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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Hello, I have one extra ticket for Palaflorio Bari 26 September: Blocco Platea, Fila 2, Posto 22 (2nd row center) E-ticket. Face value. Please PM if interested EDIT : Sold
  2. Hi Nadiaa! Nice to meet you, welcome on MFC Enjoy discovering this wonderful Mika world
  3. Nîmes Festival has announced Mika for July 7 https://www.instagram.com/p/CXibZXHoDfG/?utm_medium=copy_link
  4. I guess it's ok for you to join us, the bar won't notice if there are just a few more people, but the 100 people on the list will be given 'drink tickets', so you won't get that. You would have to order your own drinks at the bar..
  5. UPDATE 9 October 2021: We have reached 100 fans for this party! We are not accepting any additional payments at this time. Please check back at the end of the thread for the most recent news -- we might be able to add more people, but we're not sure just yet! Thanks! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello MFCers! Mika's shows at the Philharmonie are fast approaching! As you know, an MFC boat ride has already been planned for Sunday 24th afternoon. But the enthusiasm has been huge and we have thought about gathering also on the Saturday before the gig, to get together for a drink or two MFC has found a bar not too far from the venue where we could have a little party : On Saturday 23 October From 4 to 7pm At the Belushi's Bar : Belushi's Paris Canal, 159 Rue de Crimée, 75019 Paris https://www.belushis.com/bars/paris/canal A private lounge for 100 Mika fans 2 drinks per person amongst the following : soft drink/pint of beer/glass of wine/house spirit + soft drink Food to be ordered and paid on the day as you wish Price : 13€ per person A sanitary pass will be required at the entrance If you or any of your friends would like to take part, please let us know here or DM me and send payments via Paypal at mfcregister@gmail.com First come first served! Hope to see you there! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Salut tout le monde! Les concerts de Mika à la Philharmonie approchent à grands pas! Comme vous le savez, une balade en bateau a été organisée par le MFC pour le dimanche 24 après-midi. Mais vu l'énorme engouement, nous avons décidé d'organiser également une rencontre le samedi avant le concert, pour se retrouver autour d'un verre ou deux Le MFC a trouvé un bar pas très loin de la salle où nous pourrions faire notre petite fête: le samedi 23 octobre De 16h à 19h Au bar Belushi's : Belushi's Paris Canal, 159 Rue de Crimée, 75019 Paris https://www.belushis.com/bars/paris/canal Lounge privé pour 100 fans 2 boissons par personne au choix parmi : soft/pinte de bière/verre de vin/mélange alcool + soft De la nourriture peut être commandée et payée sur place Prix : 13€ par personne Le pass sanitaire vous sera demandé à l'entrée Si vous ou vos amis souhaitez participer, dites le nous ici même ou en message privé et envoyez vos paiements par Paypal à mfcregister@gmail.com Premier arrivé premier servi! J'espère à bientôt! ************************************************************************************************************************************************ PAYMENTS RECEIVED MFC Name How Many Adprice 1 AGG 1 An'Art 2 Anilado 1 BEATRICE MARESCOTTI 1 Beatrixxx_always 1 BineHH 1 camille* 3 CarlottaP 2 carolinechedo 1 catalana 2 Catamiow 5 ch4ch427 1 Chiara83 1 chrisblue 1 Chrissie 1 cluppel nathalie 1 Cossette Vilches 1 dcdeb 1 dotoli 3 Elly1974 1 Emily2b 2 Esty Bassa 1 France7885 1 gio_anna 5 giraffeandy 1 Graciosa 1 happymika by celine 2 Hero 1 holdingyourdrink 2 Ingrid 1 ISAJF414 1 krysady 1 Laetitia 1 lamourfaitcequeilveut 1 lunari 1 Maaikie… 1 manu 1 MaraB 3 MayaBelgium 1 mellody 1 Michelle Blondet 1 mikagold 2 mine 2 NaoMika 1 Narimene 4 Pascale 1 Patrycja 1 Prisca 1 RAK1 1 SABI77 1 Sabine64 2 Salserina 3 Sarahv 2 Serendipity 1 Sivan 1 Sofia.Carli 2 Solene.Giroux 1 Sweetieval 2 Sylvia solange 2 tiibet 3 Tina78 1 vanessa-love-mika 1 waryblanket 1 wiki M 1 yarnaud 1 Total = 100 as of 9 October 1pm ET
  6. to the MFC Ralu! What a lovely introduction. I love your description of Happy Ending Enjoy your discoveries
  7. Quoting you again as I found the moment we were talking about on video; it's at the end of We Are Golden (around 3.45 in Romy's video) He says 'it was a pleasure thank you very much. It's a joy to meet with you again, and we'll see each other again and again and again'... and he continues miming the 'again and again'
  8. No I can't remember when, but it was so cute I haven't filmed anything myself but I'll have a look at all the posted videos and try to translate, maybe over the weekend.
