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Everything posted by riverstwilight

  1. Ok, well the issue is that I pre-ordered the EP and got an e-mail saying that a code would be e-mailed to me. The code was never e-mailed to me. I've been watching my e-mail box and my spam traps for it. Nothing. There was no card with a code in the EP when it arrived, I double checked the packing materials. Nothing. So, without a code, how do I get points? OR will there already be a code associated with my e-mail address so that I don't need to enter a code? Cuz I have no code to enter. I'm not the only one with this problem, so I'm still watching for an answer.
  2. So, those of us who didn't get a code with our EP will have to wait until we can attend a gig to get a code? I'm getting ready to catch a bus, but I will be checking for an answer to that when I get back from the haunted ship! (I am going to have SO MUCH FUN! I'll be sending Mika a postcard, "Don't you wish you were here?" )
  3. Thank you! Just 13 more hours!!! And I'll be asleep for at least 8 of them The next time Mika types an R, he can think of me and there will go my ha'penny See y'all when I get back!
  4. I've earned a ha'penny of Mika money. I think it's enough to get the letter A dedicated to me in a Tweet somewhere. I was just happy to get the EP. I figure the codes and such are more for the fans across the ocean, who are able to attend multiple gigs and give gifts and such. I'm content with my page in the 2008 yearbook. Just getting to attend a gig would be a world of luck I don't expect. (And I'm only posting to this thread because I'm all packed for my trip and bored out of my mind and antsy with anticipation. Can it be tomorrow yet?)
  5. I only like kissing people who want to kiss me, so I can't say I would like to because I don't know if he want to. However, I can't imagine myself saying no if he wanted to. Still, not something I ever contemplate. I've only kissed 7 people in my life and it's been 5 years, 7 months, and 14 days since the last time I kissed anybody. So, it isn't really something I think about at all. (I miss it rather horribly when it does cross my mind, so it's just better not to think on it.)
  6. Ha! I'm boring compared to all of you. With all the money in the world, I'd have time enough to give him the hour long tour of where I live AND live out my dreams of having lunch with him where he lives and just getting to know someone who seems like a really neat person. I think we'd both have a good bit of fun because I think we would appreciate and enjoy each others' sense of humor Also, he'd be a fun person to have a long when I spontaneously decide to try things I've always wanted to try because I've just realized that I have the money to try them. I'm sure he'd have some good suggestions too. I'll bet he knows some great places to go dancing I can't think of anything interesting right now because I'm sleepy, but there are always adventures to be had when one has the time and money to go adventuring. Mika seems like the kind of person I'd want to adventuring with
  7. I /emoticons/converted_biggrin3.gif" alt=":D" srcset="/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="16" height="16" />

  8. On one hand, I totally relate to not wanting him to get more famous because I'd like the opportunity to say hi and shake his hand and know that he's real because I could touch him. On the other hand, I live in the middle of nowhere and it's deeply unlikely that I'll ever have the opportunity to go to a gig, let alone wave hi to him at meet and greet. His level of fame has little impact on me because I'll always just be buying his albums online and having dreams about having coffee with him. My hopes for him are simply that he'll keep making music regardless of how popular he is. He strikes me as the kind of artist that would keep producing albums even if he had to pay for it out of pocket and sell them on CDBaby. (One of my favorite artists did that recently because his record company bit the dust...or did they refuse to print the album because they didn't think it would sell?...Anyway, the album sold out so quickly and made such a profit that he did a second printing and might be on his third now.) As long as the people I love can still make music, I don't care if 10,000 people know or if the whole freakin world knows. I just want to keep buying the albums so I can hear what they are doing now. As long as Mika keeps making music, I'll be happy. If he ever stops, I'll feel like the world lost something good. I wish I could be counted among the fans he recognizes, but I may as well wish for the moon. I'll take what I can get, which is as many albums as he'll make.
  9. I've actually read the thread now and saw that there was some mention of bias in the poll results. It reminded me of a point that hasn't been mentioned. Since some fans have appearances in the script, they might (possibly even subconciously) jump to voting yes because Mika would see their names and so be more likely to be aware of their existence. I'm sure I'm not the only one on the fan club who would be thrilled if he knew I was alive. (Offered as an interesting point of thought, NOT as an argument for or against sharing the script nor an argument for or against taking the vote into account when you decide what you want to do with the script.)
