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Everything posted by kaeryana

  1. lol,oh yeah.i missed that part.cool,ask your friend then.i for one would love to get one if possible.
  2. i love those! thanks for sharing this update. (honestly,i just found out about the site,if it wasn't for this thread,i would have never knew of it at all i'm such a bad fan,sobs.)
  3. where did u get those?they're very interesting and mikaish yeah,i'll sure mika will love those too.
  4. the brits have got themselves a good taste for ranking mika as such he does make me blush,in spite of the fact that I was just looking at his pictures.i'd probably turn into a walking tomato if i ever met him
  5. i'm just mad coz listening to licm at least once a day is like a must as for me,i always skip billy brown and love today.
  6. haha..my classmate's a girl and her name's Mica Chua i thought 'mica' means a kind of red mineral salt with white stripes?
  7. I see.That's pretty amazing that you've got a high vocal range.I've heard a church choir once when i was passing by,the harmony's really excellent.When did you first join the team?It must have took a long time to sing it that well. by the way,I used to think you were avoca's age,sorry about that.
  8. That's gonna be my teacher,I just hope she knows how to handle my camera last time she tried,it ended up as a super blur picture instead of a video.We're probably gonna sing the intro of HE as a part of the medley,including other songs from the Cats etc. It is actually,but we did it a couple of times already,luckily we got away with it,haha. Which group were you in?I'm in alto 1 (shame on me,Mika has a higher voice range,sigh.) Oh come on,I'm desperate and pathetic now I'd really appreciate your help (although it's illegal..) *cough*
  9. in my case,i think they can make an exception pls pm me the page.i promise i won't publish it on other sites.consider it as 'sharing'. btw,Marilyn,will try to do that.Wish us luck for next year's competition
  10. hi everyone! Yana here.I need help,this is urgent! My choir team needs the music score of Happy Ending for the competition we're entering next year.I hope you guys can help.Pm me or just post a reply here if you have it. Thanks in advance! Hoping for a favourable reply as soon as possible.
  11. count me in,huwaaaaaaa.. they're really good at art compared to my minor talent.way way much better i'm telling you! we shoudl somehow organize an mfc art exhibition somehow,as a new project.
  12. wicky,i love that!! it's interesting how abstract ideas can expand.
  13. yes it's true.we might not believe what the christians believe,but we do respect the religion.so if mika wants to include jesus in his song,let it be.it's not like he's cursing (and i'm not saying he doesn't )
  14. Hi there! Welcome to the MFC to all the new Malaysian members! Selamat datang ke MFC! Saya Yana,wakil MFC antarabangsa untuk Malaysia,sebarang pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan peraturan,tatacara dan sebagainya,anda boleh rujuk pada saya.Inbox private message saya sentiasa terbuka untuk sebarang kekeliruan atau persoalan anda.Saya harap anda dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan mudah di sini kerana memang tidak dinafikan ahli-ahli di sini memang peramah.Jika anda mempunyai sebarang masalah untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggeris,anda boleh juga meminta bantuan daripada saya.InsyaAllah,saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk membantu untuk dari segala sudut.Salam perkenalan buat semua.Semoga anda akan terus aktif di forum MFC! Salam.. Yana.
  15. Can you believe it,I think I'll be able to resist buying the DVD until my bday comes in february next year,amazing huh? :roftl: can't wait!
  16. haha,nvm.you're pretty much caught up with life,so I'll take the trouble instead.I don't have much to do anyway
  17. makes me wonder too.which interview was that?
  18. I'd just let the lad swear all he wants in front of me,I'm not at all annoyed because of it.In fact,I'd love to play a swearing game with him,you know,just like Chubby Bunny but the difference is the worse the swear,the better *returning to the main topic* what annoys me most about Mika is how comfortable he looks with Rihanna! oh,and him looking too supermodel-like with his beard,eurgh..I'm not much of a bearded Mika fan,i prefer his clean-shaved face.
  19. Yeah! u rock! haha. Ok,so i'm turning 16 next year,I'm NOT RICH,NOT SLUTTY,NOT BEEE-OTCHY and desperate to lose my mika gig virginity.Guess I'm eligible :roftl: there's this show called mtv made,showing a bunch of geeks having their lives changed.let us be geeks and ask for mika
  20. haha,i get that a lot too.i think i mentioned this in the girl's thread before.there's a topic in chemistry about minerals,and there's a type of silicate called 'Mica'.when my teacher explained about it,my friend will giggle,look at me and then sing 'Lollipop'.Eventually I got that song stuck in her head and we were caught singing it on and on during art class
  21. :shocked: Collect fund,now! haha.Can someone please do something,book a private concert for us mfc-ers,and a M&G tea party or something,that'll be so awesome *cough* gonna book mika for my bday..*cough*
  22. :roftl: i dun dare to even have a look on the page.
  23. Hye! welcome aboard,i'm pretty sure you'll love it here.make yourself at home yes,mika IS beautiful in many aspects.
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