  9. Hi everyone ! So I finally found some time to sit and try to write a report of some sort for this magical dream that I've been very lucky to live last weekend. And believe me, I would have loved doing nothing else than just sit down and remember it all during the whole week Anyway, here's my part of the story. My weekend already started in the best way as I arrived in Paris on Friday night after work and reunited with fans who are also friends and for some of them whom I hadn't seen since the start of the pandemic. We had a great dinner together. On the day of the concert, even though I was very lucky and had won one of the Ticket Fairy's tickets here on MFC, I came to queue with my friends who also got regular tickets, as a big part of the experience for me is being with them and I didn't want to miss any minute together. We had a chilled day; contrary to what was planned the weather was perfect and the venue is in a very nice and touristic part of Paris so it was all very enjoyable. I was thrilled when Mika posted the IG story where he was showing the bouquet of flowers that Mara @Marab organised to offer to him from the contest winners. When we entered I managed to have a little bit of stress when I realised that the winners from the FB and MFC contests got the same tickets and bracelets as anybody else entering the venue. I went back to the entrance to make sure we would have access to this reserved row and finally it was all ok. People were very kind and the whole experience before the concert was a very nice one with photocalls, goodies, popcorn and drinks. Now about the concert. Wow. Where do I begin. We had around 30 minutes between the opening act and Mika's arrival on stage, and during these minutes I found back this adrenaline that I had forgotten about. I kept breathing in and out and I remembered the last time it happened in Versailles and thought my last show was such a highlight that it could never get to this level. We then knew that this would be a full set (I didn't want to look at the setlist as I prefer getting the surprise, although I did get spoilers of a few songs), but I could have never imagined that this would turn out like it did. I was imagining first few rows of fans in 7th heaven to find Mika back but the rest of the venue more reserved, I thought it would be more of an acoustic concert, I was wondering if people would even stand up and I never never could have dreamt that we would take our masks off. But people did it naturally, and as the venue staff didn't seem to be bothered about it, it remained like that until the end of the gig. Mika started with Lollipop, standing up on the piano in the dark. Lollipop has never been my favourite song during gigs, but I liked how the energy built up, and when the lights were finally on, that's the moment we stood up and never sat down again. The second song was already a highlight for me. When I'm asked what my favourite song is, since 2012 I can't explain it, I always answer Origin, I can't even really put words on this. I was so happy to hear it again and in such a good mood, with beautiful lighting, that's when I understood that we were back to old times and that this was all happening again. Mika looked at the fans at the beginning of the song and we felt reunited, my heart was bursting with joy. He surprised me by taking the LED stick off my hand during the song, I was especially scared to lose it when he threw it away because I thought it was a great accessory But Mika is very bad at throwing things from the stage lol, so the stick landed only a few seats away from me and kind girls behind gave it back to me so I could continue having fun Ice Cream was fun and made me think a lot about the Indeed concert. Mika looks so fit! Then the first notes of Relax, which always give me a rush of adrenaline, I sang my heart out (ok, I actually sing my heart out to all songs, I can't control myself) Then it was time for Tiny Love. I don't know why, but I really didn't think it would be on the setlist. Well, probably because I was told that there were not many MNIMH songs, and as TL is my fav, maybe I didn't want to get disappointed. So when he started it on the piano, I felt so so happy. Once again I felt him very close to the fans on this song and that was so sweet. I loved the ending when he was standing in just one ray of light. Everything always looks so professional yet so natural and simple, and thus very emotional. I was thinking how good he is at what he does, and that there's a reason why I'm still following him after all this time and want to see all different kinds of gigs. Big Girl was fun, that's the only moment I thought of Covid because I wondered if he would go down to the crowd but then I remembered everything is not completely normal yet. I loved EMD! How energetic! He made us laugh by forgetting his lyrics (that's usual but I liked his reaction) and he made a strange look when he saw one of my friends at the 2nd row using my head as drums with her LED stick That's how I realise that we are not ourselves anymore at his gigs, and I love it Or maybe on the contrary that's when we find our true selves.. But let's not talk psychology Underwater was as lovely as always. I liked his blue suit and felt it matched the song very well. Then SITM!!! What happened, why did he bring it back after all these years? I felt like I was sent back to 10 years ago, and at the same time I knew exactly we were in September 2021 and it brought me some kind of comfort, it made me realise all that I have lived thanks to him in all these years (and all the friends I've made) I loved singing the end altogether with him. Popular was very fun, of course he started with a little lie (or is it amnesia) that he had never performed that one in France, when he did it during the whole