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Everything posted by riverstwilight

  1. For those of us who don't like Twitter and refuse to look at it? We'd like to know too and shouldn't be left in the dark just because we don't jump on the newest coolest thing every time the internet presents us with a new fad. I suppose we'll just have to settle for hearing about second, third, or millionth hand on the MFC. I'll get excited when I get a release date and a pre-order link on Amazon.
  2. My only interest in this picture is that I can ALMOST see which kind of sticks those are. I mean, I've known they are Vic Firth since the first time I saw Live in Cartoon Motion, but now I can almost see which size!
  3. HI! Welcome to the MFC! I saw you on the Wacky Wonderful Words thread. Enjoy your time here!
  4. Over in the wonderful words thread, I mentioned that there are words I hate and said it was a different thread entirely. So, someone asked me to start that thread. Here it is. So, which words do you loathe?
  5. OMG! I thought 127, but I don't like pointy numbers, so I guessed 96 because I like numbers that look round. Congrats to the winners!
  6. What makes a person a fan of anything is love. Everybody has different ideas about love and expresses love differently. In romantic relationships, some people start wearing the same clothes and spend every minute possible together. Other people maintain some of their individuality and value having time alone even though they love spending time with their partner. Does that mean that they love their partner less than the people who spend every possible minute together? Absolutely not. Everybody has different needs. Ideally we all end up with people who understand and respect our needs and have similar needs so that everybody's needs get met. Likewise, people come to fandom at different times and express their fandom in different ways, but they are always fans if they love something. Some people are single-minded fans, devoting as much time, energy, and money as they can to their fandom. I was such a fan when I was 15 and had not yet discovered how many amazing things there are in the world. Now, I feel that my life is richer because I am a fan of many things/people. I feel that I get more from my fandoms because I express them in less obsessive ways. I don't look down on people who are obsessive. I don't think that they get less out of their fandom than I do. We all express love in different ways. I live in a small town with almost no access to new things. I find out about things years after they became popular. Most of the things I love already fell off the public radar before I found them. I am no less a fan than people who found out before anybody else. My fandom will probably last longer because it isn't dependent on popularity or productivity. I simply love what I love. Mika could go into hiding and never produce another album and I would STILL be a fan because I love what he made. He could stop posting in his blog until the new album comes out and I would still be a fan because I love what he makes. I don't need a constant stream of news to love what I love. I'm a fan of Joss Whedon, but I couldn't tell you what project he's working on right now because none of my friends have mentioned it to me. I've heard rumors of different projects he was supposed to be doing that never came to fruition, but nothing concrete since Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. The only reason I know Mika is working on a new album is because I enjoy this message board. If I hadn't find this website, I'd still be listening LiCM in my room and wondering when this Mika person was going to write a new album so that I could enjoy more of his work. If I hadn't enjoyed this forum, I'd be wondering and not finding out until long after everybody else in the world had heard the next album. But I'm the kind of person who would need time alone in a romance and is seriously considering having a room of my own if ever get married because I toss and turn like a maniac and would want my partner to be able to get some sleep. Who knows, maybe if I had one, I wouldn't toss and turn. There are things I won't know until I experience them. What I do know is that my love is steadfast. If Mika went into hiding and I ran into him on the street years after everybody forgot he made an album. I'd still be awestruck, talk to him like it was no big deal, and run up to one of my friends afterwards and squeal, "I MET A ROCK STAR! I MET A ROCK STAR!" I don't see a need to compare fandoms and figure out who the REAL fans are because a fan is anybody who truly loves something whether that love is steadfast for life or fickle like a bee buzzing from flower to flower.
  7. Did you mean: http://www.astringofbeads.co.uk/store/index.php?act=viewCat&catId=19 OR: http://www.keepitsweet.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/148 I'm guessing the latter, but don't want to assume anything.
  8. That title was Joyous Winter Holidays To All before I remembered my Australian friends who are enjoying barbeques and summer sports right now. Wherever you are in the world right now, whether you are celebrating the holiday of your choice or choosing not to celebrate a holiday, I hope that you are having an awesome day. I hope that you are comfortable, cozy, satisfied with how much you eat, and enjoying the bounty of whatever pleases your heart. I hope that this coming year brings us all more peace, love, and joy and less of things that make life unpleasant. Give yourself an extra dose of love and respect today and share it with as many people as you feel inclined to or just keep it to yourself and make your holiday Bah Humbugs as fun for yourself as you can make them. If you just want to be sad or grumpy or whatever, honor your feelings and be gentle with yourself. You don't owe it to anybody to be happy. Do what you need to do to take the best care of yourself that you are able. Honor life. Celebrate if you choose. Have the best time possible, y'all!
  9. It's all good, just having a bit of fun with the lead up It's good to know that y'all are taking the time to do it up right. Thank you guys for all the time you put into this and the MFC in general. Also, thank Mika's team for making this possible. Y'all rock!
  10. This is me on the board before the draw This is me inside my head before the draw This is me if I'm one of the lucky people times one gazillion If I'm not one of the lucky people I will be a sad panda times a gazillion, but my life will go on and I will save up my pennies until I can afford the regular version (because the deluxe will be sold out by then, in all likelihood.) I am totally like that. I hope the drawing is soon because I'm totally about to
  11. That's a great idea! When we are relaxed, happy, and doing what we love, we attract people who love the things that make us happiest. Those people can be wonderful friends and potential partners. So, if that guy doesn't end up noticing you, eventually, someone awesome will. Also, there is nothing wrong with just enjoying looking if you are content and happy with that. Some of my best crushes were people I never spoke to because I enjoyed the mystery. People warned me I might miss out on someone wonderful, but I followed my instincts and the mutual interests I've had have made me confident that a mutual wonderful will come along someday. Life isn't an all or nothing game. There's no winning or losing, just countless flavors of delicious. As long as you are making the most of the good in your life, you aren't missing out on anything.
  12. Thank you He still likes me, so I think I did somthing right Of course, being the eldest of two, I can be quite bossy too. I used to make him let me practice my makeup on him because I didn't have a younger sister. He hated that, but he wants to be an actor, so I told him that actors have to wear makeup all the time. He hated it a little less after that Even the sweetest of siblings has a wicked streak
  13. "Who I buy my chicken from..." *giggles like a school girl*
  14. I keep trying to think of a brilliant response to that, but all I've got is endless giggling like a schoolgirl. Utterly brilliant!
  15. Do you suppose Mika ever bangs his head to heavy metal? I'm having a hard time picturing it, but I'll bet he does!
  16. It's pandamonkian in this thread! PANDAMONKIAN!
  17. I'd just die if she showed up dressed as herself just to mess with all of us guessers!
  18. I didn't say YOU would be nekkid! I said the panda is nekkid What's a naked panda look like? When have you ever seen a panda wearing clothes? Good point!
  19. Nice to meet you Leona! Merry Solstice! Rose, I know what you're going to be! I'm off to do middle of the day stuff. Sweet dreams and awesome days to everybody!
  20. Thank you, Rose! Laurel, those movies give me the eebies jeebies too! I still watch them! POOH!!! HI!
  21. Rose, I missed a couple of days of your costume thread. How many clues have you given out so far? (So that I can make sure I didn't miss any when I count them up!)
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