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Everything posted by kreacher

  1. trust you to make a perfectly innocent architectural word & make it naughty (and by naughty i mean awesome)
  2. then maybe we'll get lucky and Mika will give them to you
  3. i know, but i live in fear that he may someday bring them back
  4. nahce pics at first i didn't see your blue writing and i thought you were saying Bob is shy that got me thinking, i reckon Mika is shy about showing Bob off, but Bob has a mind of his own and sometimes takes over Mika's mind so he can't help but wave Bob in front of our faces, like here... other times i think Bob sneaks out when Mika's not paying attention regarding "buttless": my comp's spell check doesn't recognize the word and recommends "buttress" or "butt less" or "butt-less"
  5. T4P! i can't wait to see the adverts hopefully maybe this means we'll never, ever have to see him in those yellow-tinted sunglasses again
  6. i keep seeing the thumbnail of this picture in my folder and thinking "ooh look it's Mika's butt"
  7. i agree, particularly with the bold parts i need to do the first bolded part (am i conceited to think everyone here dwells on how stupid my posts sound? ), and i definitely do the second part. opposite of what i ought to do the only reason i post in this thread so much (well not the only reason, i come for Mika's butt too) is because you girls you seem so like-minded i've always been one to dwell on little--probably imagined--things long after anyone else as to the 2nd bolded part, that's a great outlook i hope i can be more like that someday
  8. i'm glad you're getting comfortable posting. it can be so intimidating like trying to break into a clique "I just try to have fun and hope I'm not judged too harshly" that's a good motto i'll try to keep that in mind, although i think i tend to judge myself harsh than other people probably do, oops! thank gawd! imagine if every thread was serious! the serious ones seem to be where disagreements happen most and i just can't deal with that but that won't happen in this thread because everyone agrees Bob Geranium is vrrry nahce, right?
  9. that was my thought exactly! sometimes i listen to Mika on my MP3 player at the supermarket (cuz they play sh*tty musak!) & have to seriously restrain myself
  10. is there any chance this would happen? or does your friend dislike Mika? i wish we'd been camping but i think maybe we were a volleyball team. i'd rather go camping with any one, especially Mika, than play volleyball We'd tell scary ghost stories and he'd get jumpy (preferably into my protective arms), and roast hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire, and go on hikes maybe if i keep thinking about this my mind will make it happen tonight
  11. i had two Mika dreams in one night! 1) i dreamed i went to this thrift store pretty near where i live & found about 8 Mika cassettes! they were super rare demos & unreleased songs & some covers. i couldn't believe my luck! pretty innocent the next dream... uh... i'll try to put it delicately... 2) i dreamed about five of us MFCers (Nas was there, maybe Kath and Elina too, i don't recall the others) were laying awake, trying to get to sleep, on some sleeping bags laid out in a sort of loose circle. in the center was Mika, he was sleeping on top of his sleeping bag wearing his white boxers. all of a sudden he started stirring, still asleep, and his hands went *ahem* in to boxers (a la the uncensored WAG video) and we all were watching like . A few moments later he stopped stirring and then i guess we went to sleep too. there might have been something in the dream about volleyball too, or maybe that was a different dream
  12. i'm having a Dr Pepper and tomato & basil breakfast chips (or crisps if you prefer) breakfast chips are just like regular chips, except they're eaten for breakfast
  13. *scurries under the rug to hide* *creeps out to watch the video, all of the video* ooh thanks for posting it! i'd never seen it before. i can't hear it though so i was singing along in my head, i'll watch it again once i figure out where the laptop's volume adjuster disappeared to and once again, let me reiterate, i do appreciate more than just Mika's butt i spend, maybe, about 1 hour a day looking at/thinking of/ talking about Mika's butt & about 8 hours a day listening to Mika songs but i'm just generally too shy to talk about the more serious side of Mika
  14. these are nahce! i wonder if there's Louboutins?
  15. since i'm such a new fan i often have trouble separating things that happened ages ago with recent things why do you think i said it that way
  16. i found these yummy old photos of Bob + One Foot Boy that jacket is nearly covering Bob up how rude!
  17. Hi Bob, you're looking especially enticing today oh and hi Mika
  18. i knew i dare not say more there :teehee: i really don't want to get sent to the NC or get banished!

    btw, it was indeed urgent that you tell me this, thanks :thumb_yello:

  19. it covers an adorable bit of his side, THAT'S VERY IMPORTANT! i agree! in my opinion, just because someone say, changes the tint of the pic or crops it or makes a gif out of somebody else's video is no reason to put your name on it as if you took the photo
  20. i bought this ring yesterday it's really more Mikaish than kreacherish so we'll see if i actually wear it in public
  21. i reckon they're boxers. this back in the days when he came on stage in a space suit with white boxers underneath, wasn't it? he usually put his trousers on onstage so he probably didn't want to take the boxers off first, much to the disappointment of all in attendance probably
  22. Mika could wear them with his lovely rolled-up trousers, just like the model or maybe he is the model
  23. i was talking to my stepdad on the phone as i saw this, i was all "uh huh" to him, but my face was i have no idea what he was talking about
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