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Everything posted by iadoremika

  1. Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  2. Thanks. Show-offs are exactly what they are. They're like those people that say, "look at these $200 pair of shoes I got. Aren't they nice?" Well, no, they aren't.
  3. Oh cool. I was wondering if any MFCers live in Baltimore, or close by. Guess I found one...you. I'm going to be there for a day and a bit; I'm tagging along on a baseball roadtrip. I'm excited, because seeing Baltimore will be my first taste of America. If you could ask your half-brother, that would be cool. If not, don't worry! What other parts of Maryland have you been to?
  4. For my friends in Toronto, and surrounding areas, please let it be know Sloan is playing a free concert at Echo Beach on Friday!
  5. When people tell me about their vacations/trips. I don't tell people about mine unless they ask. I could give two sh*ts about what you did on the long weekend. Or last summer. Or in Europe or New York or whever the hell you went. No, I'm not jealous. I just don't care about your stories. I'd rather see a couple photos and carry on with my life, instead of oohing and ahhing over your amazing vaction.
  6. I absolutely love the bottom of her dress. The fetahers idea is so cool!
  7. I realize it's not exactly New York or Los Angeles, but does anyone have any recommendations of what to do in Baltimore? For sightseeing or places to visit or places to eat?
  8. Jon is coming to my city in October! When I saw he's performing here, I almost cried. I'm too excited for words right now.
  9. Reading the translation of the song, I think the story/meaning is interesting. As for the rest - I think it's only alright. The thing I dislike the most is that Mika's gorgeous voice sounds so distorted and fake (if fake is the right word to use). I don't mean to sound rude, but I truly hope the other songs aren't like this. EDIT: I listened to the above link of him singing it live and I think it sounds better live. Better than the studio recorded crap version.
  10. Ignition (Remix) - R. Kelly Don't judge me, but I really like this song.
  11. I remember feeling low. I remember losing hope. I remember all those feelings and the day they stopped.
  12. Mad. So mad I'm taking deep breaths. I've been taking deep breaths for the past two hours. And I'm still mad. Oh boy...
  13. HAHA. He never told you. Because he's going to be in Niagara Falls next month (for some interview thing). I don't want to pay $100+ for a ticket, so I figured I'd walk around Niagara in the hopes of bumping into him, however miniscule the chances of that are.
  14. I'm serious when asking this: what time do you think Sean Penn wakes up at?
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