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Blue Eyes

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Everything posted by Blue Eyes

  1. Awww thanks Deb (but I can't take all the credit - as Kev took most of the photos LOL!) Hee hee, not sure, but when the 'animals' came out they didn't have their heads on - and Martin (I think) was wrestling Saranayde on the floor!! What was even funnier though was the bows at the end. Saranayde's elephant costume was sliding down over her feet and she very nearly fell on her sexy bottom LOL !! Thanks for remembering me Suzy Thanks Jack your comment means a lot x Ha ha - Love you Babs :roftl: Thank you all so much for all the kind comments - my thanks go to loyal hubby - Kev, who never complains about my MIKA obsession, carries my bag at gigs and takes wonderful photos - he's the TOPS ! Jules xx
  2. ........oh well, we have recovered sufficiently to write up our experiences of last night and what a night it was!! Thanks for the nice comments regarding the photos we posted last night (page 32 of this thread) we were absolutely exhausted but thought it would be worth putting a handful on, glad you liked them. We arrived at the venue at about 12.15 and got numbers 41 and 42 in the queue so given the size of the stage at the Apollo we we're hopeful of getting in the front row, even if not in the centre. We've sort of got used to the fact that queuing is part of the MIKA experience now, fortunately it was a lot warmer yesterday than it was in December. The doors opened at about 7.10 and we headed for the front left, we ended up right on the edge which was further left than we had hoped for but in truth the view (as you can see from the photos) was not too bad at all. It is a slight niggle with us that people who arrive a lot later seem to end up in better positions but I guess that's the way it will always be until MIKA starts playing seated arenas (Hopefully when this happens, MFC members will be given the opportunity to purchase the first few rows in advance) Palladium were in fine form but I have to admit we both find their music a bit 'samey' It's ok to listen to and they are brilliant performers but each song seems to just flow into the next. As for the main event.......we thought MIKA was incredible. There were some nice additions to the show since we last saw him in Brighton, really enjoyed 'How Much Do You Love Me' and there was a string section (4 girls) for 'Any Other World' and 'Happy Ending' which worked really well. The highlight of the show for us (as always) was 'Love Today' To be honest we would pay the ticket price just to see this song, we love it soooooo much. The snow, Grey Skelly, the energy for the main verses and the drumming give us goose bumps every time we see it and last night seemed better than ever. A few people have said they thought he was struggling in places but if he was then it went straight over our heads, we thought he was fantastic, some of the notes he hit and held were unbelievable, we've been lucky enough to see him 7 times now and his vocals last night seemed better than ever. The fact he has had a little bit of rest before and since the Brits seemed to have done him the world of good, this really showed in the amount of energy he expended on stage. We complain about being exhausted after a few hours standing in a queue and watching a gig, he must be absolutely spent given the fantastic show he puts on for us, which brings us onto the subject of meet and greets.... John came out and announced that MIKA would stop to say hello and thank you briefly but would not be signing or posing for photographs. Everyone was told to stand on the right of the exit but we followed a hunch and stayed on the left side, which worked out well as MIKA came out of the car on that side. As we were right next to him when he got out we were lucky enough to have a very brief chat with him and also managed to give him a copy of the calendar Kev made. Just in case you missed it you can download and print your own here He had a quick flick through, said thank you and accepted a few gift from other well wishers before leaving. We have to admit we love getting to see MIKA after a gig, if only to thank him for the show he has put on for us but we can fully understand the need to keep these meeting briefs, or in fact to stop them altogether (which can only be a matter of time) He must be absolutely exhausted and as his popularity grows, the amount of people wanting to see him after a show grows with it. One of the things we love about MIKA is the way he makes us all feel as if we are all along for the ride and a big part of what he is doing. At every gig we have been to he thanks his fans (in particular those who followed him in the early days) he has had fans up on stage as lollipop girls, big girls, Holy Johnny, he gave us the opportunity to be in one of his videos etc.... As artists go he probably cares more about his fans than anyone else we can think of so hopefully those of you who have yet to meet him don't get too downhearted about it. We've were lucky enough to speak to him a few times in the early days, so now that the crowds are getting bigger we will probably hang back in future and let others have their turn. All in all it was a fantastic night, meeting old friends and making new ones is always a high point at a MIKA gig and last night was no exception, far too many of you to mention but you know who you are. The evening was tainted slightly by knowing that it is the last gig we have tickets for, so we don't know when we will get to see him again:crybaby:....at least we know that by the next time he tours the UK we will have a whole new batch of songs to discover and a whole new show to fall in love with:wub2: .......bring it on!! ...and last but not least, the rest of the photos, enjoy !!
