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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Could be No, it's said that they wanted him out to bring some novelty, and increase female representation in the same time
  2. Thanks a lot to everyone for the reports! I feel a little bit involved to know how each of you lived this day I'm lucky enough to have been able to watch the live streaming but your individual stories, especially about the signing session, are a pleasure to read. Seems like a perfect day
  3. Sorry I didn't see this before, I don't know where you're at with the translation now; I can help but not before Sunday.. Let me know if I'm needed
  4. He's now talking about 2 French songs, one of which is BBB.
  5. Ok the following is not French but it's IN French so I guess I can post it here? Interviews from yesterday in Belgium [YOUTUBE]3usl9jOKy1E&feature=youtu.be[/YOUTUBE] I think Elwendin's working on the translation. And then http://www.flair.be/fr/stars/302557/on-a-rencontre-mika Translation: An album in French? It's completely false. My record company in France would have liked me to make an album in French before Christmas, but it won't be possible. It's not the right moment in my life. There will be a few French songs on the next album, but it will essentially be in English. It will be kind of a concept album, on today's 30 year-old Mika. I will be easily recognizable. To make it, I rent a house, not in London, where I have my friends, my dog, my habits, but in LA, a city that I hate. I stayed there locked in for 2 months. I wrote on the piano, we can hear it, we can hear flaws, piano keys, a creaking chair... It's 60% done. It should be ready for early 2015. What about your return to The Voice France? I haven't signed yet, and I don't know yet if I'll do it or not. At the moment, I'm focusing on my album. But I can say that I loved doing it. Would you have liked to participate to The Voice Kids? No. When you sing in front of an audience, you reveal yourself a lot. I was not at ease doing this with children. In order to understand my decision, you have to know that I myself started very early, when I was 9. During one year, I had 2 hours of lesson a day with very strict Russian teachers. My mother pushed me to do it because I was rubbish at school. She wanted me to evolve somewhere else. 7 months later, I was singing at the opera. I feel like I became an adult at 10. It was good, but it was tough. It allowed me to find my way, to get where I am now, but it remains a difficult experience. I was crying everyday. Does the big success of your protégé Kendji move you? It's great. 70000 albums sold in a week, it's an event. It had not happened since 2007. He's got an incredible energy. What I liked with him is that he was bringing something different. There are a lot of singers nowadays, we need artists with a little different something, some light... He's got it. Amongst other rumours about you, you are planning to have 5 kids... I said that during an interview. Someone had asked me 'Do you think that someone like you has the right to have children?' I immediately retorted 'You're kidding, I hope?' and that's why I said that coming from a family of 5 kids, why not have 5 too myself. But in reality, I'm not ready. That said, I'm currently testing life with a baby, my sister just got a son, he's 4 months old. He's training me! A nephew whose pictures we can often see on your Twitter account, how do you manage social networks? I manage my Twitter account on my own and I'm useless, it's a disaster! I only post pics of my dog and my nephew! My instagram is crap too... I often spend several days without using Twitter and then suddenly I post some stuff 4 days in a row. But each time, I've got the impression I'm losing followers instead of gaining some. The worst thing is that it bothers me even if I don't even know these people. I admit it, it hurts me! Actually, Twitter gets me a bit distressed. I prefer Facebook, but on this I get help, that's why my page is good!
  6. Thank you!! I watched it all, but it froze a lot in between. What a show.. It's always the best when he jokes with the audience like that.. And he didn't forget us all at home A tiny bit disappointed for BBB as he didn't sing the high bits, but I'm sure it'll get better with time Now I'm hoping to get some reports from all those lovely people we could see in the front rows!
  7. The source is actually this TV show from yesterday where they talked about it. They are TV specialists talking about TV shows, and I would say they are quite reliable, yes. But I still don't believe it yet
  8. Really happy for you Claire and Danielle Please report here as soon as possible!
  9. That would be great as it would be the exact 5th anniversary of me becoming a fan But more seriously, I think it's more likely to be the 24th. First, because it's the date we've seen a few times in other articles (and the latest in the month is more likely with Mika I'd say ), and also because albums are out on Mondays here and the 4th is a Tuesday. Or it could be the release date for the US
  10. Happy birthday Mika! I wish you all the best for the coming year. Have a nice day
  11. Raya we saw you at the very beginning with Roxy
  12. Great, thanks for posting! I've seen the video on TV this week only for the 1st time, but looks like I'll see more of it in the future. A bit off topic but I've just checked iTunes and BBB is actually #22, and #9 for pop songs. I'm pleasantly surprised as we don't hear it much on the radio!
  13. Salut Justine, bienvenue! I think we've met before, for The Voice?
  14. Thank you! I like his answers to all the questions, but I can't help feeling a bit sad that he's planning to create some shows without him taking part We really need to make the most of the gigs he should be doing in the next few years
  15. Wow I'm so amazed by MFC's work and organization for this event, and very happy for the fans who got to attend! I've just heard about some girls I know who were able to go there so I'm even more thrilled A bit disappointed that it was for a commercial as I thought it was related to the album at first, but I can feel my excitement is coming back little by little
  16. Thanks so much for the report! Sounds like it was an amazing experience, happy for you! And a good show too, can't wait to watch it on TV
  17. How I wish they could release it today instead of tomorrow! Work always getting in the way Would be so nice to have a full-time job as a Mika fan Maybe at 2 I can try to tweet something even if I probably won't have watched the video then. It's still better than 10
  18. I haven't followed much about X Factor last year and don't really intend to this year but pics like this warm my heart! Thanks for posting and glad you had fun
  19. I think all Mika hits from LICM are classics now in France, because of how much airplay they used to have and still have. But you are right, EMD was surprisingly his biggest hit here, everybody knows the lyrics at gigs, and I have to admit that now when I hear a radio presenter announcing a Mika song, I take it for granted they're going to play EMD (I'm happy when it is but happier when it's not; especially at the time Underwater was charting). So in that sense, I'd say that yes, in France, EMD has become THE Mika song; although in my opinion I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. And I think that for the French media, Mika also himself is a 'classic', a singer whose presence and success is undeniable. It's a good feeling
  20. I don't think it was posted before You got it right, #23 on the 1st week then #40. It's a reliable site
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