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Everything posted by Laurel

  1. Yeah they don't let in early entry to pick up box office tickets from brixton Have to go in with the queue and hope someone keeps your spot - or has a spare in Kata's case lol
  2. Love Today - Gray Skelly bit http://www.sendspace.com/file/onqvbw Love this - just loved it
  3. I'm at the stage now where I can't stop watching his vids on You Tube - what's the cure then. I'm 33 I should be beyond this. After last night not a chance.... help!
  4. Stupid Boots don't have an hour service where I live at the moment. Have to wait till sodding Friday till I can get my Photo's. Have a really good zoom camera so am hoping for some fantastic pics. Part Three .... MIKA TIME I don't know where to start really - I knew 9-5 would be the oh my god he's about to come on song. Seeing Sara in that bubble thing was pretty impressive and then hearing that voice start. He's real, I can see him, and god can I hear him. I like the way they keep the stage in kind of semi darkness until he bounds to the front of the stage. It keeps us on an edge. And then madness abounds. I couldn't stop grinning like a loon for the whole first song. Got abit carried away with my camera too. 6 pics for Relax alone and had to stop myself cos' I have an hour and a half yet of bliss to witness. Big Girl. Filmed it as you saw. Came out really well. Kind of missed the Big Girl Cartwheel thing - but did get Mika's reaction to it which was cool. I love the piano stuff. Probably some of my fave songs are these, My Interpretation, Any Other World (had to film it - it cemented my Mika Love), Billy Brown. He's songs are just amazing and witnessing it for real is incredible. I've never in my life known a concert go so quick. Normally there's always a point about 45 mins in (even Blur and Franz) where I'll start lagging alittle - too much jumping and other stuff and look at my watch or something. Not at all with Mika. It just seemed to fly by - which is a shame really. Even happier in retrospect that I took so many videos. I absolutely love How Much Do You Love Me, should be renamed How Much Do I Love This Song and the Doo Doo Doo bit. I can't tell you how much (again) I'm looking forward to a studio version of this. Just amazing. Holy Johnny was incredible - I like how it sounds kind of different to the version on the DVD. Was great seeing HJ get pulled out of the crowd. And his confusion about the whole kneeling on the floor bit... Did anyone else hear the guy shout loudly in a really strange voice how much he LOVED MIKA before Happy Ending. Mika's face was priceless - the crowd seemed to think it was funny too. Happy Ending was amazing - such a beautiful song. Even better live. God this man is incredible. Stuck In The Middle was fantastic with the stretched ending and the whole crowd response thing. Missionary Man was good, but not Sweet Dreams. Love Today... Words fail me actually. Knew it would be incredible live, was even better than I expected. Loved every bloody minute of it. I love Cherrise. Sorry Mika she's better than you ... you looked hot though... not that I was looking ..... much Loved the whole Gray Skelly, even though I've watched it loads of times on YT, seeing it is completely magical. Just makes Love Today even even better if possible. Grace Kelly was unbelievable, It amazes me actually that I can listen to something as beautiful as Any Other World and the same artist is responsible for an athem like GK. I love his diversity. He's unique, incredible and I'm so excited to see where his career is gonna take him and us. All too soon I was hearing the intro to Lollipop. Can't believe I'm on the last song all ready - it can't be time yet. It's only just started. A bunny appeared over by our side after their skit bit and Mika in full costume came pelting over to continue firing at it. Loved it. Kind of unexpected. I don't think I have enough for this. The balloons, streamers, confetti - everything was amazing, over the top - in the heavens and beyond. Did anyone else see Sara fall over - caught that on video. Their phony fight at the beginning with Martin tearing over to Mika to attack him. Just loved it. Am so envious of everyone going again tonight and Thursday. You guys are so so lucky. I have memories though, some amazing ones. Oh and if I was slightly obsessed before it has nothing on now. MIKA YOU'RE OUTSTANDING AND I LOVE YOU TO BITS....
  5. How Much Do You Love Me http://www.sendspace.com/file/49piq9 Sorry these are taking awhile but they're kind of big as whole songs. Enjoy though...
