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Everything posted by mellody

  1. 1. nah, you have to pull out those sticks and be careful that no marbles fall down for you. and the one for whom the least marbles fell down in the end is the winner. 2. well ok during the time you don't play, it might do for nespresso pads as well. 3. dunno, you gotta ask that mika - i always was dressed and sober when i played it.
  2. kerplunk: does any of the germans on here know what that game is called in german? i wanted to have this for ages, one of my friends had it when i was a kid, and i LOVED it!
  3. read this thread, the whole name thing starts at about page 10: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10119 (and goes on for the rest of the thread... ) love that mika pic, buzzbuzz!
  4. you can buy it here: http://www.zazzle.com/i_love_moose_t_shirt-235126861509133851 btw, just found this: aww! the cat looks a bit wary though.
  5. walter is becoming the new andrew richard samantha fluffington! *tries to help a bit*
  6. tbh, as long as i get my private gig or champagne meet+greet in the end, i don't care what reason they did it for. i don't think mika had money in mind in the first place with that idea, but the record company or whoever else runs the website surely did it just for the money.
  7. hmm, security might think he wants to throw the egg and kick him out, i wouldn't risk it! that egg costume on amazon is hilarious!
  8. haha, that last line is the perfect caption for that pic! really funny!
  9. don't know if those have been posted here yet, it's articles about the song and video, and mika mentioned: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/8466402.stm http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/2812089/Ronan-Our-tears-for-Steo.html what i'm wondering though, they say that the vocals by boyzone have been recorded in summer 2009... i thought they were already recorded in 2007? did they just make that up, to make it sound more "interesting" because it's closer to stephen's death?!
  10. i also had a feeling this afternoon, that we'll soon get a tweet from him. maybe i'm just thinking that because there's news in mikaland with the boyzone single and the brits nomination. however, i wouldn't mind if that feeling turned out to be true... ...mika?... here, we all love you:
  11. an online radio station in germany, we already managed to get rain on no.3 there... let's get it to no.1 and keep it there until the next mika single is released! http://www.popdanceradio.de/usercharts/index.php like on that other website, you can only vote once per week (in each browser )
  12. well, my dad, aunt and cousin got it for xmas... my cousin indeed said he's happy about it because he quite likes mika's music, so you'll never know. my dad gave it to my half-brother, who listened to it 2x and found it ok, and my aunt said she hardly ever plays CDs but only listens to the radio, because her CD player is so far up on a shelf that she has to get on a chair to use it, and she doesn't do that often. well, whatever, seems like she had a look at the album booklet at least.
  13. well, if you wait a bit longer, they might reduce the price even more. it's sad that they had to put it on sale. hope the rest of them will sell due to the buzz the tour hopefully brings.
  14. agree. but he said a few times that those 2 songs belong to his faves on the album, probably that's why. and i still think that blue eyes will be the next single after biotg, although i'm not happy about it - but if it is, it had to be on the album for that.
  15. he said somewhere that he had written about 60 songs for the album. agree. hey, i even have the first two boyzone albums at home and went to a few of their gigs back in the 90s. one of my friends was a huge fan and followed them like i do with mika now. well, he does know what it's like to have no money, when they were living in this bed&breakfast in london for a year. but agree, he probably meanwhile forgot how to deal with such a situation.
  16. tweedledee+tweedledum were always my least fave characters in alice! i really have to watch that movie again, and maybe the new one as well, i can remember too little of it to decide now. just generally, for myself i prefer costumes like this: http://www.alice-in-wonderland.net/shop/B001CBM2ES to costumes like http://www.alice-in-wonderland.net/shop/B002D3L8FI - it's hot enough at concert venues, i definitely won't wear anything with long sleeves inside! still can't understand how rose was able to survive in that pengu outfit, i'd have died from a heat shock!
  17. wow, that shop is fab! i might just go for a playing card costume? of course not heart, cause that could be mixed up with the queen of hearts. but any of the others, i have some magazine clippings with costume ideas for those... or the unicorn... i don't even remember that there was an unicorn in alice! what role did it play, how did it look like? is it also a nice unicorn, like in "the last unicorn"?
  18. which reminds me, i saw those in LA and took a pic because i thought they were cool - maybe they help any of you with ideas. have i mentioned that i love LA?
  19. please vote for mika on german radio: http://www.radio-cottbus.de/top_15_hoerercharts.html (the bigger button of the 2 is the one to send your vote; you can vote as often as you want. let's get mika to no.1! ) http://www.vibes-radio.de/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=79 here we can get rain into the charts. scroll down to where it says "Vorschläge [Woche 03/2010]" - there are 7 pages of potential songs for the charts and rain is on a different page each time. click on where it says "Nächste" to get to the next page, do that until you see mika, and click on "+5". you can only vote once (once in each browser, or more often if you delete your cookies. ) thanx!
  20. oh that sounds cool! from what faballa (or was it sabine? ) said i thought you hadn't decided on a theme yet. mmh, so the alice and queen costumes are all taken? gotta watch that disney movie again to see what other costume i could imagine. should be something female, and without an egg form, LOL! might be quite warm in may. if you don't wanna do it, i'm up for it! white would look cool if mika uses blacklight. gracht. i like the way this is pronounced - cchhrracht.
  21. never been to france for a mika gig, but from what i've heard and from what i've seen from the french fans in other countries, they're starting to queue very early. in germany in 2007 it was really relaxed, like in berlin i arrived at 6pm at the venue and was the first! ok on the saturday gigs in germany this year it'll be different, but during the week i think no one will start queuing before 4pm or so. and as basel is during the week as well, of course i'd be happy if it was the same there - but then, the venue is much bigger than the german ones.
  22. thanx for that! love his voodoo mask necklace, i prefer that to the naked man one!
  23. hmm... *scratches head* apart from the fact that mika's foot wasn't broken but he had a torn tendon, they got that right with the foot... but honestly, i can't imagine that ronan carrying mika to his car part. ronan is not much taller than me iirc, and he's not exactly a bodybuilder either... and then, mika already protested that his band lifted him up after the la show, and he knows them a lot better than he knows ronan... so well, i just can't imagine it, sounds to me like the press made that up. but about the meeting in LA per se, yup, we've heard of that quite a while ago.
  24. the 2nd one looks more like a buffalo than a moose. cool that they played touches you on that show, hope many people heard it!
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