  3. Had a wonderful time and will post a proper account of our day and a lot more pics tomorrow (or later today actually)....right now our bed is beckoning I'm afraid, but here are a few pics to whet your appetite
  4. Awww, poor Bettasan I feel bad for moaning about not being on the poster now. I've had a rotten cold for over 2 weeks and was Just feeling sorry for myself Betta has obviously put a lot of work (not to mention love) into this awesome poster, so just want to say a big... THANK YOU and for being an old grump !! Thank you too - Robertina Jules x
  5. That lady is the Welsh opera singer Katherine Jenkins Lovely Mikster photos everyone - what a star he was last night
  6. AWESOME NEWS ...and so well deserved after the amount of work you guys have put in to make this place the Tip Top Official Fan Site CONGRATS to all involved and a big WHOOOOOP too !!! xxx p.s. Thanks Rose - your post said it all
  7. BUMP Awww, thanks all, for sharing the nostalgia with me! I personally think MIKA looks much lovlier and healthier these days I just miss those 'intimate' old days where we were able to see and chat to him within a small gathering of people though, sigh...
  8. 1) Relax 2) Happy Ending 3) Grace Kelly This is it....... Can't believe I got it for that price...... ....guess it's cancelled out by those I've paid waaaaaay too much for though
  9. ... £1.13 ... (...well, that's what I paid for mine recently. I was VERY lucky to get an amazing bargain off ebay) I have no idea what a good price for the promo would be, I know others have paid a LOT more for it... Good luck if you're bidding on a copy though
  10. It's exactly a year today that I first saw the Mikster in the flesh (so to speak ). Myself and Kev managed to get wristbands for the Fopp in-store promotion in London and were absolutely blown away by him and Martin. Thought you might like to see some of our photos - doesn't he look different?! Bless... ...Gotta be green lol...
  11. Here's my offerings Robi, sorry I didn't PM you to be added to the list (getting forgetful in my old age LOL!) - but I see that you have already added me to the list anyways - thank you Not sure what age I am in these, but hope you can use one of them...
  12. Happy 18th Miss Violet !! :yay: Hope you've had a truly wonderful day ! Luv n lollipops aplenty Jules & Kev xxx
  13. WOO HOO ... Johnny Depp has been nominated for an Oscar for 'Best Leading Actor' ...and rightly so too, in my opinion !! Myself and lovely hubby Kev (jesterkevin) went to see a preview last Friday and Sweeney Todd certainly lived up to our expectations, an absolutely stunning film!! It's not often we see a film more than once at the cinema (we usually wait for the DVD for a second viewing if we like something) but we've booked up already to see this again next week The casting and performances are perfect and it's visually breathtaking. Definitely the most enjoyable film we've seen in years. Anyways, WELL DONE Johnny
  14. Ahhhh happy days Thanks for all the reports and pics girls - lovely!! The photos are like a little ray of sunshine - I'm all set up for the morning now!! xx
  15. Pics on the way soon - my Mum (who lives miles and miles away) is digging some out this weekend ! Loving all the cute photos so far though
  16. ...Not crap at all LOL ...at least you're fortunate enough to be going
  17. ...Well slap me around the face with a wet kipper ... yet again I didn't win. Woe is me :crybaby: BUT... for all you guys who won!! Have a blast
  18. YAY !!! I love you Pengi I was slightly peed off, to put it mildly, when I applied to Applause for tickets and found out I was too old grrrrrr... Obviously when you hit 40 all you're fit for is sitting in a comfy chair, in a two-footed heated slipper, sipping a mug of cocoa and grumbling about "that noise they call music today"... Me, *bitter* ?? Nah
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