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Everything posted by teenagedreamer98

  1. "See you all soon"? Does that mean he will come back to London soon? Or is he planning more UK dates? Might be my wishful thinking, but who knows. Mika can be quite unpredictable.
  2. It sounds so good! I'm glad you all had a great time. And I hope he does more UK dates soon.
  3. Yes, I suppose it's cool if you can cook. But unfortunately I'm terrible at it and we had really strict teachers... I like Harry Potter as well. Have you read all the books? And seen the films? It's amazing.
  4. Aww thanks! You can send some over to Scotland any time. I would bake something for you but I have no talent. Nice! We never have clubs like that here.
  5. I'm sorry I can't be there tonight, but I hope you all have an absolutely amazing time. Enjoy!
  6. Me too, I watch lots of Mika's videos every day. Admittedly, the first time I saw We Are Golden I was a bit...disturbed. But the more I watched it, the more I liked it, and now I love it!
  7. Hahaha well it's great that you've persuaded your friends to like him! I showed my friends the video for We Are Golden and they were really creeped out.
  8. Some people are just so immature and pathetic that they obviously cannot think of any better way to spend their time than to mock the sexualities and opinions of famous pop stars. These people are just so horrible. I understand that a lot of them are teenagers. I am 17 but I have never been involved in discriminating or bullying others; it is a waste of time. Also, why is it that whenever two singers collaborate together (whether it's a male and female duet/two men/two women), the first thing that comes into people's heads is: "oh, they must be in a relationship!" and "let's "ship" them!". Just because two people work together on a song doesn't mean they are in a relationship or they have anything going on. They are simply two colleagues working together professionally on a song. People shouldn't judge what they don't know.
  9. Do you have any friends in real life who like Mika? I have a few friends who like him a bit, but they are nowhere near as obsessed as me. One of my friends doesn't really listen to him but I made her listen to Talk About You and she admitted she liked it. When I go on the train to college, I speak to another of my friends who doesn't like Mika and I talk to her about him just to annoy her.
  10. Oh, I am so sorry. I hope you and your family will be alright. I am fine, but I'm a bit bored. I am on holiday from college but we are only off for a week and I am just staying at home, not doing anything. It is a shame because Mika's London gig is on Sunday and I can't go because I have college the next day and I need to rest. What about you? School work sucks. Do you listen to Mika while you are revising? He is great at cheering people up. I like watching dance as well, especially ballroom dancing. I like watching acrobatics as well, I don't know how some people manage to do those dangerous moves.
  11. I totally agree. A while ago I went to Edinburgh and we went shopping in HMV, which is the UK's main brand of music stores. Out of curiosity I looked for any Mika stuff but there was none. No CDs, DVDs, nothing. I couldn't believe it. Almost every imaginable artist, but no Mika! They didn't have any of his albums, or anything at all. See, if the shops actually SOLD his albums, of course he would be better promoted. But they don't. I think most of the UK fans have bought NPIH online. I did too. Besides, France and Italy get to see Mika all the time. I'm pleased he is doing well there and I'm pleased for the fans there who can see him, but it's a bit unfair on other countries where there are fans desperately waiting for promotion. Rant over. Still waiting for a video! Luckily I'm subscribed to Mika's VEVO channel on Youtube so I will know as soon as a new music video is released. I'm glad you had a great time. Unfortunately there are not many activities like that in Scotland. But it's so good you had fun!
  12. We all want Promiseland as a single! But I thought All She Wants is also a single in the UK? I don't know if it counts, because there is no music video. One thing that hasn't "tickled my fancy" is the lack of UK dates. Only one, which I can't attend. But of course I'm happy for the fans who can.
  13. This is the trouble with social media. I don't look at Facebook very often so I haven't seen the pictures, and I don't want to either. It's sad that this kind of thing should happen, though. As said before, some of his pronunciation mistakes can be cute and funny, and obviously some people can't help laughing. A bit of harmless teasing will do no wrong, but sometimes it can be taken too far and can turn to bullying. It's really horrible when this mocking is available for the whole world to see. I feel humiliated for Mika. I hope the pictures can be taken down.
  14. It's great to meet you. I had the same feeling when I joined MFC, everyone is so nice compared to fan websites for other celebrities. Mika fans are just lovely people. Good luck! I'm sure you will have passed. I hope you can get the CD in Germany. I hope it's available in all countries, and not just France and Italy. If it is only released in those two countries, that will be so unfair. They get to see Mika all the time, and he only rarely comes to the UK. I keep checking on Youtube to see if he has released any new videos, but no luck yet. I thought All She Wants was going to be a single, and we were going to see a video, but I'm not sure now. Beautiful Disaster really deserves a video.
  15. Welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the tour.
  16. Welcome! I'm glad you had fun at the concert.
  17. Aaargh help! Too many posts! Hi! Welcome to MFC, it is a great place to make friends. It's so good that Mika has helped you to feel good about yourself.
  18. I can be your butterfly

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