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Everything posted by mellody

  1. well, he said that right now he has a reason to be back on twitter because he's touring - and he said in another question that he'll be touring until end of 2010, so there's hope, lol! i fear we might have a very long tweet-less period though while he's writing+recording the next album... that'd explain it, mika's perspective is just different from ours... he has a life. a quote from the myspace interview: "i don't wanna become addicted to anything like that - well, i don't think there's any chance of me becoming addicted" it really sometimes makes me wonder whether he's reading mfc... this was one of my many killing time theories on the thread, and why does he mention it in the first place, if he's not in danger of becoming addicted anyway?! well, most likely just a coincidence... but you'll never know... a bit i didn't understand (even after listening 10x ), can someone please tell me what he's saying? "i don't read everything, 'cause ... drives you mad" - what does he say in between that?
  2. i always used to love the smell of my new barbie dolls, that was in fact the smell of plastic as well, so, um, yeah, nothing too strange about that i guess. i don't think she meant melting plastic, ok, that'd be weird.
  3. yeah, that would've been really interesting! really a shame that he didn't get far at all in the blog questions, and that the live chat was too full + questions preselected by myspace... i didn't have time to read it while watching, but honestly, there must've been SOME more interesting questions on there than "will you marry me?"! ok, his reaction was funny, but still...
  4. we discussed it in the twitter updates thread (as we had nothing else to discuss there in the last 2 weeks ). thankyou! the sound quality of this interview was so bad that at the beginning it always sounded like mika was lisping really badly, lol! it also stopped sometimes for 1-2 seconds or so, so maybe it was just my internet connection being too slow... but anyway, i didn't understand everything he said, so i'm glad i can watch/hear it again!
  5. thanx... was really lucky i'd asked it early, as he only went through the first 5 questions or so from that blog! me too! i loved his reaction to the marry me question, haha, almost felt a bit sorry for the one who asked it, the way he clearly told how inappropriate it was! but glad he cleared that up once and for all, for all the others who ask him that on myspace/twitter. and how he thought of that ikea story when he was asked about his sleeping position, haha, fab! and the lecture on getting a job to pay for piano lessons, hehe... about that crazy fans... hm, first telling about a guy in his hotel room and about fans sleeping on his steps, but then in the end saying "nothing really bad"?! maybe he thought about the miley cat story when he said that...
  6. the twitter question was mine, soo happy he answered it! even if he called me karim first, lol! - aww, i love it how he took so much time for each question! i hadn't even seen before that he was back on twitter (too much happening at once, lol! )... but i think my question was not bad, because it led him to explain the reasons for his twitter absence, without actually asking about it.
  7. lol, this is hilarious!! they put the chat in slow mode, much better now! glad this isn't organized by mikasounds but by someone who knows how good organization works, lol!
  8. both the myspace and the justin.tv ones?
  9. it's also good for seeing more of the chat, fullscreen.
  10. would love to know too... if anyone finds out, please let us know.
  11. yeah, works. just wondering how i can log in so my name won't show as justinfan number xxx and could ppl on there just stop talking a) such rubbish and b) all different languages! oh god. mika probably didn't tweet for 2 weeks because he knew he'd need all his patience for THIS!
  12. they are - they're also there under his own name: http://repertoire.bmi.com/writer.asp?fromrow=1&torow=25&keyname=MIKA&querytype=WriterID&keyid=976175&page=1&blnWriter=True&blnPublisher=True&blnArtist=True&affiliation=BMI&cae=477236529 t4p! but it's not the whole interview, is it? could someone please sum up what else he said? ...or put it on youtube? i'm mad at myself now for not getting up this morning... as yesterday i had hoped for an interview and it was just "rain", which is nice but not worth getting up early for. so as for today it said in the text that he'd perform rain, and nothing about an interview, i thought why bother getting up early again - and now i missed this, arrgh!
  13. lol this is hilarious! really looking forward to "blame it on the curls", i think this might be a song i can relate to very much! aha, there we have it! - mika just imitated freddie when he stopped tweeting! how rude of him, such obvious plagiarism! ha! i already got to stay at his house in 2007!
  14. i'm absolutely devastated right now. just found out that the interrail ticket, which was the basis for my plans for the german mika tour (i.e. going to all the german gigs) is not valid in the country where you live. now i have no idea whether i can afford going to all those gigs i already have tickets for! gotta check when i have time, i really hope there are alternatives to this, which aren't much more expensive, or i'll... arrgh!!!!! there just has to be an affordable alternative! if not, i guess i'll have to go on the uk or france tour instead, as there i could use that interrail pass!
  15. only found this now... the maldives... my dream holiday! *not jealous at all*
  16. you're right with all that, but do you think it has changed that much in the last 2 years? LICM was in the german charts for over 60 weeks, and TBWKTM just 6?! that difference can't be explained just by downloading issues imo. one reason might be, like someone mentioned, that the big tour only starts next year, while 2007 he's been touring everywhere when the album came out. plus in germany he didn't have any tv appearances so far with the new album, iirc. he did radio promo in june, and the 2 exclusive radio gigs in sept+nov (which meant some more radio promo on a few selected stations), some interviews for magazine/online, but no tv, like he did in uk, italy, us, netherlands, france, etc. the baden-baden show will be on tv in january+february, but those aren't the most popular tv-stations really... not to talk about the german mikasounds website, which is updated only with the most necessary stuff and generally doesn't really make you interested imo.
  17. it might mean that he was online... if you click on his followers/following/listed, albert's still there. so yeah, probably just a twitter problem.
  18. yeah, same as with the wag video competition, you listen to it so often that at some point you can't hear it anymore! looks like you have to register first. so what this "mikasounds username" thing is about in the first place, if it doesn't say so when you register, i don't understand. and for the registration you have to enter a username and a screen name - wtf is the difference?! and hope it doesn't matter that i entered a different e-mail-address than on mikasounds... hmm, not that happy with my first try... those transitions between the parts, you just don't hear it properly if it always stops for a moment! but gladly i have many more tries.
  19. sigh, my next addiction. though i met the constraints of this software after only about 2 minutes, guess i'm just too creative, lol! like... why can't i repeat parts? (really would love the spoken part to be repeated) why can't i mix parts with other parts? why can't i change the instruments and volume within the given parts? or can i, and just gave up too quickly in finding out how? oh well, but i don't wanna complain, it's a fab idea anyway! and i'm sure i'll still be able to have lots of fun with it. now... will it be seen as "consistant spamming" in the magic numbers system if i upload, like, 50 remixes? btw, lol, that spoken part is my fave in the song, but without the music it just sounds like a totally bored mika!
  20. f*ck. i never look at charts positions tbh, but inspired by the discussion about the uk charts, i wanted to look how tbwktm was doing in germany - and found that it dropped out of the top 100 this week!! we definitely have to do something for germany as well! will think of a plan and of course involve the german forum. the times are good - new single out this week (in germany on friday), xmas coming soon... that should help us!
  21. but it'd be black+white as well...
  22. christmas is not far away, so everyone in the UK can help by buying the album at this price as a xmas present or an addition to another xmas present for all of their friends+relatives. i just tweeted it: buy @mikasounds' album #theboywhoknewtoomuch now for only £4.99 at http://www.hmv.com! e.g. as a xmas present for all of your friends/relatives!:-)
  23. btw, when is this RAH show on tv, wasn't that tomorrow as well? what station? what time?
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