OOL tour and even once in the Revelation Tour But I guess we are the ones to remember this kind of 'details'. I had friends on stage during the song so I was more focused on one of them than Mika during the song, it changed a little bit Grace Kelly.. it's kind of sad but I almost always have no memory of GK lol. But I'm sure it was enjoyable, and I know he was playful with the audience at the end. I loved Les Baisers Perdus, obviously it didn't top that Versailles version but the only other time I had heard it was in Bercy, so this time it was great to hear it with much more intimacy. Then Happy Ending, he didn't sing off mic but at one moment he was right at the edge of the stage and I heard his voice not from the microphone, that struck me and made me realise even more the vocal achievement. Love Today and We Are Golden were such a party! I still can't believe I could dance and sing to these songs after all these months without any gig. Mika talked about that too, he said he had to stop his tour in Australia in 2020 but that it was now time to get back to where we were. Which makes me remember that at some point in the show he also said something like 'I'm so happy to meet you again, and we are going to do that again and again and again!!' Then it was the last song. Tiny Love Reprise. I wondered if this would be the Revelation Tour version with Stay High right after, but I don't know what right from the beginning made me think that it would not. When we heard the instrumental part that leads to Mika's mother's part in the studio version, I think most fans understood what was coming. And he did it. We heard his mother's voice while he was standing on the piano in the shadow, and I think no one could refrain their emotions. I had never truly cried like for real sorrow at a Mika gig, except in Nimes 2016 but that was when there was a minute of silence for the Nice attacks. This time the subject was much more personal for Mika, I have the impression we were all sharing his pain and I'm still without words that he managed to mix his voice with hers and sing after that and to make it something so beautiful. I'm still unwell thinking back about it, but at the same time I think it was the most beautiful thing he could do, and I feel so honoured to have seen him do it. Then it was over and we were all a bit stunned by this ending, which made it a real strange mix of emotions, but also proved that it was the best gig it could ever be in these circumstances. Thanks once more MFC for the opportunity, thanks to everyone I met during the weekend, I've felt much more alive than I have for the past few months Can't wait to live another dream in one month at the Philharmonie. See you!
  10. Hello, I have 2 extra tickets for Sunday 24th October at the Philharmonie. Parterre pair, row A Please DM me EDIT : Sold
  11. Sorry it doesn't seem to be in order, but that's the part of the article where he talks about it in my previous post.
  12. Apparently it works with the Tunnelbear VPN app. If you select France and then go on France.tv website, Culturebox is streaming live. I hope this works for some of you !
  13. It is just a review of different culture shows broadcast tonight. There is a documentary on Rimbaud so they used it as a transition to Mika's concert with Good Guys
  14. Hi everyone! I was very lucky to be able to attend this special concert thanks to MFC I feel like it's the kind of events that totally deserves that I take a little bit of time to write about it. Even just for my own memories. So as was said before, when my friends and I decided we wanted to take a chance and attend whatever they were going to record that night, no one knew what we were signing for. For my part I was already too happy to know for sure that Mika would be there and I would be able to see him, even for one little song, after all these hard months. And the fact that it was in Versailles obviously helped wanting to be a part of it. Only when we received official invitations did we notice the little magical word 'concert' on the email. We still didn't want to believe 100% (it's very easy to get high hopes, I didn't want to be disappointed) On Wednesday as I was heading towards Paris after my morning of work, some news started to spread on social networks, for instance from the Gospel choir. It started to get real. I didn't want to look at the posted setlist, I preferred being surprised. Of course I was spoilt a little bit, but that's fine, it made me even more excited. When I arrived in Versailles my day was already made as I was able to meet up with some of my closest friends, it was so good to see beloved ones that I hadn't seen for weeks or months. We had a 20km around our home limitation that had been lifted just the day before! Crazy timing. We were soon allowed inside, but people at the venue didn't really know what to do with us at first Mika had not finished rehearsing and apparently they had let us in too early. We waited for a while near the stairs, they gave us special certificates to use after 8pm because of the curfew, we were here for 'professional reasons'! It's true that being a Mika fan can totally be a second career While waiting we heard that the 1st row somewhere in the Opera was reserved for the fans. When it was time to get our seats, we realised it was the 1st row of the stalls We couldn't believe our luck. We were all completely amazed by the venue, I think we had more than an hour inside before the concert started but I couldn't process anything already, I was mesmerized by the whole place. Finally it was time for Mika to arrive. He was as classy as ever, very fitting clothes, so elegant. He made a little introduction speech for TV, explaining we were now entering 2021 and I think he talked about the poetical touch he wanted to bring on