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Blue Eyes

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Everything posted by Blue Eyes

  1. Hmmmmm it appears that Big Girls aren't Beautiful in t-shirts The Official girls t-shirts are always the nicest (particularly that blue one ) but why oh why don't they make them big enough for us more 'cuddly' women ??
  2. Saw this nice item on ebay... 150283517940 Track 9 is a new one on me though!!
  3. I did exactly the same (but thought I was just having a 'senior' moment)
  4. Ah, but how about the sun glasses?? Am I the only (lonely) one who can see a slight resemblance here?... although not the hair OBVIOUSLY!
  5. Somebody's playing... Quote on latest vlog... blogger of the week : Date: August 10, 2008 @ 9:43 pm “Yo Yo This is Juh-Vonne and Mika, back from our magic trip in John Travolta’s flying bath tub; wow this was esoteric. We’ll write an essay about it, so watch out for it on our own blog at MagicMushroomsOnCherryTreeLane.com. You’ll find other inspiring material there, such as our diploma thesis paper, titled ‘Admiral Boom and JayZ - a psychological synopsis’. Later on tonight we are going to prove you that we are not photoshopped into the pic of Mika’s white piano. We just are that small, not our fault. Oh, and yes, the keys on there are real. Justy tested it. Mika let her because we have this amazing kind of really deep friendship going on, since our first encounter in Disneyland this spring. Have a great week, everyone, we’ll be back on top of the blog. Peace out.” Hmmmmmm....
  6. Awww thank you! Kev may possibly make another one for next year (if I'm good ha ha!). Fingers crossed we get a BIG official one too
  7. "Yes, i've been using that Oil of Olay - it leaves my skin as smooth as a babies bottom"
  8. BRILL news - thanks for finding that oh wonderful BG (you looked amazing btw ) My lovely hubby made an *ahem* 'unofficial' calendar for 2008 - which you can find here... http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12480 It's great that a Company is (hopefully) producing an official one though Oh, and avoca...
  9. Sigh... oh yeah, a truly wonderful day :wub2:
  10. :roftl: 'that kid' is Theo - one of Carri's (carrinevie) little 'un's and was taken at the Big Girl video shoot (I know this as I was round the other side admiring the view from the front, so to speak ) Don't think Theo is a big Mika fan though! The other person in the pic is our very own Jemmalee
  11. GREAT photos, but sorry this one makes me laugh... ..."E.T. phone home"... :roftl:
  12. Here's the video for Sam's new single 21st Century Life - quite a catchy little ditty I might add and jolly colourful too (and don't we need something cheery in the UK with all this flipping rain ) Enjoy...
  13. ...Yep, I'm on a long, slippery slope now and there's no going back... ...although I've suddenly gone all gaga again (dammit MIKA - I'm 41 yrs old - not 16 LOL!!) Thanks to you all for the AMAZING photos x
  14. :roftl: Ermmm, because the lyrics are very easy... something like ..."Rain and rain and rainy raining rainy rain" Sorry you didn 't get to the Afterparty xlindee Thanks to everyone for the reports, videos and pics so far - love the spotty t-shirt!
  15. :wub2: Sigh... huge thanks to everyone for the reports and photos - so wanted to go to the French gigs, but at least I now feel like I was almost there LOL LOVE your new avatar Jems :roftl: p.s. Meeks always did look lovely in red !!
  16. Thanks Caz Nooo, I didn't mean I don't like Elvis (love his old films) - it's just the same lyrics ... "caught in a trap" When I'm listening to MIKA I don't want to be thinking about Elvis
  17. This is my interpretation... LICM is the only album I have absolutely loved from beginning to end - even from the very first play So I guess it was always gonna be hard to follow that up, but if Rain is a sign of things to come then I feel more than just a little bit disappointed Like others who have shared their opinions on this thread I find the chorus too repetitive (and quite frankly a bit lazy) - it just goes right through me. Also am I the only one who keeps thinking of Elvis' 'Suspicious Minds' when MIKA sings " ...caught in a trap, can't look back"?? Aaarghhhh get out of my head with your hip-shaking ways No doubt it will sound better once it had been 'tampered' with in the studio, I'm just keeping everything crossed that the new album lives up to my *impossible* expectations, sigh... (Blimey, don't think I've ever used the rose-tinted smiley before!)
  18. WELL SAID Blue Sky (winner of the best post in this thread so far ) I have to get to work soon, but have waded through pages of chat to find... still no reports... sigh Oh well, RL here I come - hopefully be something more exciting to read later!
  19. WOO HOO !! How exciting to finally see Mikasounds updated How awesome that Matthew Williamson will be designing some attire for the Mikster How much do I want to win those Paris tickets? How wonderful and bright eyed does MIKA look (the rest has done him good) ...and finally he's wearing my bracelet ... or am I wearing his lol ?!... sorry , it doesn't take much to get me excited at my age...
  20. Hi River & Ruth One of these is available on ebay - item 230264244825 (which includes 'I Want You Back') Happy bidding
  21. Ah Kata... I didn't detect a *hint* of sarcasm until I saw the 'cheerful' smilie :roftl: Joking aside, thanks to everyone for all the hard work and updates - this place is wonderful
  22. Apologies if these have already been mentioned, but... Happy Ending and Any Other World were played as background music in a programme called 'Dance X' on 14th July 2007... And... does anyone remember 'Dancing On Ice' (10th February 2008) and Tim Vincent's performance of Love Today (wonderful costumes )? Thanks to pinkunicorn123 for this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V0Vpx4EGLw
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