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Everything posted by riverstwilight

  1. I don't have any characters over 60 because I refused to play Burning Crusade. Ok, I got Astrid to 62 becuase I actually TRIED to like Burning Crusade, but I hated it. I never even bought Wrath of the Lich King.


    I still miss Molten Core. :tears:

  2. WoW FTW!!! I played on Shadowsong from launch until about a year ago. My main was a gnome named Astrid, who had server-wide notoriety for being the only member of the guild and pwning leet face in a raid dungeon. Nobody had higher damage with less threat than I did.


    I spent my last year soloing an orc hunter through undead territory in order to get the undead mount at lvl 40. (OMG I am SUCH a geek.)

  3. Mika has been on my list of People to Buy A Drink For since I first heard Big Girl, which is the first thing I ever heard by him. There was something about that song and that video that made me think, "Now that's a person I'd love to buy a drink for and have a conversation with." Even if I never get the conversation, I'd totally buy him a drink. The only other people on that list are close friends of mine, so he's in good company. Someday, I'll have to take a trip to London so I can buy drinks for all of my London friends.
  4. I went to a small school, paid in-state tuition, and had some grants, so my original loan amount was $12,000. It's almost quadrupled since I got out of school because I have to keep getting it deferred when I go back to school or have really bad jobs. The biggest reason I want to get out of this town is so that I can get a real job and pay the blasted thing off before it swallows me. Of course, that isn't stopping me from applying for school again so that I can finish my Bachelor's and have a shot at a real job
  5. You should write to them and tell them they got it WRONG
  6. That's the kind of thing I would do (and have done...only not on that scale.) It's nice to know I'm not the only one
  7. UK£ 25,000 = 41,217.5 U.S. dollars That's a little bit more than I owe on my student loans for three years of university and more than a decade of unpaid interest. He's insane!
  8. I'm finally going to meet you!!!! Then, we can argue in person Seriously, I'm REALLY quiet in person, so there won't be any heated discussions about the nature of language and love and all that I'm most likely going to be bouncing around and stifling my squeals of glee (more likely failing to stifle.) I'm going to get through them the same way I'm getting through the wait to find out who will win the video competition: lots of focus on life as it is right now and plenty of random glee for no apparent reason.
  9. I just looked at the chart again. There's only one section with an A6, so I know where I'll be, but A1-5 could be left, right, or center. At least we'll all be close to each other Christine, did you get seats in the front? (Did you get seats?!)
  10. I was SECOND!!! I will totally see you there! Actually, I'm hoping to see lots of people there because it's looking like I'm going alone. I bought an extra ticket in case my mom ends up with an extra day off, but right now, she's saying she doesn't want to go and will probably have to work. So, I'm making all of my plans like I'm going to be there solo. I'm definitely booking a room for after the concert. I'll probably book it for Sunday night too so that I don't have spend Monday traveling and be all tired when I get there. I don't drive, so getting to Seattle is a pain in my whatsit. Several of my friends live in Seattle, so I'm hoping to see them while I'm there too. I think Sunday night and a good portion of Monday should be enough time for shenanigans. Then, I'll float home on a cloud some time on Tuesday
  11. A5 and A6, front row center. My first concert ever. My favorite artist ever. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I would be running around my room, while screaming and jumping up and down if I wasn't sick as a dog right now. Still, this news is the kind of thing that entirely makes up for being sick. Oh, I know what I can do: Today is: :woot_jump: The concert is: <--I'm the one dead center!
  12. :roftl: Most of the time I'm pretty sure he isn't. Then, I'll see a picture or hear him say something and raise an eyebrow. This one was just too much to pass up without saying something like, "Nice boots."
  13. Life happens. It's really no problem. Take care of yourself :D

  14. I still haven't stopped playing it at least once each hour and 5 times in a row before I go to bed.
  15. OK. ok. I'll stop. (Oh who am I kidding. There's always got to be someone pedantic in the mix )
  16. That's what this thread is for. Thank you for sharing your thoughts
  17. I know y'all are just joking, but to help other people avoid confusion, it's libel if it's in print. It's slander if it's spoken. It's only either if you say "he is" with no qualification. Adding the "I think" qualifier makes it opinion and you can't be sued for that because stating an opinion is not against the law in any place that I know of.
  18. Why didn't I just write that? You are great at getting right to the point
  19. You're right. I take full responsibility for my own moral corruption
  20. almost never turn it on, but I do have it :)

  21. That would be both entirely appropriate and entirely WRONG! Shame on you And yeah, I'm done with the big brain stuff. It's no fun for anybody else, so I'm back to being the queen of fluff town. And I'm not even mentioning where that took my brain after what you just said. You're a bad influence
  22. This was a good excuse to not only face, but entirely destroy my insecurities. First time I saw myself dance, I cried. I took a day off. When I looked a second time it wasn't so bad. I found some moves I really liked. Then, the editing took off from there. It was so fun seeing how many clips I liked. I hope you have as much fun making your video :D

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