  6. OK Part Two (Computer is being crappy and slow so bear with me) About 2.00 pm a steward came along and started putting up the barriers, said he knew we'd all been numbered and could he have 1-10 first. Thank God I swallowed my shyness and got my sodding number I was thinking at this moment - otherwise I would have been stood there numberless and pissed off. The whole queueing thing seemed to be abit more open now - the whole singing thing started off - have no clue who you guys were or are - but you were really good. Especially the lad - hit the high notes pretty well. Went abit red when he got some of the lyrics wrong. Really enjoyed that. MFC'ers I know I spoke to were Robertina, Kath, Haeschen02, others I'm not too sure of their names - a lady who had her daughter with her on crutches. Hats of to this girl cos' she went down the front. Hope she managed to stay there. An oldie who had her two kids with her. She had a blue top on. Sorry I'm so bad with names. She seemed really familiar to me as well, have no idea why as I know I've never met her. Deja-Vu maybe. Or is she famous Laughed when Babs arrived cos' everyone near me went mad. Are you all sure we came to see Mika and not the Babspanky show. Twas funny. DOORS OPEN - MAD RUSH TO GET INSIDE... I don't do running, I'm not designed to run. Got to barrier though - about where Mikey would be. Chuffed. Now we wait and wait and wait. They played Blur's Country House. Felt a tad nostalgic, have been a huge fan of theirs since I was 16 - last saw them in 2003. Am probably never gonna see them live again. Could've played a better tune though. They then redeemed themselves by playing Arcade Fire, and not any old song. They played Keep The Car Running. My fave fave Arcade Fire song. Palladium (is that how it's spelt - can't be bothered to check) were quite good. Really liked their enegetic keyboardist. What is it with Mika having curly haired people surporting him. Does he do it just to prove he has better hair or something. Seriously though I quite liked them - but they had a bad deal ..... I WANT TO SEE FLIPPING MIKA ..... Part Three next .... Concert woop!
  7. Ok - will try to write this review now... Am not very good with this, so here goes. Part One. Why is it when you have something coming up that's exciting - eating and being able to sleep the night before goes out the window. Didn't get much sleep Sunday night. Then had to be up at 4.30 for the coach to London. Got everything ready pretty much the night before, was just a case of putting the gifts in my bag and making sure I had camera's etc with me. Got to London about 10.00am, not much to report about the journey up. Uneventful, boring national express coach with not many passengers on it. Played Mika on my MP3 Player the whole way to London so was in a very happy mood by the time I got to Victoria. Now had to traverse stupid underground. Went into Victoria Underground to find they'd moved the stupid ticket office. So unfair, had to go searchin' for it. Wasting Mika queueing time. Damn London transport. Finally worked out where I needed to go - bought ticket. Stupid inspector tried to sell me a higher priced ticket - cos' he wasn't convinced I was only going to Hammersmith and nowhere else today. Had to explain I was going to a concert and staying in a hotel in HAMMERSMITH and wouldn't be coming back till Tuesday. TWERP Found platform and had to change at Paddington. On way back I realised I didn't need to change at Paddington if I'd got the bloody district line - but nope stupid went on the Hammersmith And City Line. More Mika Queueing time wasted. grrrr Finally got to Hammersmith and made my way to the venue, well my hotel first. Was really surprised to see quite alot of people outside already by the time I passed Hammersmith Apollo. This doesn't happen with Franz - there's no queue till at least 5.00 or 6.00pm. Your a hardy bunch. Checked into hotel and got refreshed and changed, Sorted my bag and munchies out (hadn't eaten anything yet until I got to the venue - am starving). Joined queue. Ummmm the only thing I will say about me arriving in that queue is how untalkative everyone was to me. I don't know - with the way this forum is, I thought it would be more open. I just felt alittle out of place, everyone knew each other obv and had been to tons of gigs already, and if you weren't known you didn't matter. People kept arriving after me and were being numbered by fellow MFC'ers. I'd been there about an hour and a half before anyone could be bothered to put a number on my hand to say I'd been there. I had to ask for that myself too, which I found abit hard to do. I don't know, but if we are gonna be Official we're hopefully gonna be having loads of new Mika fans through the years. Just feel you should be abit more welcoming in all aspects is all.
