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Everything posted by kaeryana

  1. wow,i love this! I can't believe it,there's so many Tim Burton and Johnny Depp fans here! they make such brilliant partner-in-crime.My favourite movie's edward scissorhands too! followed by corpse bride,brought tears to my eyes.
  2. hi girls,as a godmother,just thought i'd peep for awhile to see the response towards me n linde's godchild,Michael Alice
  3. haha,this is so funny! ooh,i have one! You were walking at the park,reading your favourite novel,without looking at where you were going.Suddenly,crashh! You've hit someone and made him fell on his bump.Everything he carried scattered on the grass.You apologized millions of times and he replied by saying that it's ok repeatedly,then you realized that his accent was really familiar.Then only you noticed it was MIKA! What would you do next?
  4. I feel the same way too.I like him for both his music AND personality,if he ever changes (as a whole),I'll be very heart-broken despite being his fan for only 6 months.His attitude is very natural and some of his quotes may be funny but very inspirational if we really come to judge it deeply.Yet,i won't jump into conclusions so quickly,unless he decides to rap and wear all the bling blings
  5. should send one to mika someday
  6. dunno why,i dun see the difference between the licm artwork and the new one maybe the tone's darker?well,if you mention the clowns and everything,i noticed that there ARE skeletons (not Gray Skelly) in the LICM DVD booklet.but i'm not sure of the songs though.mika's songs should be fab judging by the newly developed style he previewed to us.
  7. awww..you're not the only one i hven't had mine either,but what i think is only our husbands deserve our first kiss..
  8. Which episode was it? Oh,that's pretty cool! is he good-looking?
  9. I just noticed this thread,hmm..i read this article on how music can be therapeutic for bully victims,children with autisms(one who is not able to communicate or act properly due to improper neurotic conditions) and many other diseases or phobias that may cause one to stop talking.Notice how singing is more expressive rather than talking itself?it really makes sense now how mika can write such beautiful melodies,and entertaining ones too.where words fail,music speaks.take beethoven,he's deaf yet he writes such excellent music! i think if i had to make a choice between being deaf or not be able to talk,i'd choose deafness since its proven that one who is locked up in a dark room without any sounds for one week will die eventhough he is given all the other life necessities.that's what i personally think
  10. Really??i gotta start googling for it on youtube,sounds like an interesting show!
  11. hiyya clare fine i guess,a bit exhausted.what hv u been doing?
  12. haha,thanks! i'm just a literature geek is all it's awesome that there are many diff interpretations of your poem.write more and let me at em!!
  13. woah,i never thought of drugs and suicide when i'm analyzing it my interpretation is more brief,and is more towards what lies beneath the happy ending lyrics.from what i can conclude,it's more to a story of one who has enjoyed a very fortunate life,and suddenly faith has grabbed everything away from him,leaving him nothing but dreams.so he yearned for a better tomorrow,and wished to remain in his dreams,where he can be himself and avoid the brutal real-world.well,that's what i think
  14. me too! and i was at the cinemas.luckily it was dark,otherwise people will be staring
  15. Haha,yeah.that's gonna be the reason why i'm gonna watch that movie as well.oh,and my best friend's girl,they're using love today!
  16. Lol,good point never in your entire life?like woah..it's awesome that you've survived,haha.I'm younger yet i've been constantly embarrassed my whole life. Off course i do,i'm psychic remember.I've the power to see what's in the past,present and future Naahh,just watched the behind the scenes on disney recently.I'm both deaf and forgetful,it's impossible i could recall it.LMAO As for me,attempting to sleep,still on the mfc,listening to music,and trying to write a good story.which MFCer are you seeing tomorrow?
  17. Hahaha..indeed Smart move,lest you wanna share the embarrassment with me,go on..dance.. It's in Toy Story 2,the old guy who cleaned and polished Woody up said to the Chicken Guy (clears throat..),that he can't rush art. What are you up to right now? to who?
  18. Try drinking tea,or warm your hands up on the monitor,that's what i'd do hi kamuss!!
  19. Fine too.What have you been doing today?(Celebrating i bet,for portugal's defeat ) I'm psychic,hahaha.Oh yeah,i kind of do that a lot,you know,dancing to Mika's album,then switching to some other dance numbers.There's this one time, iwas watching the licm dvd and dancing when i thought no one was around,it turned out my mom and brother have been standing on my doorstep,laughing the heck out at me! lol. Same here,i heard someone said,'you can't rush art',or something on the Toy Story movie.it's true. Haha,fineee..gonna upload it on the fan art thread,so keep your eyes peeled! how bout yours,any chances to see it there?
  20. haha,dancing?to what song? (i'm guessing mikster's? ) but it's better to work on it to your own pace,the result's gonna be awesome! Mine is crappy,not worth looking forward to,haha.Can't wait to get the hang on yours! well,well,well..i see the whole world is raining.on the bright side,there's gonna be a rainbow! and now you have a proper excuse on why you're hanging out on the mfc
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