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Everything posted by mellody

  1. good that i also like tt and robbie, so not all of the gig except mika is boring to me. howard looks fab... and i had goosebumps just seeing tt+robbie standing on stage together, even if it was just for a short moment. nostalgic feelings...
  2. hope someone records it... or is there a possibility to record on the filmon player? as that's the only way i can watch it. can't wait to finally see his performance of rain!
  3. so, is this the "what's your sleeping position" thread now? ok, then: i NEVER slept on my tummy, as far as i can think back. maybe as a baby. i don't even lie in this position, except sometimes for sunbathing - my neck would hurt so much if i had my head turned to the side all night! already hurts after half an hour. always used to sleep on my side, but also on my back since a few years. usually fall asleep on the side and wake up on the back. so... definitely one thing i don't have in common with mika. that ikea thing sounds interesting though, i wonder what the pillows for side and back sleepers look like.
  4. here's info about the band and their album: http://www.perpetuumjazzile.si/en/ also found on their website that they got an e-mail from one of TOTO, who was totally amazed by their version.
  5. as this unfortunately fell in his tweet-less time, i tweeted it again tonight... hope he'll see it this time. :rolls_eyes: seems like they heard you
  6. my first impulse was to ask whether he meant the torn tendon, or everything he's done to his foot since then... - but i resisted the temptation.
  7. hi keti,

    well, on the german mikasounds website it says it's released tomorrow... if they're right (and i'd expect it, as it comes from the record company...), then it should also be in the shops tomorrow. :wink2: was the same with the album, came out friday here, monday in uk. what confuses me a bit is that on amazon.de, the single has all different release dates between monday and mid-december, for the different versions - quite strange, but well, as i said, i'd expect that the record company is right. :dunno:

  8. well it WAS hilarious! i did feel a bit sorry for her, but honestly, what does someone who asks him that question expect? that he says yes? then this was a good cure i hope. that he gives a funny answer? he did.
  9. did he say something about the injury? ooh, can't wait to see it all on tv!
  10. *is jealous cause she doesn't get that function in germany*
  11. maybe he wanted to show everyone that it was fine again happy to hear you had a good time! and strange about the meeting... sounds like he was just signing some stuff then, and not having time to chat? how many fans were waiting after the show?
  12. just what i was thinking, why is his foot on the piano?! he looks gorgeous!
  13. Me: tell us more... btw, i think christine has solved the mystery i had been wondering about:
  14. BB is already married. and why would god want to ask him about twitter? you mean even HE was worried because M didn't tweet for 2 weeks?! mfc chat with mika, oh that would be fab!
  15. well, i was literally glued to my pc screen, wanting to crawl inside, imagining that mika was talking to me personally - thank god that I wasn't filmed during that, must've had a totally foolish fangurl look on my face, grinning like a cheshire cat, with my eyes just inches away from the screen! mentioned it on twitter already... but i plan to get his autograph on a tbwktm cover poster (to hang on my wall next to the licm one), and will have to make sure that he doesn't write karen again like in my sfs book - and in that context probably won't be able to hold myself back from mentioning it again. although... maybe i shouldn't, or i'll confuse him and he'll write karim... that bit made me wonder, as karim's a mens' name (or is it for women in other countries, like "mika"? ), he can't have seen the questions with user-pictures like we see it on the blog site, cause even if he didn't recognize that it was me, he must've seen it's not a man. but think they had a new page for each question anyway (so, probably totally different format), as it looked/sounded like he pressed "enter" to get to the next one. 1. yes, he made absolutely sure that no one missed my name, lol! 2. just that he'd never get those questions from me... apart from that, if he wanted to marry me, i'd EXPECT him to tell me who billy brown is!
  16. you mean on the rain remix site with the display name? when i registered, it asked me for a username AND a display name, if that helps in any way.
  17. oh good then, if even a native speaker doesn't understand it, it's not me, but mika (and the sound quality). will try to listen a few more dozen times, maybe i'll be enlightened at some point. well, hope i don't get banned from myspace now, for making him talk about twitter for several minutes, lol!
  18. didn't know that either, i'd rather have thought about ABBA in this context...
  19. already asked that in the twitter thread, but maybe it's more on topic here... i don't understand what he's saying at one point when he talks about twitter: "i don't read everything, 'cause ... drives you mad" - what does he say in between that, can someone understand it?
  20. click on the save button? if it won't let you, there are some versions that are not allowed, like it wouldn't let me save it because in one part i just had mika's voice without music. but then it told me in a popup what to change.
  21. maybe someone typed a "0" too much and we just get 100 starting points... i think i saw one without vocals somewhere in the charts yesterday... the background music was remixed though, not the original one.
  22. well, he said that right now he has a reason to be back on twitter because he's touring - and he said in another question that he'll be touring until end of 2010, so there's hope, lol! i fear we might have a very long tweet-less period though while he's writing+recording the next album... that'd explain it, mika's perspective is just different from ours... he has a life. a quote from the myspace interview: "i don't wanna become addicted to anything like that - well, i don't think there's any chance of me becoming addicted" it really sometimes makes me wonder whether he's reading mfc... this was one of my many killing time theories on the thread, and why does he mention it in the first place, if he's not in danger of becoming addicted anyway?! well, most likely just a coincidence... but you'll never know... a bit i didn't understand (even after listening 10x ), can someone please tell me what he's saying? "i don't read everything, 'cause ... drives you mad" - what does he say in between that?
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