  8. Any Other World now uploaded http://www.sendspace.com/file/8c6sih Enjoy
  9. OK only just got back from London about an hour ago so have been trying to catch up on this thread Right for starters here's Big Girl - it's the whole song http://www.sendspace.com/file/2ixzl8 I was trying to put the damn thing on YouTube (have never uploaded anything on it before - it wasn't working - so have tried sendspace instead) Still have to upload Any Other World How Much Do You Love Me Bits of Love Today (Gray Skelly Bit and Trash Can Drumming) I was dancing far too much to do the rest Grace Kelly - well the end Lollipop Show was fecking incredible - Got right to the front - but well I was there since before 12.00 so am not surprised lol Will do a full report on my first Mika experience in a mo About the after meet-up though. I agree with everyone who said it was a joke. I pretty much always do what I'm told - so If someone tells me to line up somewhere that's what I'll do. I'm not a pushy person. I would have been in a good position too on that side. Then the car arrived and I thought he was just going to leave (I had gifts for him and would have been absolutely gutted if I couldn't have given them to him after spending hours bloody making them - but well what would be would be). Everyone was just kinda stood there waving at him. Then the crowd kind of disappeared. I didn't realise why at first, then realised he'd gone and got out of the car on the other side - everyone pretty much legged it. I stood there a moment not sure what to do or where to go, there was so many people crowding him. By the time I got round there John was getting really shirty, saying if anyone else walked in front of the car they would be leaving. I somehow managed to avoid falling over two massive bags that were lying haphazordly on the floor and found myself a space near one of the stewards about 4 people away from Mika. Then some people moved and I kind of had everything in this bag (all the gifts and that) so I just kind of held it up and said his name. Didn't think for a minute he'd hear me. He bloody did though. He turned and looked at me, at which point I thought "Damn I'm gonna have to speak to him now - nerves nerves - So I just held the bag towards him and asked him if I could just give him these as they were bracelets and necklaces I'd made him and some gifts for him too. He gave me a gorgeous smile and grinned at me and took my bag and said Thank You. I think he still had hold of my bag as he drove off which he did seconds later. I feel really bad now though after reading Caz's report though. I was just lucky I guess, but it should have been better organized. I still felt abit disappointed we didn't get longer with him though as it was only about 11.30 when he left. I mean it's not like we want to spend hours with him or whatever - but abit more so people aren't disappointed. Anyway will type up concert report in a moment but Caz has pretty much nailed it and it won't be a Mana type report either.
  10. I'm so gonna be taking a vid of Love Today if the stupid stewards let me... Fave song and Mika topless = no choice
  11. Gosh Darnit.... Beautiful, I really in a way wish he wouldn't look at the camera like that... Mainly cos' it causes my death... Gonna have to order another sodding coffin and then come back as a vampire. Then do good deeds to redeem my soul so I can become human, just so he can kill me all over again...
  12. LOL, I will not tell you how many pics of Franz and Alex Kapranos are on my computer at the moment. If that is how many of Mika I have after only about six weeks you can kind of guess considering I've liked Franz since 2003. *Runs and hides*
  13. I don't even know what Photoshop is - probably a good idea lol
  14. I spent about most of this month traversing 7 previous Mikagasmic Threads. I blame you lot completely .... stop posting gorgeous pics cos' my fingers can't resist the right click option on them.... Actually I blame Mika for being so photogenic... I mean does he take a bad pic ever.... I'm going to see him TOMORROW.... Have I said that yet... Woooootttttt! Am slightly excited... I just finished making his bracelet. Hope he likes it and that I get to give him his gifts I've got him...
  15. Ummm one of my Mika folders has 2,077 pics in it. My second Mika folder has 1,281 pics. My other folders have 1,376 pics between them.... I'm shocked at that..... I've only liked him since January
  16. Hee, glad I'm not the only obsessive put pics in Folders person. I do have two Mika Folders but there the ones not sorted yet. My folders go Mika Fan Pics, Mika Other Pics (as in him with Perez or other famous people), Mika Blink Studio, Mika Videos, Mika Screencaps, Mika Performances, Mika Misc, Mika Out N' About, Mika Award Shows (Awards shows have all the sub folders ie. Brits, Grammy's MTV Video Awards, MTV Europe Music Awards, NRJ Awards, World Music Awards - lol - I even have MTV Europe with sub folders because of Orange and Green Jacket) Ummmmm, I'm strange but it has to be organised.
  17. Am so excited now. Woot! I'll be arriving in London about 10.30 - and going straight to the hotel to get refreshed and changed. Still not sure what I'm wearing, well I know what trousers I'm wearing but haven't a clue top wise.... Gonna have my book (Year In Cartoon Motion Obviously - LOL) with me too - so shall read that outside in the queue while waiting. Also If you lot do see a big girl sitting at Hammersmith who's not very talkative ... please come and say hello to me, I'm just very very shy ... Can't believe it's finally tomorrow I'm gonna be a bag of nerves by the time I go in...
  18. Thanks for telling me that - was great
  19. He has great socks doesn't he - he has great clothes full stop. I just love what he wears.
  20. I think he did incredibly well if he was sick. Yes I did notice that GK sounded abit off but Love Today was fantastic. I think this sums him up as an artist who can perform like that with sodding Bronchitis. Hope he's better for Monday.
  21. God I cannot stand Arctic Monkeys. Shouldn't have gone to The Brits If they were only gonna take the piss out of the whole event. Mark Ronson shouldn't have been up for Best Male - He doesn't sodding sing. Mika should have walked that one. So glad he got one though cos' Leona didn't - LoL
  22. God I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that duet didn't work Love Today and Grace Kelly amazing - Set Amazing - just don't think they're voices do each others justice
  23. So so pleased for him. He looked quite emotional
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