage set.
  20. so far,i think he had balloons at almost every gig. but as it's a new tour, it might be different, no idea really.
  21. ahh the memories! that so makes me look forward to all the mfc queuing in the next few months. although i'm sure i'll curse it, once i'm standing there for hours, freezing and possibly wet, tired and with aching feet. guess i won't bother at this first london gig though, and just come over when i wake up & had breakfast, my hostel's practically across the street. still planning to wear my gray skelly costume for this gig (will decide for sure only after ireland though), that'd mean i'd just stand at the side so i'm not blocking anyone's view with that hat.
  22. actually, i have no idea which airport, it doesn't say anything on my flight ticket! when i looked up "belfast airport" on google, i got a german wikipedia site about the international airport, which tells me that the ulsterbus line 300 runs 24 hours from the airport to the central station. and i'm sure that at the airport or at the central station someone can tell me which bus to take from central station to my hostel, so i guess i'll be fine. just usually you have more than one possibility to get from the airport to the city centre, and they differ a lot in prices and travel time. but if there's just one bus anyway - and taxi is definitely too expensive for me - i won't have a problem choosing. edit: LOOOL, i just found a ghost sightseeing tour through belfast, and what i find really funny is what they call it: The GhostBusTours - HAHAHAAA!!! :lmao:
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