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Everything posted by Laurel

  1. Why, oh why, when I decided I wanted to see Mika did I decide to go to Hammersmith. I could have bought a ticket to Brixton then - knowing I could only go to one. Damn it I'm kicking myself now. Am so pleased for everyone there though. Can't wait to hear all about it. I've never known an artist do something as amazing as this for his fans. How bloody lovely is he.
  2. I really really can't My mother would disown me for starters. Plus Morrison's would fire me as I'm the only one on to do a late tonight. *CRY*
  3. Shhhhhhh, don't tempt me. *Runs Away* I can't go.... Wish I could. I don't have money for train fare anyway - I get paid tomorrow. Damn Mika why couldn't he have had his last show tomorrow. Stupid man....
  4. LOL, I can't believe there's 45 people there already. As Mika would say That's Demented. Just hope they all get in ok today. Keeps fingers crossed for everyone. I have to work till 9.30 tonight. Mika will already be on when I get home. So wish I could go sick and go to London and buy a ticket off of a tout. LOL.
  5. I love this song so much. I said on the Hammersmith thread how much I adore it. Have it on my MP3 Player. Can't wait for it to get a proper release.
  6. *Sigh* I just can't stop thinking about him since Monday. He's just so amazing. Love all the pics you've posted. Can't stop remembering getting that killer smile directed at me. Can't believe he noticed me, can't believe I spoke to him. Can't believe I managed to string a sentence together. *Sigh* I think I like him... just abit
  7. The worst concert I ever went to was T In The Park to see Blur in 99'. Travelled all the way to Scotland to see them. Queued from 8.00 in the morning got a really good spot at the barrier. Then about 15 friends surrounded me and others (they were teenagers and pretty pissed already). Tried to intimidate me out of the front row. Hit me - punched me. Kept asking for water the whole time (it was really hot for a change in Scotland) only to keep deliberately tipping the whole lot over me. I ended up punching one of them about two hours into all this. They told me I was dead when the gig had finished. They were gonna stab me. DID I MOVE. NO I BLOODY DIDN'T. You will always get idiots. You just have to learn to deal with them. They never said boo to me when it finished. Prats...
  8. Personally I don't want seating concerts. I hate them. I much prefer Standing concerts. When you have an artist like Mika It's always going to be standing. I saw Franz at their only seated gig at The Royal Albert Hall and yes I was only ten rows from the front, but you just don't get the vibe like you do when your standing. It just doesn't do it for me. Venues won't change. I don't think it ever will change. People push in always. It's horrible but It will always happen. I loved where I was at Hammersmith - no pushing - no crowd serfers (sp?) kicking me in the head. LOL.
  9. Yep that was my post about the numbers thing. I think Mariposa (is that her name was doing the numbers). I got there about 11.30 I think. It wasn't till about 1.00pm that I got given a number. Don't know how many people arrived inbetween, not many thankfully but It's not the point. The thing that got me was she didn't even want to give me a number. She had to check with someone else. Sorry If It's a queue it's a queue for everyone. Numbers don't work anyway. When we were in the barriers bit - I was trying to keep my place - she'd finally given me a number of about 33 I think it was. Some people who'd been out of the queue demanded to be let in where I was saying "Oh we're numbered" - they were about 40 ish number wise. They just shoved me out of the way. Gigs are always like this though - Queueing only ever works to a degree. Do you know why I queue early. It's because I am a big girl and I can't run very fast. I always go on my own to gigs. Have never ever gone to a gig since I was 16 with someone. It's difficult to keep places in queues when your on your own. It's even worse once the doors open. Everyone is quicker than me. Fair do's. But the reason I go and queue for 7-10 hours is I'll always be guarenteed a place somewhere at the barrier. Never centre place. I've even been first in a queue and never ever got centre place. It does upset me sometimes but I can't do anything about it. Except always keep trying to queue. I was happy where I got - In front of Mikey. And I loved the gig. Would be amazing to be centre sometimes, but never gonna happen for me, and I've resigned myself to this years ago.
  10. Hee, have no idea why you looked so familiar though, but I do know why I recognised your voice. I watch that chicken vid all the time, so now know who's voice I'm hearing.
  11. I know Blur used to have Fan Club Only Gigs. I managed to go to all of them. They were all in the UK though, so fans from abroad had to travel here. Though most were in London, the first was in Birmingham. Were the best gigs by far - just because it was the die hards. We even got a B-Side night. It was the same with Presales - we got them the day before general sale. Passwords were needed etc. Loved it. Am in Franz's fanclub too. Nothing there though as of yet cos' they haven't really toured - so have no idea what happens in that one. I can't wait to find out what being official will mean - and if it involves a fee - i'm happy with that too.
  12. No photo's yet for last night then. Damn it and I have to go to work in an hour - will have to catch up with this when I come back tonight. Grrrrrr
  13. God no lol I love your reports and you could never type too much for me to read and enjoy. I just don't have your play with words is all. Anyway gonna try GK again now - stupid sendspace stopped working last night and I only have two vids left too do. Yep Grace Kelly is up now too http://www.sendspace.com/file/v4sw0a Not the whole song - but quite abit of it
  14. Really glad everyone had a great time and the Meet and Greet was better than monday's. Just glad I got him to notice me abit yesterday and give him my gifts because right now, if I'd had have to have taken them back home with me, I would be so disappointed now. How long did he stay outside for - does anyone know. Well least he spoke to me monday night *sigh*
  15. Nope it's no good - I'm dead tired so am gonna hit the sack - shall write somewhere I was on page 25 when I went to bed - so I know where to start from. Hope everyone has an amazing evening and can't wait to hear about Wendy's night - she sounds like she deserves one. Night night.
  16. Yep watched it now - all is alright with the world again - any reviews yet - I should go to bed. Didn't get much last night - crap hotel bed, but I kind of want to know if they all get a better meet and greet than we did last night.
  17. Hmmmmm, me thinks I'm gonna have to watch SLC again cos' u'r sig is talking to me again Charlotte
  18. Was reading that quite fine until Luck Stops Here bit. Am sitting in the front room on my own and my Mum has gone to bed - so me here giggling like a loon from that point onwards is not good.
  19. He's so tall he should have easily got back on that stage. LOL have weird mental image in my head now.
  20. Mika almost fell, I gather off the stage that means. Lollipop madness me thinks
  21. Awwww glad you liked it hun, my fave song without a doubt. Just absolutely beautiful.
  22. Glad your downloading them hun, and I wasn't the oldest last night - so we're all cool Anyway your as young as you feel and I felt very young last night. Mika grinned at me yayyyyy did I say that. He said Thank You to me, me. LOL - I should thank him for making me feel like a teenager again. Or smack him - delete as appropriate...
  23. Well I'm uploading stuff lol - have no idea if anyone's looked at em' though. I love them though. Grace Kelly will be up next. Downloading now
  24. I don't know if anyone's actually downloading these lol But well I'll keep uploading them anyway. Love Today - Trashcan Drum Off With Cherrise - Oh and Mika topless but you don't want to know that do you.... http://www.sendspace.com/file/l9v52w
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