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Everything posted by carafon

  1. As said before I'm SURE it went from a good intention Just not sure that twitter is the best way to ask It's only my opinion and in case you'll succeed I just will have to say "well done"
  2. So do I I'm sure the action went with good intention, but I think he better knows than any of us what he has to do He really showed how involved he is with the UNHCR ,so no doubt he would do something if possible
  3. It seems like Garou is kind of following Mika's path....... http://www.emissions-tv.com/emissions/462/musique_club_bienvenue_chez_garou
  4. Is there any press after the last casamika? Or any idea if the audience was bigger? (thought that the presence of Fedez could help)
  5. As Zazie is this year's godmother for the téléthon ,this picture probably means Mika will be on french tv on december 8th
  6. Thank you so much *Vv* you're an angel as well as a Genius !
  7. I'm not the best person to answer as I only went to one recording and also because I don't like the man neither the singer (it's not about his voice but about the songs) As he wrote songs for Florent Pagny and was supposed to be dating with Zazie some years ago ; my opinion is that the général athmosphère is better than last year
  8. Go front queue and just ask.......it's the best place to find some Mika fans
  9. For sure !! And the worst is when you're so far away AND working in a hospital !! We'd rather work for an airplane company !
  10. Thank you!! And thank you to Mika's team too I'm so happy and so is my friend because it was our only opportunity (working in a hospital isn't the best way to be aware when tickets compétitions are online ,neither to get flexible holidays......)
  11. Finaly got places from Mika competition Thank you so much Grabriela for your help ,hope you'll be in too!
  12. Maybe this one? https://www.firstonetv.net/Live/Italy/Rai-2--32
  13. For the recording of the 1st of November! Pronti, partenza, via: a partire da adesso potete inviare la vostra candidatura per poter partecipare alla registrazione del **01 NOVEMBRE** di ‘Stasera #CasaMika’. Scrivete una mail a mikacompetition@gmail.com e seguite le nostre indicazioni: 1) indicate il vostro nome, cognome, data/ luogo di nascita, indirizzo email e il vostro numero di telefono, insieme ai dati del vostro accompagnatore (massimo 1). 2) Accertatevi che i dati inseriti siano corretti, perché vi sarà richiesto il documento d'identità all'ingresso dello studio. 3) L’oggetto della mail sarà ‘Casa Mika – 01 Novembre’. - Avete tempo fino alle 7 di oggi pomeriggio per inviare la mail : se selezionati (ciò avverrà in maniera del tutto casuale), riceverete una mail di conferma da parte nostra ed in seguito un’ulteriore conferma da parte della produzione (possiamo anticiparvi che la convocazione sarà alle 18 fuori dallo studio – via mecenate 76 (milano) - e si raccomanda la partecipazione fino al termine delle riprese, previsto per le 2 di notte); - Se minori di 18 anni, ma maggiori di 14, dovrete essere accompagnati da un genitore (che in questo caso sarà il vostro accompagnatore) e portare con voi un documento di identità e la liberatoria di immagine sottoscritta e firmata da entrambi i genitori (che vi sarà inviata dalla produzione); PER FAVORE! Inviate la vostra candidatura (UNA email per persona) solo se siete sicuri di poter partecipare al 100%. Così da dare la possibilità a tutti i fan di poter partecipare <3 Grazie Gabriela !
  14. I don't know why ,but ,the early few seconds make me thinking of "God save the queen"
  15. Thanks to @Anouchka.11 who first made the Italian/French translation I'm not the best English speaking peolple ,so please be indulgent ....hoping it's understandable Anybody who finds errors ,please feel free to correct! Mika: "my companion Andreas and I are the more traditionalists in the family" The most sparkly among the showmens of the tv, only 34 years old, has the weigth of a complex life on his shoulders: dyslexia, bullismo and bad teachers. But his solid cosmopolitan family allows him to be the most sincere interpreter of the contemporary fluid brittleness. In music, however. Thanks to a very personal trip in yesterday's and of today’s Italy Sitten with cross legs on the couch of his new Milanese house ,drowned among the trees, Mika hums « It's my House » : it will be the initials of his new expected program, Casa Mika (from October 31th on Raidue), and it will go out as a single on October 20. And even if this house where we are has sparkling pictures on the walls, comfortable couches and an uncomfortable, but very beautiful armchair of Bonnets just arrived, in the song’s house it is a littele bit different: "There ain't no paintings on the wall / And the bed might not be long enough / Coz my house / Is your house / There's room for you." An homage to the migrants and the "revolution of the identity" done from somebody who more than any other knows how to interpret the emotions and the evolutions of the contemporaneity: At the last edition of the «Tempe della donne » at the « Triennial » in Milan people where queing from 6 in the morning to be able to listen to him. "I try to share my soul with my personal palette: a gesture, the words, the music." And he also feels himself like a migrant , American-Lebanese who lived between Paris and London and has houses in many parts of the world : London, Miami and Milan. Even if in this Milanese house he is about to beat the record of consecutive days in the same bed, held back in Milan for the jobs in progress for his program , CasaMika that after the triumphal season of last autumn returns on Rai2 on October 24 with quite a lot novelties and a personnal trip the singer made in yesterday's and of today’s Italy: "I don't want to pretend to be Italian, but it is fun going on discovering this Country." Now he is curious about the challenge of being a television autor: "to Make tv has helped me to go out of my bubble. It has changed my creative trial, also when I’m writing songs for my next album. It is my factory of creativeness, with the Dutch