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Everything posted by nico_collard

  1. *cough*


    Oi, didn't you even see that I'm in the Aussie thread???

  2. Awww yay! Unfortunately people did that when I went to see Aqua when they were in Sydney. I put it down to them not knowing the newer songs and only being interested in the earlier stuff. Not that that's an excuse, they should still be paying attention to whoever is on the stage. But back to Hanson, how awesome are they in concert???
  3. Okay, before I show a few pics and tell you about the day, I'll just reply to these posts: Thank you very much silver Her name's Charlotte... Thanks! I know I haven't been here in over 6 weeks, but what speech? very same topic, I'd be much obliged. Curls, yes. Quiff, no.) The hats are disgusting
  4. I know what you mean about wanting the wedding to be here already. Wow, you're going to be seriously stressed then. As long as you take some time between graduating and getting married to sit and relax, then you'll be fine.
  5. Wow, not long to go at all! I've got 16 days to go now. Have managed to get most of my stuff done, except for double checking stuff and asking people to do things for the wedding. I seriously can't wait to have some time off from work though. I am sooooooo tired!
  6. I think the coral and turquoise will look great. Very true! Well, yesterday was one month till my wedding (Saturday just gone was 5 weeks), and people keep asking me if I'm nervous yet... I wasn't until I just thought of it then
  7. I found that as well. Love it! And sorry, I've been pretty flat out lately. Mum and I went to Sydney on Thursday last week to meet with barristers and solicitors, and now the stuff with the hospital is all done and sorted! Can't say too much, but lets just say I'm very happy with the outcome
  8. Yeah, it was quite sweet. I've had a lot to do with this year group as their laptops gave me all sorts of troubles when they first arrived. It was certainly an interesting way to start working here! Oh, and happy birthday Melzy!!!
  9. Funnily enough I saw a coral coloured dress in the window of the local bridal shop and I immediately thought of you! And mum has managed to organise a singer/organist. My sister isn't overly impressed but I figure it's only for the church and it's keeping mum happy, so
  10. And plenty of singing along to music too... The complementary colour is teal (turquoise works too). Some people suggested yellow anr orange. Here are some suggestions: http://www.groomsoldseparately.com/wedding-ideas-and-trends/wedding-boards/gss-wedding-inspiration-board-coral-and-navy-blue/ http://www.weddingsbylilly.com/coral-wedding-theme-ideas/ I've already handed over a job to mum. She wanted a live singer in the church so I said she could look after that. Oooooh, yay! Good that she likes it.
  11. Mmmmmm.... Been an interesting few days at school... The Year 12 kids have finished all their classes and have had their assemblies yesterday and today. Yesterday they had an informal assembly and gave out awards to the teachers and today they had a formal assembly and received a folder with awards and such. I ended up getting a picture of their muck up photo with Thank you written on it, and got a thank you during the captains speeches. I was a little teary after that. They're such an interesting group of kids and I'll miss them.
  12. How's the planning going now? Yes, we do... We're driving to Bundaberg in Queensland. We'll be there for about a weeks, then driving south to Brisbane to see Derek's Aunt and her partner as they're not coming down for the wedding, then going to a little town called Kilcoy for a few days to see his grandmother, who is in a nursing home and can't come. It's going to be a long drive... A is where we are, and B is where we're going: My mother hasn't done that yet, and she's harassing me about getting stuff done that can wait a week or two or has been organised That's my parents' wedding anniversary! They'll be married 34 years this year... Well, I've got most of my stuff done. I still have to: - Get the boys measured up for suits - Get the rest of the stuff for me (fittings + veil and garter) - Work out people to do readings and be the MC - Finish up place cards and order of service - Get some memory charms made up with pics of my grandparents and uncle - Decide on music for the ceremony and reception - Finalise the guest list numbers - Meet with the cake lady - Get pre wedding photos done - Fill in the forms so it's all official - Paint a canvas so people can sign it instead of a guestbook - Then there's confirming stuff and paying it off. Actually, I'm not doing too bad! Derek and I managed to get a free tasting of the menu a few weeks ago and luckily for us it all tastes goo. I've also sorted out the bridesmaids presents and my shoes. This is what they look like: Of course, I can't get them in a 9.5, I had to get a size 10 cause the size 9 is way too small.
  13. Man with the belt? I have absolutely no idea what this is referring to... any chance someone could point me in the right direction?
  14. Yep, silver and I use this place as our own personal playground... Lemon chiffon is a long time ago now... Oh yes, totes disturbing... is so much better... to both comments... Maybe Derek could do that with his chest hair... You've got it all wrong Melz... Mika wouldn't be there if it was correct Mika said he wants his back scratched but I said You do? What did I say and when was it? Oooh yay! Good to hear he's going alright! Ooooh, and Tanya?
  15. I asked what instruments he'd like to use in a song that he's never used... Kinda hoping my question gets picked and he says bagpipes cause I can play them
  16. Oooooh, it is! Derek's a very good cook Though he did say I did the best special chicken I've ever done last night. It's not really that special anyways, it's chicken that's been flattened a bit and coated with chinese 5 spice, salt and pepper and then cooked, smothered with sweet chilli sauce and sesame seeds
  17. Maybe he's trying to be like a cat Damn straight I'm the queen! Bow to the queen of multi-quotes! I'm not exactly a big fan of it either, that's what I'm a bit excited about the possibility of coming off it! But yay for for you for one med! It's pretty damn hard to get an inexpensive wedding. I tried to get an inexpensive wedding but it's still costing a lot (mostly because of the number of people that are coming). Speaking of , I just had a peppermint cheesecake, courtesy of the other half It kinda looked like this, without the cream:
  18. Seems a lot of people fine him attractive. One of the very awesome people that helps organise conventions in Australia absolutely loves him... Really? I don't see it. Maybe you should post some pictures on here so we can analyse him and see if he is indeed like Mika
  19. Yep. It's that old. It could be worse, the Middlings thread only changed to the second thread this year I think she's been doing a fair bit of the talking in the private messages on FB... DC is a very close second of couse Mmmmmmmm.... cookie... What a goose! Good to know he's okay though. I just had a thought... maybe he's really a cat in disguise and that means he still has 7 lives left... Ally! Good to see you here (despite the fact that I see you all the time on FB)... mmmmmm, more cookies... Ooooh, explains a bit. I'm sure I mentioned it a few pages back, but apparently if I don't have any seizures and the EEG they're going to do next year is fine, then I get to come off Tegretol (slowly)
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