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Blue Eyes

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Everything posted by Blue Eyes

  1. Hiii Sienna Of course I remember the lovely lady we met at Hammersmith (even though it already seems like a lifetime ago ) xxx
  2. WOO HOO !!! HUGE Congrats to the Mikster - and sooo well deserved. I can't believe that I keep playing and playing LICM and am STILL not the least bit bored with it. Of COURSE he IS the songwriter of the year! MIKA - you SHINE - WELL DONE!! (now...go celebrate!)
  3. Firstly... WOW Caz - your drawing is AMAZING Secondly, not much of a contribution, but thought you might like a peek at these... Enjoy p.s. Sorry I spoil the last one LOL!! xx
  4. ...My original thread on the Secret Gig... http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6393
  5. I LOVE the old stuff - my fave albums are Ride The Lightning and Master of Puppets. I couldn't possibly pick a fave song but a few that spring to mind are Four Horsemen, Creeping Death, Fight Fire With Fire, Whiplash, For Whom The Bell Tolls, Welcome Home (Sanatarium) and Seek and Destroy (GREAT riffs) I was lucky enough to see them back in 1984 at the Lyceum Ballroom in London, when the legendary Cliff Burton was still alive YEP and now I'm all old and have mellowed out - I enjoy a more varied selection of music - the Mikster being my fave (of course ) Thanks for starting this thread NoodleZ
  6. Went to a preview of the new Cameron Diaz / Ashton Kutcher film 'What Happens In Vegas' tonight. It's a real feel good movie, very funny and has plenty of eye candy for girls and boys alike Best of all though is not only is Queen's 'We Are The Champions' played in it... the opening credits are accompanied by our very own Mika's 'Grace Kelly' Would highly recommend the film - made me go all gooey
  7. Lordy, Lordy - lots of images being conjured up in my head LOL :roftl: Thanks for posting Jennie!
  8. Awww, thank you mamacatt This pic was taken at the Concorde 2 gig - Brighton in May 2007. He was very relaxed, we had a chat, and there were only a small handful of people there... sigh, happy days Here's my pic too, just for old times sake...
  9. *Emerges out of lurking mode* ...Yeah, that'll be down to the SUPERB photographer... ME !! :roftl: xx
  10. BUMP !! What a lovely guy, very polite and amazingly talented too...
  11. GOOD LUCK for your exams Celine ! You'll be missed so hurry back soon. Take care and be good xxx
  12. Tee hee - don't worry Jems - I believe you only had 499 of their lollipops in your bag, so that rules you out
  13. ...I know I have the evidence... but it WASN'T me :roftl: Sorry to hear about your freaky news Wendi, hope you and your Detective Agency soon discover the real culprit Keep smiling xxx p.s. This photo was taken at the wonderful exhibition at The Blink Gallery
  14. Don't be sad Sparkly1 - I lurked until May too - then joined! (I still lurk a lot even now, 'cos quite frankly some of you SCARE me ha ha :roftl:) We didn't know him at the time, but at Fopp we were in the queue next to the outrageously entertaining Dazzle It wasn't until the next day we found out he goes to Uni with one of our friends - what a small world!!!
  15. Thanks Wendi Awwwww bless ya Jems - and you're pretty darned lovely too See you soon Mwaaah x
  16. one more... Awww, thanks for adding the link dcdeb Ah, memories... Jules xx
  17. BUMP !!! Awww what a lovely thread Robi ! Happy memories of Fopp on January 29th. This was the first time Kev and myself saw the Mikster in the flesh and he was truly AMAZING I gave him some jelly lollipops shaped like animals, (one was a chicken LOL !!) he signed our Grace Kelly CD and kindly posed for photos (even though time was limited). We feel very priviledged to have seen MIKA in such a small, intimate venue and much that it's great to see his career blossoming and his popularity spreading, oh how I miss the old days, sigh... Anyways, here's just a few of our photos from that wonderful evening...
  18. I was really saddened to hear this news. Ghost and Dirty Dancing are 2 of my all time favourite films, and Patrick is a wonderful actor. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. News like this certainly puts my own so called 'problems' into perspective ...
  19. Awww thanks Mellody, great pics - he's holding a copy of our calendar, sigh :wub2:
  20. I get NOW magazine every week, and the interview has never been in there. I don't think we'll ever see it
  21. Mariposa was lovely - and YES Celine - she most certainly did have your cute violet book with her (pssst, we have written in it !!) Lovely pic - and look - there's Carri in the background screaming "I WANT CHICKEN" !!! So sorry that you did not get to meet the Mikster Caz, and so unfair, but it was great to finally meet you x
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