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Everything posted by lollipop_monkey

  1. If you guys have any ideas or files or anything that you'd like to submit, send 'em to mfcmag@hotmail.com
  2. Sivan and I think it's best to keep it fairly small, at least for the first issue. I've created a bit of a storyboard; am I missing anything?
  3. Can I second the motion for a Mika concert in Seattle? I'm almost positive I'll have to get on a plane, but at least Seattle's close-ish.
  4. I wrote this when I first discovered Mika. It's so soppy, I have no choice but to call it "Ode to Mika": ---- Your fingers dance like butterflies across the ivory keys Soft and slow or uplifting, your music speaks to me. In your words I find a solace I so desperately required And your smile makes me melt and sets my tender heart afire. Somewhere along my charcoal road I got caught up in a race Then you came and pulled me down into another time and place Your talent is a gift, your voice a treasure to be heard I share in your elation as you spread it ‘round the world. You know deep in your heart this is the path you were born to take The world that you’ve created is a utopia we can’t shake. I admit that my inner skies were dark, and painted with shades of gray Your watercolor daydream now keeps those dreary clouds at bay. With so much of life so artificial now, everything’s a calculated creation Your art is real and free, and comes from within; that’s the source of your sensation. It inspires me in unseen ways how you connect with what you’ve created And as a result you’ve earned my love, unabashed and unabated. Oh Mika, you must think I’m mad, waxing poetic about you here But you should know how much you’ve touched me; I’d like to make that clear. With the endless trials of everyday life, it’s so easy to get caught It’s so deliciously refreshing to hear someone tell you “why not?†In 23 short years you’ve felt so many things that color your very soul Yet you took those shattered pieces and created something so very whole. As the world spins around you now, like some crazy carousel Make sure you don’t lose sight of the inner spirit you know so well.
  5. My linguistics textbook says quote: "The student can enhance their comprehension of phonetic variances by listening to recordings of their own speech and by noting variations in pronunciation by individuals...in popular culture." Watching Mika interviews is legitimate homework! Could it get any better?
  6. Bwahaha! DaMango, your screen cap skills are legendary.
  7. He's wearing the same striped blue and white shirt as the Australian interview. He looks criminally adorable in that shirt. Methinks it's my favourite.
  8. Oh silly Jack, you know you want to see him again just as much as most of us do Mika does need to rest. But, since he - or THEM - seem unwilling to arrange for said rest, and have told numerous people that there will be some stateside dates in the fall, of course people are going to be just a tiny bit eager for new dates. However, in lieu of performances, he's more than welcome to come to my place. We'll go take a dip in some good 'ol Canadian Rockies hot springs - just the rejuvenation our boy needs. I wonder about December - all his dates so far seem to be in the early part of the month. Maybe he will - gasp! - take the latter part of December off and just spend the holidays with friends and family?
  9. Did anyone else notice the - erm - addition that Perez added to Beth's face in the first shot? I love the group pic, though! I think I might have to stage a covert operation to steal Mika's band members' clothing. Between Mikey's shirt and Cherisse's shirt (corset?) - wow.
  10. Pastel coloured clothing + smiling Mika + clean shaven = adorable Mika Earthtones/neutrals + serious expression + five o'clock shadow = male model-ish Mika! Bring on the pastel cardigans!
  11. Exactly! I'll drink to that! Hannah, I love the pic in your signature! Is it just me, or is he getting progressively cuter?! I especially love the contrast between that pic and the serious, polished pic on the forum banner at the top. Wow.
  12. I find I get way more jealous of the journalists who get to sit and chat with him. Like the gal on the TBA Vodafone clip, sitting there chatting with him over a nice meal at a nice restaurant. I also get slightly green when some boring interviewer starts in with "so, tell us why you wrote Grace Kelly?" I want to grab my monitor , shake it back and forth and be like "it's so not fair that you get to spend time with him asking the same old questions and I get nada! Aaargh!"
  13. The airports you could do the ones that Mika likely flies out of a lot, like Heathrow in London, Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris, John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York and maybe Narita International Airport in Japan. As for names of places, you could try using names of venues Mika's performed at, like The Forum in Sydney, The Avalon in LA, that sort of thing?
  14. The only issue I forsee with that is Mika and his people having to carry a questionnaire around with them. I'm thinking an online questionnaire might work better. My fiance is a computer geek, I could ask him to set up a questionnaire online after we all come up with a list of questions for Mika. We could arrange for someone who has plans to attend one of his gigs to give Mika the address of the questionnaire and explain to him about our little magazine. The other way is to get someone on the case of trying to go through the "proper" media relations channels with Mika's people, and arrange it that way. Quite frankly I don't think we'd be able to wrangle an actual interview; Mika's busy with newspapers and TV stations that can enhance his reach, as opposed to our magazine which is mostly targeted at existing fans. We could give it a try though - as Mika would say, "why not?"!
