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Everything posted by kaeryana

  1. It would help me though,well,in a way.. I get that a lot too,just can't resist singing that song every time i calm someone down.this mika bug's spreading faster than i thought,lol.
  2. couldn't agree more notice how the lighting is always perfect on any one of mika's pics?
  3. I haven't gotten the result yet,it should be out in Dec.I'm aiming for straight A's,wish me luck! Me neither,i just quoted it from someone's signature have u seen the japanese interview with mary vivian?I really love that one,it's so funny.
  4. i was away to prepare for my big lower high school evaluation exam.i had to do it one month in advance,otherwise i'll just procrastinate till the last minute he did! and the DJ laughed so hard, he almost fell on the floor i love his laughter too! i have it as my text message tone ,lol.
  5. hi keti! it's good to be back aww shizzle,i forgot to write that on the introductions thread oh yeah,that's right.i must have abandoned the mfc longer than i expected,lol. here's another one: "I've got my lebanese grandmother's big hip! i can't believe i just said that on the radio!" haha.
  6. me neither.but it is rather exciting i we were ever to receive one from him
  7. "Choose your battles wisely and try to be nice to mum" "Mika: where's cherisse?I can't seem to find her.she's short! audience: ooohh.. Mika: what? it's not my fault she's short!"
  8. not to worry,those pieces are gonna regenerate into three pink snakes.isn't that better than one?
  9. hi girls! just thought i'd drop by to say hi and see how things are going here.it's been quite some time hasn't it? so how is everyone doing?
  10. malaysia is always 1year later than the rest of the countries..i hope it's gonna be my birthday gift nx year,hihi
  11. i heard this at a CD store; random visitor :"(sings Shake It by Metro Station when he saw mika's funky arse dance on dvd)' :roftl: school choir member: "mika should be in our soprano team!" my friend: "mika?isn't that the bee-otch from next door who called you a fat pervert?" hahaha..that never gets old
  12. is that a good thing?


  13. "he's crazy enough to be your dad!" a friend of mine,now a fan of mika.i wonder how crazy i am?hahaha. "let's sing happy ending for choir next year!" choir club president of my school.
  14. hahahaha..off course i am..but i wouldn't really guarantee what'll happen if I meet Mika someday :naughty:

  15. hi everyone.first and foremost,thank you so much for being my friends who have been there for me in my rainy days.in one month from now,i'll be having my 2nd most important exam of my life,my PMR.i've set a target to not only get straight A's,but also to achieve the top student award i missed out in my previous exam.to realize this,i have made up my mind to be away for a moment,to straighten my priority.however,i will be back right after the exam,first thing,i promise.hehe.forgive me for all my sins,and please pray for my success.really gonna miss you guys.cheers! yana..away for now.
  16. guys guys..we shudn't be comparing katy and adele,they're special in their own ways.although i have to admit,katy and mika look gorgeous in the pics
  17. oh yeah,i posted those before in a thread.'twas a hit,haha. doesn't he look gorgeous with that graduation costume on? someone should request him to wear that while singing SITM
  18. rose has a point.i'd rather watch MTV Punk'd,at least celebrities just get pranked,and not taken advantage of. i guess x-factor simply means that special thing one has that is able to attract people to watch/approach him or her.it's an aura thing.mika has that.
  19. ---bringing back.... here's the principal! and this is the ad for those interested in furthering their studies at mika's college! how awesome will it be if this is a reality
  20. i dreamed that the both of them got married and got themselves a hermaphrodite child called michael alice :roftl:
  21. many happy returns of the day mika! hope you're loving our gifts..especially made for you,dedicated from the very bottom of our hearts
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