  10. I didn't vote in the poll because I don't feel strongly enough to use the language used in the two options and I'm not sure that I want to say a definite yes or no. My first thought on reading the beginning of this thread was that if you feel you have to apologize for something before the person has even seen it, it probably isn't something you want to hand to the person. Another thought I have is that the MFC people you put in the story are people you know and who know you through the fan club. (Correct me if that basic assumption is wrong.) So, when you put them in the story, you probably had some clue how they would respond to what you wrote about them. However, Mika may or may not know anything about you and your sense of humor. You don't know how he would react to how you wrote about him. It's the difference between writing a story about a friend who will laugh with you about it and writing a story about a stranger without knowing how that person would feel about what you wrote. Ultimately, you have to decide for yourself if you feel that he will enjoy the script as much as other people in the fan club have. So, my vote is that if you feel comfortable sharing your creation with him, then go for it. If you feel you have to apologize for it before he's even seen it, then maybe it would be better to consider offering a gift that doesn't require an apology. I sympathize with you entirely because I spent a year working on a story for Mika. It was a great idea for a story (Mika in Cartoon Motion), but I decided not to give it to him because I don't know him well enough to know if it would amuse or just annoy him with all of assumptions I made. In my mind, the key to a thoughtful gift is that it reflects what you know about a person and how you care about the person. I felt that a story about him would reflect more of what I don't know about him than what I do. When in doubt, always go with your gut.
  11. "The Lighthouse's Tale" - Nickel Creek I am a lighthouse, worn by the weather and the waves. I keep my lamp lit, to warn the sailors on their way. I'll tell a story, paint you a picture from my past. I was so happy, but joy in this life seldom lasts. I had a keeper, he helped me warn the ships at sea. We had grown closer, 'till his joy meant everything to me. And he was to marry, a girl who shone with beauty and light. And they loved each other, and with me watched the sunsets into night. [Chorus:] And the waves crashing around me, the sand slips out to sea. And the winds that blow remind me, of what has been, and what can never be. She'd had to leave us, my keeper he prayed for a safe return. But when the night came, the weather to a raging storm had turned. He watched her ship fight, but in vain against the wild and terrible wave. In me so helpless, as dashed against the rock she met her end. [Chorus] Then on the next day, my keeper found her washed up on the SHORE. He kissed her cold face, that they'd be together soon he'd swore. I saw him crying, watched as he buried her in the sand. And then he climbed my tower, and off of the edge of me he ran. [Chorus] I am a lighthouse, worn by the weather and the waves. And though I am empty, I still warn the sailors on their way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had never heard of the band or the song until today. The video made me weep. This was too good not to post here.
  12. Another Jonathan Coulton song - When You Go Only a moment ago we had nothing but time Everything lasted forever and you were all mine Only a dream I know Thinking you’d never go Tearing off pieces of myself Just for the time it buys me Fold my heart up small Or break it into pieces Find somewhere and keep it there Take it when you go There in the frame of your face in the cast of your eyes I saw this coming but still I am caught by surprise All of this time I knew That I’d be losing you That doesn’t mean that it’s okay That doesn’t mean I’m ready Fold my heart up small Or break it into pieces Find somewhere and keep it there Take it when you go When you go When you go Some things we always remember, some things we forget No way to make it up now no room for regret That’s no good for anyone And so I come undone Now I am less than what I was Whatever’s left is yours now So fold my heart up small Or break it into pieces Find somewhere and keep it there Take it when you go
  13. Big Bad World One by Jonathan Coulton All alone by the table of food in my wrinkled suit and my borrowed tie Only thinking of something to say in the moment after the girl goes by Everyone else is having fun or else pretending to I eat another crudite I quit, I'm done Cause I don't think it's gonna turn out okay It's no fair, it's no fun If every time it's gonna end the same way: Me: zero, Big bad world: one At the office we're all having cake cause it's someone's birthday, I don't know who Get my plate and I'm scanning the room and the only seat is right next to you I get the nod, the tiny smile that doesn't come with teeth Maybe you don't know who I am I quit, I'm done Cause I don't think 's gonna turn out okay It's no fair , it's no fun If every time it's gonna end the same way: Me: zero, Big bad world: one Staying in side, lying in bed Noticing something that's not there Follow my heart, follow my head I'll follow anything that might get me somewhere Catch her eye when she's pouring my coffee and search my head for an opening line But I see by the look on her face if I keep my mouth shut I'll save some time What if the best that I can be just isn't good enough? Isn't it better not to know? I quit, I'm done Cause I don't think it's gonna turn out okay It's no fair, it's no fun If every time it's gonna end the same way: Me: zero, Big bad world: one
  14. Last Kiss (J. Frank Wilson lyrics: yes, Pearl Jam did a sucky cover of this very OLD song.) [Chorus] Oh where oh where can my baby be The Lord took her away from me She's gone to heaven so I've got to be good So I can see my baby when I leave this world We were out on a date in my daddy's car We hadn't driven very far There in the road straight up ahead A car was stalled the engine was dead I couldn't stop so I swerved to the right I'll never forget the sound that night The screaming tires the busting glass The painful scream that I heard last [Chorus] WHen I woke up the rain was pouring down There were people standing all around Something warm flowing through my eyes But somehow I found my baby that night I lifted her head she looked at me and said Hold me darling just a little while I held her close I kissed her our last kiss I found the love that I knew I have missed Well now she's gone even though I hold her tight I lost my love my life that night [Chorus]
