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Everything posted by wasabi_tea

  1. *rezzes thread* Ahoy, all ye fellow men-wot-can-sing-high lovers! Recently, I have discovered another Russian countertenor: Michael Draw of Otto Dix! =D Have a listen:
  2. Dossing around due to having a day off university, listening to music, and giggling at the "cleavage and forked penes" tag to this thread. What the fudge is up with that?!
  3. Heyyy people. I suddenly disappeared for several months, due to various reasons, but I have returned~! I'm now in Japan and loving it here And I've just heard today about Mika finally recording his next album, so woohoo!
  4. I added her on Myspace quite some time ago, and whenever I commented on her music, she'd always reply back. I had no idea she was so young, though!
  5. Ooo... I'm currently listening to your songs on Myspace - very nice! You have a cool voice =D
  6. - The Atari 2600 video game 'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial' is commonly cited as the worst video game ever made. - The eff-word is used 226 times in the movie Scarface. - There are two different English translations of the Hungarian song 'Szomorú Vasárnap', better known as 'Gloomy Sunday'. The better-known one is the Sam M. Lewis version, which was the one that Billie Holliday recorded in 1941. Her version also had a third verse added to it in order to make it seem that the suicidal misery described in the previous two verses was just a bad dream. - There are over 7500 different types of apples. - The element roentgenium was named after the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen. Previously, it was known as 'unununium'. - In Turkmenistan, all licensed drivers were required to pass a morality test under the rule of Saparmurat Niyazov. - Tay Zonday's real name is Adam Nyerere Bahner.
  7. I finally bought the 'Fad Gadget by Frank Tovey' CD/DVD set that I've been wanting for ages off Amazon yesterday. WOOHOO!! I can't wait to receive it Also, I'm going back to Kent at the weekend, which means I'll get to see my family again, so double yay!
  8. Ahahaha, I noticed that too XD I had a time where I was kind of bored of Mika, but that was mostly because I'd had a 'Mika overdose'. After about a month of not doing anything related to Mika, my Mika appreciation came back again. I don't think I could just stop being a fan altogether.
  9. DIAMANDAAAAAAAAA Slagsmålsklubben - His Morning Promenade
  10. XD; I wasn't expecting people to be amused by the lovely Ms. Galás when I posted that link! *LOL* Most people I play that song to are just like, "... o.O; ... okay then. *backs away slowly*" My brother said he couldn't stand the "yodeling," hahaha
  11. Well, last year, when I went back to my parents' house for the Easter holidays, my mum asked me if I listened to Mika at all. I had actually intended on checking out his music in late 2006 after I read about him in a music magazine, but I'd forgotten XD so I decided to look his stuff up on the internet before I forgot again. I thought his music was pretty cool, but it wasn't until after I decided to search for interviews with him that I became a proper fan. I joined the forums on his official website at first, but soon grew tired of them, and then I heard about the MFC. I joined, at first thinking it might be too fast-paced and busy for me to truly enjoy, but I was soon proven wrong
  12. I would also put a link to Diamanda's 'Scream of Love', but the video has full-frontal male nudity in, so... There seem to be a few of her songs on IMEEM, though. This one's weird to the point of being creepy, so naturally, I love it Ah, Diamanda, you never cease to amaze me. EDIT: Oh, and if you think you're weird for liking 'Double-Barrel Prayer', well, I've bought an album of hers! (Must get hold of 'Litanies of Satan' too... I'm in love with the title track ) EDIT2: Turns out that link I gave was mistagged - it's actually 'Litanies of Satan', and not 'Wild Women With Steak Knives', as I'd thought. I wish people would get their tags right >.< EDIT3: Changed link - same song, now with correct title! Will make this the last edit, honest.
  13. I've been living in West Kensington for over a year now, and I've not seen him once outside of a concert. Although... ROFL, I think I would too! If I actually saw him, and he saw me, my brain would go, "Aaagh, he might think I'm stalking him! O_O" and then I'd go into panic mode and run away, leaving Mika standing there wondering what exactly just happened.
  14. It's interesting how not going on the MFC for almost a month has caused my appreciation for Mika to regenerate itself. It was kind of fading out not long ago, but after a while of not coming on here, I just kind of went, "... I miss Mika. =(" and had to come back! I've actually always liked the fact that sometimes he'll do things that I'll disapprove of or that will p*** me off, because it reaffirms to me that at the end of the day, he's just another person. I also like the fact that he doesn't seem to try to be anything more than human, and so doesn't come across as 'plastic' like so many other famous people do. Am I making sense?
  15. They get Wayne Szalinski to shrink 'em. Is Pi edible?
  16. They're actually equipped with a form of alien technology that Area 51 secretly acquired from the publicly unknown planet of Mikanoggin, and this gives them the ability to process thought, so in a sense, they do. ... Why is strawberry jam fruity?
  17. They're speaking in a special BirdSpy language, and they're secretly planning on taking over the world! If a tyrannosaurus rex stepped on a person, would it crush them?
  18. I'm currently listening to . Oh gawd *goes to fetch some tissue for her bleeding ears*
  19. Apparently, the person who did the song is a Chinese lady called Mongo So. Hm, interesting. I think Diamanda Galás pwns that song when it comes to weirdness, though. (The music in the link is some of her more conventional music too!)
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