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Everything posted by carafon

  1. He said that it's the same song and he also said that there are 2 parts But as he didn't give any other details ,we just have to imagine ….and maybe get surprised !
  2. You're right …..…... nothing happens by chance. You have to sow a lot of seeds to have just an extraordinary flower blooming ! Thank Gabry for the video 👍 Btw I wonder if the audience got instruction about not filming or not having the "tiny love" performance online 🤔 As there were at least 5 fans there I feel quite strange that we didn't get the whole song so far …..
  3. Probably ,as the 3 little parts we had online yesterday are so different 😍
  4. And electric garlands as necklaces …….. Seriously ,I think it's ok for standing fans from first rows …...for the others it could be funny but not very visible from the stage
  5. The problem is that the seated places are in the dark and even the gold circle is quite far away….
  6. I think that the venue is far too huge ,but it's maybe possible to have a meeting before the show to take a picture Or as there wil probably be different small groups all around the arena ,each group may have a picture and all the groups may tweet it at the same hour ????
  7. same for me I usualy hate november and december but these ones will be different ! I feel like the time has slow down since we've got the releasing date !
  8. Maybe mopes the floor very well too …….
  9. Do you love Max hair's new colour ????
  10. yes ,and if you're looking back at some the voice after show ,she's the one Florent was joking because she had to use a box to be able to reach Mika's head
  11. The hair dresser (the one with longer hairs) is also working in "the voice" staff
  12. Bigger doesn't mean better …... I'm sure the tiny tour is worth the price ……..can't go because of the holiday schedules but I'd like to !
  13. It's not part of the "Revelation tour" it's a special tour for America I Don't doubt that he will fill the venues very quickly as the fans over there Don't have many opportunities to see him "live" It seems that the concert ticket includes a copy of MNIMH
  14. Maybe something against sausages ????? Could also explain why he didn't feel like talking about it BTW it was a nice interview ,thank you Anna for sharing
  15. Loo is right ,this is the most important point You're young with a whole life to build and enjoy ,while Mika is only an inspiration and his world a place to escape
  16. he is asked if he is still listening to MJ's songs (because it was the 10th anniversary of his death and there were almost no tributes because of his rotten image ) "I still listen to some of his songs I'm very uncomfortable with the documentary I saw and that shocked me because I wondered how we could not ask these questions earlier It's amazing, why not ask questions before the person is dead When we see interviews mixed with behavior it shows that we are in a very different world today (or at least I hope so ) where the show biz industry has less power in the "cover up" if there was some and we can understand and have a faster and clearer opinion It's very difficult when things are done after someone's death I listen to some songs today because we hear them a lot everywhere and it's part of our discography But with the personage and the person , I have to admit that I'm looking at the situation now and I recognize that there were many things that told us very clearly that the situation was not at all healthy, that something was wrong"
  17. Hi Florine Believe me ,you can live a happy fan's life without being in first row ! (I've never been there and I'm living at ease with that , just being proud I didn't change just "to be in the place you have to be " ) Mika is singing for everyone from the first to the last row , and being "the best fan" doesn't mean being the best human being … So ,don't care about the ones that rejected you and don't worry ,you can meet friendly people on second or third round as well as here By the way what are the gigs you're going to ? (I think that having an appointment before the show could help you to find your place among the fans) I guess Strasbourg is one of them ????
  18. Bonjour ,on ne demande pas la permission et on ne s'excuse pas …...comme dirait quelqu'un qu'on connait bien Bienvenue parmi nous …...et vive l'Alsace !
  19. I found these ones : https://www.eventlights.shop/fr/150x-coeurs-clignotant-led/a-824/
  20. Nice idea too ! especialy if it's possible to pin it on clothes
  21. It was before his last show in 2016 And yes you're right it's very dark so with the steep stairs you have to be very carefull ,especialy when leaving But the view is ok
  22. I don't remember how the balcony are (to be honest I even don't remember that there are balconies ) ,just remember that the stairs are steeper and steeper when you go highter 🏔️ The whole venue has been refurbished lately so the seats are ok now
  23. Maybe a head band with the country name ? So mixing with the face painting it could be "german revelation" for example ? I remember that he liked the flag ideas but it was in a seated configuration and the second time won't be as surprising as the first I had a look on people coments about the venue ,it seems that there's not a lot of space ,so having extra stuff in hands may be difficult to cope with I also think that it's worth to explore all the "revelation" ideas as it will be the first gig ,the one where he will revel the show If he comes back in London (and I'm sure he will) then it would be an other Opportunity to explore the "international" ideas
  24. Very good interview 👍 The guy made interviews with a lot of the singers of the show ,so I was realy surprised (in a good way) that he knew about "Casa Mika" and "La compagnia del cigno"
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