artists from studio Job, Pierpaolo Piccioli and the team of Valentino, my sister Jasmine and the co-authors Ivan Cotroneo, Giulio Mazzoleni and Tiziana Martinengo. We are a mine of ideas." With Cotroneo they have written a fiction : protagonist Mika will travel through the time with an almost magic trial: For exemple with the help of a revolving door he’ll travel back in a 1967 Milanese apartment with two teen-agers quite surprised to see him, in an "Return to the future." Way .There will be an unknown but talented English actor, Gregory, my chidhood friend and a friend of mine, Luciana Littizzetto who has a good time breaking the schemes and the things, who phones me to tell her ideas at 11 o'clock in the evening, and for the first time will make a variety show. We won't speak of actuality, but will be inspired by the chaos that is surrounding us. She’s been fantastic at SanRemo and when I’ve asked her to come in CasaMika she first was perplex. Then she decided: "you see, I have a husband, my bride, who is Fazio but a woman needs a lover, you will be the lover". Perhaps what realy fascinates Mika is her ability to interpret the fluid contemporary brittleness. "Today I’m even able to talk about hard episodes of my life without filters, I don't hide behind cartoons (as Billy Brown) anymore ." He’s carring an uneasy scholastic course, with a severe dyslexia, with the bullismo and bad teachers, but balanced by a solid cosmopolitan family. "My parents had their 40 years together ‘s anniversary in September. My father is a kind WASP who lived everywhere : Georgia, Cairo, Rome, Washington, London, Beirut, Paris, New York, Boston, Switzerland, Dubai. He’s like a film actor ,as Gary Grant : an American without frontiers who speaks six languages, would have been a perfect university teacher but had five children to feed and educated What about the mother ? "An absolute matriarch : complex : sweet and hard, severe and comprehensive , with that ability that women have more than men to consider every case, to face the problems one to one, and to discover the different value of everyone. With us ,her children for example she’s been this way. With my sister Jasmine and even more with my smaller brother, she was demanding, she pushed them to give at least 90 percent at school , because she knew that with them it worked". With me she rather did it another way :she understood my tireness and my sadness, and didn’t insist. She rather wanted to responsabilised me and to make me work." At what age? "From 9 I was at the Royal Opera in the « Die Frau Ohne Schatten « (a woman without shade) from Richard Strauss with the scenes of David Hockney, I worked with adults, they paid me, I had a responsibility. The theater was the circus for the others, the false world,but for me it was the true life, important." This matriarch and severe mother always worked herself . "There was a laboratory of suits for children. Our apartment was a workshop, if you woke up at night ,at three o'clock, you saw the lights on, my mother with Philippine and French workers,all working. They sewed for Saks, Lafayette, in my house you could’nt walk without shoes, there were pins everywhere , even inserted in the parquet" he says while he is walking on the Milanese immaculate parquet, with red and black socks and with a sense of renewed liberty. "For me and for my sibblings, the house means the perfume of the fabric, that dust flying in the air, the perfume of our childhood . The house for me is family, love, sex that lasts, dogs, liberty to express yourself, in underpants or well dressed, without thinking about the consequences." The house that serves as catalyst today is in Miami, "the perfect place for a family like ours in America, where they speak every languages. It is a house I bought in 15 minutes, it has been built in strange way by the architect Russell T. Pancoast in 1926, nobody wanted it, I believe I got it for the quarter of the normal price because I was the only one who didn't want to demolish it. I have worked 5 years with friends, scenograph and renovators, with my sister we have painted a stars market ,located to the right when you enters. Luckily the hurricane didn’t distoy it. unfortunately it was not the same with the garden " In this house twice a year the whole family (14 people) arrives. We’re used to spent Christmas time here, after all, Andreas, my companion and I are the most traditional couple of our family, we have been together for 11 years, a relationship that lasts without having being programmed " Andreas Dermanis, director of Greek origin, is rather shy, deoesn’t speaks much and hates photographers. "Even if today he does’nt care being in public eye as much as he did before ." For Christmas time as well as in summer the smallest from Mika’s squad comes too : his nephew ,her sister's Paloma child ; this three year-old nephew, Beauregard ,nicknamed "The prince", cruises in summer on a wooden boat with a miniature closet built for him by the best Belgian artisans. And he gets the best child suits of the world. The usual delirium of control? "Perfectionist also in this."
  16. I'm trying But you have to be patient....coz I'm watching Roger Federer playing right now
  17. Yes it was And there were already some lights missing from the very beginning
  18. There is another very simple way to help the association : You can vote here , the association that will end as number one will receive a 5000 euros donation http://prixdelasolidarite.selectionclic.com/
  19. Juste want to take this opportunity to share some pictures of the day (thanks to Corinne ,Virginie ,Dany and so on....) and to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who supported us whatever the way it was
  20. If you want to donate ,it's possible here till the very last moment : http://www.alvarum.com/group/heartstohold
  21. And this year again there will be a squad of Mika fans running for Imagine for Margo So if you want to help us raising money to help the research here is the collect page : http://www.alvarum.com/group/heartstohold
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