this start of the year. During the whole evening, he was just the right amount of chatty and funny like I love, and smart at the same time, it was so perfect. I don't know if I'm going to report on all the songs, anyway I myself have trouble to define all the emotions I have felt all along this incredible setlist, but I will try to post what crosses my mind just now. Maybe if you don't want to be spoilt you should stop reading here (if my report is not already too long anyway ) Over My Shoulder being the first live song I would hear after this Mika drought is a hint of the magical night that was ahead of us. Each time I have had the chance to hear OMS live, it's always been a song that I completely savour from start to finish. I loved this version with the special guest. Toy Boy works perfectly in this kind of events, it was lovely to hear it again. I don't listen to it that much as the album version but for me it remains a masterpiece in Mika's repertoire. Ice Cream was a total surprise! I've always liked the song, not my fav but always enjoyed it, but this concert brought it to a whole new level. I can't listen to it the same way as before anymore. Not everyone agreed with me but one of the many highlights of the night for me. I don't remember much Grace Kelly but it was certainly as good as always. Without Her, the cover of Harry Nilsson's song, was such a treat with the famous cellist Gauthier Capuçon as a guest. Suspended moment. The sequence Last Party/Origin/Underwater kind of overwhelmed me with beauty and emotions. I love when there is a choir alongside Mika and that Gospel choir was very impressive, it was such a great added value. Lollipop is one of the songs that I generally enjoy less at gigs (although I liked the Revelation Tour version) but once more on this special night Mika managed to make it something totally new to me, visually and musically, very enjoyable. Good Guys... so happy to hear this one again. Hadn't heard it since the Florence symphonic shows, I had missed it a lot. Beautiful rendition. EMD was energetic and fun, Mika was playful, engaging the audience, it was hard not to move from our seats. Les Baisers Perdus.. I wouldn't ever have thought I would hear this song once more after Bercy 2016. It was a new version with a guitarist, I remember looking at the ceiling of the venue as Mika's voice echoed, it was magnificent. Then a total surprise for me, the lights turned green and suddenly Mika pronounced the first word of the next song: 'Tomorroooow'.. I couldn't believe it, Tomorrow was one of the big highlights of the Revelation Tour for my friends and I, my heart was full of joy to listen to it again in this way. Mika totally nailed it, very impressive. Love Today was also another highlight. I always love the song live, I'm used to jumping and singing very loud on that one but this time we were sitting quietly and Mika managed to make it something new after 14 years, he is so incredible. He was also very energetic but it was all so very well controlled, I can't explain. Can't wait to hear it again. Then Relax and again it was a lovely version. He asked us to sing 'eaaasy' at the end and of course in this kind of setting everyone is a little bit shy compared to the usual gigs. But he said 'I'm sure people who would have liked being here would want you all to be much louder' or something along the way and I sang as loud as I can (sorry dear neighbours) As an encore Mika sang Happy Ending with Ida, that I haven't mentioned before but of course I was sooo happy to see her here as well as Max, their voices melt so well with Mika's voice, I always love hearing them. Mika seemed so happy particularly during this song, his complicity with Ida, the choir and the audience was so nice to see. Then it was over but... no, he apologised and said he had to sing the first song once again, due to technical issues earlier. Don't you apologise about having to sing OMS once more and make the pleasure last... It was even better the 2nd time than the first. Then this time it was really over and while we were preparing to leave, taking some photos and stuff, Mika came to the edge of the stage to greet us, we thanked and congratulated him and he said something along the lines of 'it's a pleasure to meet with you again'. So lovely I still can't believe all of this actually happened, it all happened so fast, I was not emotionally prepared I wouldn't have dared to dream that this would be how I would see Mika again after so long, in 2020, magical venue, unique event, with friends around me. Thank you so so so much to Mika, to @dcdeb and the MFC, as we all said in our tweets after the evening, you totally saved our year MERCI
  15. Hello Kate, and Your message is so sweet! Although I don't post here as much as a few years back, I still feel like it's my home and I also loved the community as soon as I found it. Glad to see the spirit is not lost. Enjoy your time here!
  16. Hello and welcome to the MFC Giovanna! What a nice introduction, everyone has got their own special story, I love hearing about it. Glad to have you on board
  17. Welcome to the MFC Fabiola! Nice to meet you Hope you have a great time around here!
  18. On this post it says 'Mika to be confirmed' but he appears as confirmed on the website
  19. Mika has been rescheduled for Wednesday 14 July 2021 https://www.francofolies.fr/
  20. Hello Eman, welcome to the MFC! I'm sure you'll find all you need here. Have fun!
  21. Salut Marwa! to the MFC! You are not alone, I'm sure you will realise that here Have fun!
  22. Hello Fiorella and welcome to the MFC! It's a nice thought to think that Mika also has fans in Peru Have fun here!
  23. camille*


    Welcome to the MFC Ivan, glad you joined us! Have fun around here!
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