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Everything posted by mellody

  1. by weekendwireless: If I have enough people @replying asking for Mika I will play him so, go on twitter everyone and let's get mika played on the radio. i voted for biotg. edit: yay, they played it!
  2. yeah that's what i thought too - i just need a pair of these on my phoenix mask, LOL! i love the ducks too, but might be a bit difficult to dress up as...
  3. welcome! if you're going to the dusseldorf gig, are you from germany? anyway, i'll be there too, so maybe we'll meet.
  4. i could go as one of the flowers, the song they're singing (don't know the english title...) was one of my faves when i was a child. maybe as the rose. although i guess rose should go as the rose, lol! or i could go as one of those funny birds in the forest.
  5. didn't they mention in one article that at one of the asian gigs many passed out? or was that the one you mean? and the reason why we're not aware of more is simply that we're so busy fangurling when we're at gigs that we just don't notice! nah, i think the passing out is more due to heat+dehydration, and/or lack of oxygen due to getting squashed, and mika fans are just too sensible for these things to happen. well, mostly. or we're just tough.
  6. i hate lies. but it's probaby the fact that mika never lied to me personally (anyway not that i'm aware... ) that makes me forgive him. he's lying to journalists and indirectly to the general public, but us who don't miss any of his interviews, we often find out sooner or later if something was a lie (or don't believe him in the first place, because we know him too well ), like with gertrude or the house, and giggle at it. or maybe we only think that we know, and in fact he bought a house in alaska and is breeding huskies there... you could make a whole philosophy out of that, lol! one must make sacrifices.
  7. LOOOOL @ mikarella, that's hilarious! what i find interesting is the new avatar pic of jimmy: might that be a hint for the tour? voodoo doll make-up with the black+white outfits that we already know... or was he wearing that at any past performance that i've missed.
  8. ah so that's a 2-storey-building to me then. well ok, that he could fit in. i remember 2 infos from the last 2 months, which were 1. outer space will be the theme for the next 12 months (which i think he tweeted in august or so) 2. that suitcase he had on the us tour will be his space traveller kit for the next year or so - something along those lines. so unless that has changed, or he was lying , i have a feeling we'll still get a space theme and maybe a stripping astronaut at least at some point of the show. after all, it's a book - there can be anything in it, really. i wonder whether it has to do with his album booklet... he talked about the mubbins thing as a children's book - and i'd be surprised if we never got to see anything of those mubbins again, except for in the album booklet... i thought i understood it the way that they'll definitely perform it live, but they might add some of the artists only as a video clip if they can't be there in person.
  9. yeah that's clear... but i'd consider for example the venues in london and munich as rather large - but not 4-storey-large. i mean, if that's true, he can't use his full stage set until, idk, paris? no idea how big the venues in spain/italy/rest of france are. anyway, of course it's clear that he won't be able to use that at the mini-gigs in germany, but i thought at least dusseldorf+munich would get the full stage set. as i said, i hope he exaggerated a bit. but we'll see...
  10. so he said that stage set will be as big as two 4-storey buildings?! i hope he exaggerated again, otherwise i guess the only place where he can use that is the huge venues in france - i guess you'll hardly find a venue on that tour which is 4 floors high!
  11. i think i remember the other time was in la, but might be wrong... but there definitely are 2 recordings, on the one i knew so far (and it's prob. the one you have as well) he says "yeah right!" after the line "i don't really know what i'm doing".
  12. hey aren't YOU the one who lives in holland?! you'd have all the dutchies, and freddie, and me,... (and i don't say you have to do it, just threaten him until he agrees to dress up as what you want him to... )
  13. *just a random quote from the beginning of this thread*
  14. tell him you won't take him with you to the gig if he doesn't do what you say. ingie made a list a few pages ago of which characters are still missing.
  15. i will be, don't worry. i'm just still busy with my outfit for ireland, and after that i'll have to think of outfits for all the other gigs, and as amsterdam is the last one, it'll take a while until i have time to get creative for that. you two could go as tweedledee+tweedledum, i think they're not taken yet.
  16. if you haven't seen, we're all going as alice in wonderland characters, and freddie will be the mad hatter. i haven't decided what i'll be yet, the best characters are already taken.
  17. do you need an extended deadline? it would get a bit more stressful for me, but if it helped a few people who don't have time until the 7th, i could extend it by 2 weeks, until feb 21. so many people pulling out now, already got some PMs... avoca said she won't be able to make it either, so no one writing about the milan gig then, that's really sad, as john helped us so much there. robi, do you think you could tell me at least a few infos about how you arranged it all with john in milan, so that if i find the time, i can write it myself? in any case, it's still one week from today til the (current) deadline, so if any of those who said they have to pull out unexpectedly finds a few minutes time, of course you're still welcome to take part. (and anyone who hasn't signed up but would like to, as well). remember the donuts and coffee and hot chocolate...
  18. just listening... thanx for the download! the mika death stare - LOL!
  19. i'm sure he just did it to give us pictures to post as a negative example every time someone says he should cut his hair.
  20. LOOOOLLL!!! ok, about the hair. as long as he manages to keep it out of his eyes (whether by cutting or hairspray), he can have it as long as he wants to. but i don't wanna get just pix like this at gigs: but still much better than mika with too short hair.
  21. maybe another mosquitoe bit him. grey... hm... well, he looks great anyway. but didn't he once say he doesn't like orange? and, um, does that jacket have a window in the arm so you can look on your watch?! LOL! on the 2nd pic i wonder whether his left foot still hurts him. but maybe he's just walking. t4p!
  22. ok, i thought it was inspired by some talk in a thread, like many of your other signatures. why's chicken running away from mika though?
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