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Everything posted by mellody

  1. not surprising with those moves... um... yes? i preferred to keep it in a clean state, so i just cut it off the same night and put it in my suitcase.
  2. the book is the present. do you want to give him something else as well?
  3. so, here are all my oakland videos (including the 2 i had already posted) - would be happy about comments on youtube, took me ages to upload all of that. mika's dancing/jumping to relax on one foot: talk about painkillers and SITM intro: SITM "trumpet" solo: part of Blue Eyes: most of Touches You: Mika and the teapot: talk about his hurt foot: most of I see you: talk about US success and band introduction: part of we are golden, with mika lying on the floor: small bit of lollipop, where he catches the spray streamers can (sorry f. bad quality ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49bv0CQ_U-c about that last video, don't know if someone wrote about it already... sarac went to a party shop before the gig and got all sorts of fab stuff for all of us, like blacklight makeup, glow in the dark nailpolish, and those spray streamers. she gave the streamer cans to different ppl and we agreed that we'd spray them during rain... next to me, christine had a can, but when we didn't see anyone else spraying during rain, we didn't do it either. later, sarac told us that her can was taken away by security, so that was the reason. well, during lollipop christine sprayed a few streamers and when she put the can down again, i took it and kept on spraying - not towards mika, but sideways between mika and the front row (you shouldn't spray that stuff on people, normally it says so on the can... ). mika saw this and came over and waved to me to throw the can to him - he caught it and started spraying in the crowd and at his band members (seems like HE didn't know that you shouldn't spray it on ppl! ), having lots of fun with that spray streamers, lol! you can see his first spray towards the crowd quickly at the end of the video. unfortunately the can was almost empty, so he didn't have much of it anymore. wish someone had filmed more of that, but couldn't find anything on youtube. i didn't even remember that i was filming while i threw the can to him, well, of course the video is quite shaky, as i was spraying, throwing and filming at the same time... but it also is horrible quality, as some time during lollipop i hit the wrong button on my camera, so it would make smaller videos instead of the good quality ones i usually have, and i only noticed after the show. still uploaded it, as i thought it was so funny with the spray streamers. actually, sarac had given 2 or 3 cans of glow in the dark spray streamers to john (?) to give to mika backstage, maybe he didn't get them or only decided during lollipop that it would actually be fun to spray them.
  4. there was the acoustic tour in europe... but if you can think of anything else we could add to the book for those who haven't been to any gigs, feel free to make suggestions.
  5. don't worry, if you're on the mfc, you're never alone at a concert! anyway, not at the standing gigs for which people start queuing already in the morning, so MFC has the whole day to spend together.
  6. that as well... but that was included in my "be an active part of the community". just posting on the RSVP list without trying to meet the other MFCers at the gig might not be enough, as the mods won't go searching for ppl at the gig.
  7. really, it was already a week ago?! seems much shorter to me, like 3 days or so. how's the weather in LA now, is it as cold as it was in vegas when i had a stop there during my flight? freezing, pfft. although i have to admit that in munich it's colder, below zero during the night.
  8. oh, that's just 180 mika gigs then, should be easy. now the big question for me is: can i book my flights or will there be a 3rd london gig...
  9. ok here they are - not the best sound quality though, as it was generally not that good in this venue, and girls around me were screaming like mad... intro astronaut/shorts (sorry for the shaking, but at least i have the interesting part on focus. ): short clip of mika with the big girls dancing in the background: some bits of touches you: (got more of that in oakland) pick up off the floor, whole song: bit of one foot boy, only about 30 seconds, but very close-up. mika with the teapot - of which the leg fell off, seems like that was a bad omen... the crowd singing competition during BIOTG: talk before happy ending; stupid sound in that venue, i didn't (and still don't) understand much of what he said there: i see you, whole song: 1 minute of we are golden: toy boy, whole song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4MtbFEIsjs
  10. welcome to the forum! meet+greets like the one we are talking about here don't happen at every show, no. i think it happened at 2 of the US shows, that MFCers got passes to meet mika after the show. if it happens, it's usually a last minute decision which you'll only get to know about if you're there and keep in touch with the other MFC members. so if you are an active part of the community who enjoys meeting the other fanclub members at the show / in the queue, you will get to hear about it if there's a m+g. apart from that, mika often stops to sign stuff when he leaves the venue, so if there isn't a MFC meet+greet, you might still get a chance there.
  11. i like the we are golden shirt... but why do they only have it in red?! wish they had more colour options to choose from.
  12. ha, great, it was worth waiting until i got back to munich, as now they have the tickets also on mikasounds, including magic numbers. wonder why it took them so long. anyway, got my ticket now.
  13. ok, back from my US holiday, so we can go on with this! so, here are my suggestions, let me know what you think: book with 2 parts, first part about all the shows of this year, for which you can build teams and work on it together. 2nd part your messages for john, so everyone can submit something, even if they weren't at any of the shows. then at the beginning or between the 2 sections the alternative dr john lyrics, and on the cover the voodoo doll (was thinking something like this: http://images.mytoys.com/intershoproot/eCS/Store/de/images/100/61/1006135-l.jpg - ok this is a children's book, but you get the idea. ). i'd say we give it to him at the uk tour in february, ireland or london, where more of us will be... anyway, so the deadline would be january 15. i'd appreciate any opinions on this, or also alternative suggestions, if you have any.
