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Everything posted by LegendOfAwesome

  1. My brothers kev and chris both look like meeks gahahaha! I like to send in a photo but dont know how!
  2. YKYAMFW your family try to convert you, your step brother keeps on nagging you to listen to passion pit, every time you play TBWKTM, your dad starts playing Folk music in return and your favourite brother (the only one who listens to the songs I write) gives you a prince dvd for christmas!
  3. I have a friend who is in love with Michael Jackson, and she said to me once, "I'd like to say that seeing as MJ's dead, Mika could officially be crowned the new king of pop, but that would be a very bad thing to do. There are two reasons for this, 1. that'd be getting you're hopes up, and, really, Mika isn't that famous, and doesn't stand a chance against Justin Timberlake and 2. Michael may haunt me from beyond the grave, and really, I don't want that happening!"
  4. My half brother Kevan (no, there is not a typo, its spelt with an A) looks quite similar to Mika! Sadly, Kevan is an arsehole, and hates Mika (even before I decided to convert, it has nothing to do the fact I repeat We Are Golden a million times a day!!). Kevan has jet black hair, but it's a curly Mika do, he has the face, but perhaps rounder, and the facial hair, haha! dresses a bit like Mika 2
  5. I had the strangest (and best) dream about Mika. So, it was an average day at school (for some reason, the building was my primary school building, but it was still my high school) There was a bit of gossip going around that Mr Carrick (our music teacher), had left (which I wish was real) and somebody had come to replace him (and I don't just mean a sub). I heard kids saying stuff like "is it a pop star?" and "is it Justin Bieber?" (i'm pretty sure I know who said the last one, not me). and then came double music! and guess who taught us (I really don't know why Mika would wanna teach 7B, it's the craziest class in year seven, and SHC) we just sat around talking about music for the whole double and then he told us to bring fruit and lollies and stuff and we'd have BBQ on wednesday (for some reason, all my good dreams have something to do with food. oh yeah, and it was monday when he said it) Luke Sheehan said something really naughty and was expelled, which made this dream extra awesome, because he finally met his match, Mika, mwahahahahaha!!!! god, i wish that dream was real!!!!!
  6. i wrote music, heaps of music, and still do, the addiction still hasn't found me yet! it will soon! plus, I am only allowed a certain amount time on the 'puta! But for the last 2 days i've had conjunctivitis in my right eye, so I gave myself a few nice days of MFC and trashy telly! Mummy gives me more room on the hols so hopefully that's what i'll be doing till february, and when that month comes, I may just have to plot a mass murder of all my subject teachers! Okay, so maybe I am a little obsessed! lolz! EDIT: but I must also find time to write more catchy songs, as pay back to stupid bullies! thank you MIKA, see the inspiration!
  7. dear Mika, you are AMAZING! what coffee, trashy television or LICM can't cure, there is no cure for! the end! from SHC's biggest Mika fan, Ellie!
  8. ummmmmmm, i've never seen him wearing those pants before!
  9. i tried to get to your profile, but my 'puta went crazy!!! so ummm, count me in pleeze?
  10. seriously quote heaven! the only thing, apart from my ipod (basically just MIKA and some random pirate metal) to keep me company during my **ahem** conjunctivitis! my left eyes fine, but my right one, well, I won't into detail! Anyway, I know this has probably been posted, but "I saw a documentary, it was sheer genius, it was about fat people in America" I'm not exactly sure, but it went something like that!
  11. i do that all the time! You know you're a Mika fan when you go on Facebook and you see that all you're peeps have commented at you're latest status, and almost all the comments the words Mika, Shut up and Gay, by that time, you have already realized that this 3005th status mention Mika in row!
  12. the bit on Edward Scissorhands where Edward announces that ms munroe her clothes off, and they all turn and stare at him!!!!!
  13. i couldn't find any photos of mika in hats, but even if i did, i don't know much about technology and can't upload any!
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