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Blue Eyes

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Everything posted by Blue Eyes

  1. Awwww, this little cutie is Sam She is one of the gorgeous daughters of our very own forum member - pebbles2109... (they are both big fans of the Mikster!). See you in Feb Tracey LOL *Hugs* Jules xx
  2. Awww thanks He wrote "To Julie and Kevin, much love Mika xxx" Sigh...
  3. We were absolutely delighted to get our copy of Dodgy Holiday signed by MIKA last May in Brighton... :biggrin2: (He was surprised to see it too )
  4. Wishing you all a peaceful Christmas and a very Happy New Year! xx:newyear: *Big hugs* Luv n lollipops (and plenty more MIKA in 2008!) Jules xxx
  5. It was wonderful to finally meet you too Avoca (even though it wasn't for long LOL!) See you in February (don't forget to bring your snow boots... or in your case riding boots!! Are you still going in costume?!) Jules x
  6. What, this one....? http://www.boomspeed.com/jesterkevin/Mailonsunday231207g.jpg
  7. I've scanned the purple pic for you but the quality is not that great (the original is pretty poor I'm afraid) As the scan is so big I've posted a link rather than the actual pic.... http://www.boomspeed.com/jesterkevin/Mailonsunday231207g.jpg Sorry I couldn't get to the shops to buy more copies of the paper - my kind Mother In Law (who knows of my MIKA obsession) gave me the mag and I couldn't get to the shops before they closed (shops generally close at 4pm on Sundays in the UK). Enjoy anyways...
  8. Awwwww you guys, here's a little something colourful from the Mail on Sunday 'Live' magazine to bring a smile back to your faces, enjoy... It's the same article as the online one. The Christmas tree incident though... awwwww don't you just want to go "choogie choogie" and playfully pinch his cheeks
  9. Oooo Jennie... and I thought you were such a 'nice' girl LOL Ooooooerrrr - I've gone all unnecessary ha ha!! Well, when you put it like that it certainly makes me feel like missing the Party xx
  10. Grrrrrrr... Bloody typical It's my Companies Christmas Party that evening, so I can't apply for tickets for this Waaahhh Oooooo, suddenly feel like I have a bad cold coming on - perhaps I won't be able to make it into work that day LOL Hope you guys get tickets though! *not jealous at ALL* Jules x
  11. ....Thanks (did you notice the band members hiding at the back?)
  12. Hi all Just got back from our trip to Hammersmith, we're obviously disappointed but it didn't come as a complete shock. Sounds like he was struggling last night so we'd much rather see him in healthy in February than struggle through a show he's not up to. We feel for those who have travelled a long way for the gig, it's easier for us as we only live an hour away (make that 2 1/2 hours in rush hour) but at least MIKA and the rest of the guys can get some well earned relaxation time now. It was lovely of the band to come out and speak to us when they weren't feeling too hot themselves. That, along with getting to meet up with so many truly lovely MFC'ers made it a worthwhile trip anyway. Roll on February
  13. WONDERFUL pics Jennie - especially the 'action' shots and the Grey Skelly one - I love it Thanks for helping me fend off the wind with our Umbrella (...ellla ella) - that was soooo funny
  14. He certainly is a SUPER HERO, he can even summon up balls of light with his hands !! :roftl: Jen ... just like your 'hero' Peter Petrelli
  15. Yep - I feel as rough as a dog today too LOL :roftl: *Waves back to you Bab, and all the lovely people mentioned in your post above* What a truly wonderful bunch of people - it was a real pleasure to meet you all again (or for the first time!). Words of wisdom - I personally think MIKA is just high on LIFE at the moment (ok, and maybe also cough medicine ha ha!) He seems so happy, and really feeds off audience enthusiasm. He's the blooming Tops !! Finally I would like to welcome my gorgey hubby Kev (Jesterkevin) to the forums. I love him to bits for putting up with my MIKA obsession and driving me everywhere and standing in queues for hours on end - just to feed my habit! I am a very lucky lady - and on top of all that he likes the Mikster too
  16. He played MM (although if I remember the band did play the opening chords of SD - got me all confused when they then started playing MM )
  17. Been queing here in windy, rainy, cold Brighton for 2 hours and there's another 2 to go. Still excited though!!
  18. Noooooooooooo Just been catching up with the Plymouth reviews thread, Rose reports that MIKA nearly didn't do the gig last night as he's possibly still not very well. *Fears history repeating itself in Brighton tonight* Please don't let this gig be cancelled, will be gutted
  19. YAY Sivan... we get to meet you twice now See you in 2 days time - SQUEEEEEEEEE !! :biggrin2: Jules x
  20. MEI !!!!! Hello stranger, hope all is well with you See you at Hammersmith - YIPPIEEEEE :biggrin2:
  21. Hee hee - a toy for MIKA eh We may be dressing up - will let you know after the weekend!! Oh, and don't worry about looking silly - you'll be in good company lol p.s. So... am I out of touch, are flashing hearts no longer 'in' ??
  22. Hellooo Jen Our tickets say 'standing 14+' 'GAO' then the number of the ticket, so our guess is that the GA stands for General Admission?? We've been to this venue once before and were seated at the front in what appeared to be temporary seats. Presumably these will be removed for the MIKA gig making it mainly standing with banked seating at the sides and back of the hall. Sorry not much to reassure you there, but see you at the front of the queue lovey 10 DAYS !!!!!!!!! Jules xx
  23. LOL ... what's your name Jemima Puddleduck !! Glad you all had a great time *not jealous at all*!! Also huge thanks to Kath / Abby for the brilliant photties
  24. Sorry to hear of your loss Vix. *Hugs* Jules x
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