  14. have started uploading my LA videos - here's the first one, pick up off the floor: - watch my youtube account for more, or wait until i'm finished, then i'll post all the links here.
  15. actually i'm just organizing the list, the rest is up to the mfc mods, ie mana, who has the contacts and agreed to try to help us. about your daughter sm09, how old is she? children under the age of 6 are not allowed into this gig. apart from that, the first ones who would get tickets - if at all - would be fanclub members, and only if there are tickets left you might get another one for a non-mfcer who wants to come with you. and guys, the list is finished since yesterday. some who will come without tickets, some who can still make it if it's a last minute decision and some who need to know at least 1-2 days in advance. if you decided you can't go, fine, but apart from that, no changes to this list can be made anymore, sorry. so if team mika says that only the 7 ppl get in who will be there without tickets, then it's those 7 who are on the list now, and not others who decide to go last minute. so all we can do now is hope.
  16. here are my oakland pix, my fave 10 in this post, all of them here: http://www.mikafanclub.de/bilder-oakland.php gotta upload the videos tomorrow, time for bed now.
  17. yeah, was so funny when they lifted him up! poor cherisse though, doesn't look too comfortable for her! and jimmy also looks a bit unhappy, maybe mika was heavier than he expected...
  18. here are my LA pix: http://www.mikafanclub.de/bilder-losangeles.php some of the best ones here:
  19. just click on the flag on the top right to get it in english. here's the direct link: http://www.mvv-muenchen.de/en/home/index.html the station you'll need for Zenith is FREIMANN - from the city centre that's U6 in the direction of Garching-Forschungszentrum (or some trains only go until Garching-Hochbrück, they're ok too). so if you wanna go from the airport to the zenith, i'd recommend you take the S8 to Marienplatz, there change to U6 (direction Garching-Forschungszentrum) to Freimann. there are other possibilities that include buses etc., but that's the one i'd choose, and the easiest one. about tickets, if you're going from the airport and need another ticket in the evening, the best would probably be a day card "Tageskarte Gesamtnetz" for 10 euro. you can use this from the time you stamp it until 6 am the following day. if you're 2 or more people, buy the "Partner-Tageskarte Gesamtnetz", it's the same like the other one, but valid for up to 5 people who are travelling together, cost is 18 euro. well, that's the cost for now, might change until march, you'll never know with the munich transport system! if you're not going to/from the airport (e.g. if you're spending a few days here) but need just tickets in munich city, let me know, then i can give you options for that as well. the underground (in this case U6) runs every 10 minutes during the day, in the late evening about every 20 minutes, and on saturdays until about 2 am, so there'll be no problem to get back to the city centre from the gig in the evening.
  20. ok final list is 21 people, of which 7 will be in baden-baden in any case. let's see how many we can get, if at all. it's probably gonna be a last minute decision as i didn't have much time to plan during my holiday, and the gig is already on monday. more infos about the gig: - all winners of the radio competitions have been notified by now, so if you don't have an e-mail, you're not among the winners. - if you're under 18, you need to be accompanied by one of your parents (or if you're 17, it can be another person of age, with the consent of your parents). - there are absolutely NO photos/videos allowed at this concert - as far as we know, not even by mobile phone. reason is that it'll be recorded for TV, they probably don't want the lights of cameras/mobiles on their recordings. we'll see how strict they are, if they're gonna collect all cameras+mobiles at the entrance, but that's the info we have for now.
  21. just 20? does that include MFC or are they backstage again?
  22. never heard of the website, and the tickets are more expensive there than on eventim... though if the fees+shipping is included in that price, it would be ok, cause eventim adds that to the shown price. i'd still recommend eventim though (the link that blue posted), it's the official german ticket website.
  23. thanx for this info BS, i only saw mika's tweet on mana's phone on saturday and she told me that it was a response to the accusation of miming, that's all i knew about it so far. now it becomes clear why mika bothered to answer to that at all. as he is doing all his own vocals, it's clear that he has the background vocals on tape, as he can't sing more than one vocal at the same time. what do they want him to do, record his backing vocals on stage and then play them on the keyboard, like gary go did in LA? would be funny for one song, but anyone who knows a bit about mika won't need proof that he can sing (and does on stage)! stupid guy, trying to aggrandise himself and even getting away with it, when perez & co. started answering him! i'm glad that mika didn't answer to those tweets. edit: wait, so he DID answer but then deleted the tweet? what did he write? oh well, it's probably posted somewhere, gotta read all about this when i get back home, not much time now.
  24. it must be some application for the iphone where you can play keyboard. don't know what it looks like as i don#t have an iphone, but he created the music with his iphone... the 2nd guy only did the backing music. love the idea of using the iphone as a keyboard on stage, so funny! and he messed up at one point, probably accidentially hit the close button or something, as he had to start it again.
  25. was great meeting you too! off to bed now, really tired (again. or still. ).
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