  15. I thinkg that "Erase" has the most potential for getting some real North American airplay, but it's not on the European version of the CD is it? Hrm...
  16. *is confused* Here's what I understand... Y'all found a streaming audio feed of this performance, in which Grace Kelly was played but Mika sang little or none of the song? That he turned the mic on the audience and let them sing most of it, and presumably just sort of stood there - which he presumably did due to being to ill to really perform? Is that on the right track?? If so, that is totally bizarre...
  17. I showed my mom the pic of Mika inside the LICM booklet, and said "oh mom, meet my new boyrfriend." She looks at the pic, turns to my fiance (who happens to have a slightly receding hairline) and says to him, quote: "Well, at least Mika's got more hair than you do!" Bad, bad mother!
  18. Creative Direction is a title I gave to Femifrosk and Bexxy since it was their idea in the first place - that gives them the power to say "I don't like what you're doing, could we maybe do it a different way?" Layout and design is taking all the things - pictures, articles, reviews, etc - and making them fit on the pages in a way that is functional and appealing to the eye Artwork and drawings are things that fans have created, mostly sketches and stuff. And editing is going through and correcting things like spelling, grammar, messaging - that sort of thing. Hope that helps!
  19. The other thread seemed to be more about figuring out big picture things - whether it would be print or online, whether it would include photo captions alone or other content. I thought it would be best to create a new thread dedicated to more detailed planning - things like figuring out who can help in what way (such as writing, photos, etc), making a list of the things we want to include - that sort of thing. Not trying to step on your toes (or Bexxy's!) - just trying to get this organized because it's a really cool idea
  20. Hi Ioana - great to have you on board! I put a list of all the major roles in the first post of this thread - let me know if you want to help in any particular way, or if you want to just be added under "general help". We're also coming up with a list of possible magazine names, and ideas for what sorts of things we'd like to include - let me know if you have ideas. Thanks!
  21. Editorial Meeting: Draft list of things that we'd like to include: Picture Captions - since that's how the idea was born! Show pictures and reviews by MFCers Links to articles by press (a perk of the online format) Letters to Mika (a few each month, from different parts of the world) Maybe some editorial content? E.g, "Mika - changing the definition of pop music?" Fan art and drawings RosinaKiwi started a thread where people translated Mika's songs (or portions of) into other languages - might be cool to add that, really show the MFC's diversity Post cards to print Center poster Got more? Toss 'em out here! Potential Magazine Titles: Pointlessly Delicious MIKA Mikazine Mikamaniacs Mika Fan Club MFC MFC Mag Love Today Mag in Cartoon Motion Mika Monthly Picamag MFC Superfans Mag Who is Billy Brown? Mikalicious Mika Lollipop Mag Mika Chabby Mag Mika In Life Mag Mika Stucky Mag Why Not Magazine
  22. I put "Pointlessly Delicious" because of the way Mika described the Love Today video, but we can definitely toss around some other ideas
  23. Yay our resident graphics design guru is on board! Sivan, that's awesome. And let me hand you a drink to acknowledge the fact that you could design me under the table! Did the one you created ever progress beyond a cover design? If we could generate some content, we could really get this show on the road!
  24. Hi all, Thanks to a brilliant idea by Femifrosk and BexxY, we're planning to create a Mika Fan Club magazine. I think we're aiming to create an e-magazine, since printing and mailing and such is quite expensive and time consuming. So I spent some time mucking around and created this: We can toss ideas back and forth, create content - whatever! I used "Pointlessly Delicious" as a name, but we can certainly change that. Please don't throw rotten vegetables at me about the design - it's three in the morning and I don't have any coffee. If you want to get involved in creating this, let me know and we'll make a list of hands on board. Cheers! -------- MFC Magazine Team: Creative Direction Bexxy Femifrosk Layout & Design Sivan Lollipop_monkey Shezzy12 Copywriting Lollipop_monkey Mellody Queenie Mandilambi Ioana BonjourMika1990 My_rainbow_radio Soange Vanessa (fashion writing) Editing Hannah Lollipop_monkey Kavi bttrflykisses88 avilitis Artwork & Drawings Marianne84 Shezzy12 Photography Queenie Mandilambi (US gigs) Soangel Research Mellody Lilmot General Help Mirtilla Kavi RosieLou Lolliepop_girl
  25. Look at me! I have antlers! I AM TEH MOOSE!
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