  15. CHORUS: You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away The other night dear, as I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you in my arms But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken So I hung my head and I cried. CHORUS I'll always love you and make you happy, If you will only say the same. But if you leave me and love another, You'll regret it all some day: CHORUS You told me once, dear, you really loved me And no one else could come between. But now you've left me and love another; You have shattered all of my dreams: CHORUS In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me When I awake my poor heart pains. So when you come back and make me happy I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame. CHORUS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The really sad part about this song is that I had only ever heard one line of it and making a .wav file of my own voice singing it led to everything in the song happening to me except for the last two lines. Back in the days of dial up internet, the only way to hear another person's voice was to exchange .wav files no longer than 10 seconds. Any longer than that and the file would be over 1 MB and would take a good hour to transfer. So, when I sang, "Sunshine, you are my sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey." It was a HUGE deal to everybody who heard it. One of the people who heard it kind of fell in love with my voice. I really fell in love with him. He found out what I look like and fell right out of love with me, but wanted to keep hearing my voice. Dumbest thing I ever did was trying to be "just friends" with someone I was completely and totally in love with. When we'd been "just friends" for 4.5 years, he proposed to me completely out of the blue just to keep me from going on the only date I'd ever been invited to share. A year later, we were sitting on his parents' couch listening to his mom describe the nice Russian girl she wanted to set him up with while he said nothing about the fact that we were planning a wedding together. On the 6 year anniversary of our friendship (November 15, the day before my birthday,) he was already having sex with the woman he ended up impregnating 9 days later (November 25.) One year later, on that same day (November 25,) he married her. On the night they were making their first child, I was looking up the lyrics to that song because it had occurred to me that I had no clue what the rest of the words were. I was hoping that it was a happy or a hopeful song and that I could sing the whole thing for him to remind him how we had started and of the journey he had promised to share with me. When I saw the lyrics, it was like seeing our whole relationship laid out in front of my face and there was only an ending in store for me. I wanted him to come back for years. Now, I just hope I never see him again because my life is so good without him in it. In his final e-mail to me, he once again reminded me that he had never forgotten that first time he heard my voice. I kind of hate that song. It's definitely the most sorrowful song I know.
  16. I e-mailed your gig memories to you on the day that you requested them. Did they arrive safely? Let me know if you still need them :)

  17. Oh, sweet mother of mercy. No wonder people going on and on about the way he looks at you. And that's just the from the distance side-view of looking at someone else. Now, I can't decide if I want to meet him or if I'd rather avoid it because I'd just stammer and make a fool of myself with my whole, "Wow, I really look up to you" bit. Gadzooks! He's lovely.
  18. Yesterday, I was riding the bus when I saw a billboard advertising Twilight Tours for Twilight fans who come to visit the place where the book was set. So, I thought of all of you Twilight nutters and thought about what would be helpful for you to know before you arrive.
  19. There was a stripper?! Now I really AM sad I wasn't at that show But the pictures are niiiice
  20. What's your favorite surname (last name)?
  21. I can totally see the similarities in style between that guy and Mika. He doesn't pull it off half as skillfully and it makes my spine twitch in annoyance. Nothing more annoying than a falsetto that isn't properly supported. I can't stand pop. I can't stand falsettoes. I can't imagine my musical landscape without Mika for one simple reason: he knows how to control his air.
  22. HE STOLE MY HAIR!!! That's ok, looks better on him anyway
  23. *rolling around on the floor laughing and gasping for air* I still don't like change or fads or any of the stuff I previously whined about, but I DO like Mika. I just like him. He's a nut. I like nuts. (Also, I have NEVER participated in whining about which news he chooses to share or withhold or what he chooses to post or not post. That kind of stuff had nothing to do with my point that there is nothing wrong with duplicity across multiple forms of communication for those who choose to stick with one source rather than stalking people across multiple venues of communication. Thank goodness we have MFC as a hub of news. Without the MFC I wouldn't even know that he was recording an album.)
  24. I'll read whatever Mika writes wherever he posts it, but I'm only going to know about any new location because it tends to get posted here. I'm not going to be Googling him so that I can find every word he's posted on every site he's tried. I call it a fad because that's what most networking sites are. Everybody was on Live Journal. Then, everybody moved to MySpace. Then, Facebook. Now, Twitter. Next, it will be some other site. My distaste for such things is no reflection on Mika. Following the trends is part of his job. He needs to keep his name where the people are in order to build and maintain and audience. I don't have a problem with that. I'm just saddened by change. If I had it my way, I'd still be able to walk into a store and buy clockwork manual-wind pocket watches and manual typewriters. It makes me sad that wonderful things are constantly being abandoned for the latest and greatest. I don't like living in a disposable world. I'll enjoy the Mika news wherever I can get it. I just wish I didn't have to keep going to different places to get it.
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