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Everything posted by teenagedreamer98

  1. Ok, I have heard this song now and I have mixed feelings. I think "Beautiful Disaster" sums it up well actually! I wasn't very keen on the rap parts. I'm not very keen on rap as a general rule, sometimes I think it can work well in a song, but I didn't like it in this, I'm afraid. For one thing, Fedez was rapping far too fast! Maybe if the rapping had been slower, it would have worked a lot better. However, I find Mika's singing very beautiful indeed. It reminded me a bit of the chorus of Underwater, actually. Does anyone else feel the same? I loved the bridge leading to the final chorus, when Mika's voice was echoing. In fact, the latter part of the song was my favourite because there was no rap. I'm sorry, but the rap ruined it for me. Just my opinion, so no offence to anyone who likes it! On the whole, I'm not sure if I like the song or not. I'll have to listen to it a few times more to make my mind up.
  2. Haha you're right. I feel so good and much more confident in who I am. And I'm so grateful that there are people in this world who understand my feelings and problems. That's great! Do you like it?
  3. I can't find this song anywhere! It won't let me listen on Spotify. Could somebody help me, please?
  4. College and university are so much better than school, because it is a larger environment and you can be more anonymous. I left high school earlier this year and I am so glad I did! People at my college are so much more mature and will respect you for who you are, whereas people at school were so judgemental and horrible. So I'm glad to have moved on. I feel so much more confident now, especially as I have discovered Mika and made new online friends. Some people are just so ignorant, narrow-minded and stupid. But it's great you were able to stand up for yourself. It's a shame because my town is really small so everyone knows everybody else and rumours spread quickly. There was a particular group of girls who used to stare at me and give me dirty looks as I passed. I didn't even know their names! They were just random girls looking for someone to pick on. They thought I couldn't hear them but I heard them saying horrible stuff about me as I passed, yet I had never done anything to upset them! I defended myself in the end and they ignored me after a while, but I just don't understand how I could upset them without them even knowing me. I want a hoodie but I'm not going to any gigs this year, so I can't get one now. But in the future I will! That's amazing that your crush likes Mika too! Now you have something in common! I had an awkward moment yesterday because I went out for a walk and saw the guy I used to like walking near the supermarket. It was really awkward because he knows that I used to have a crush on (but I don't now). But he smiled and said hi, so I said hello to him. Now I am unsure if I like him or not. I'm just confused! I am on holiday from now until 19th October. I wish my holidays were longer so I could go to Mika's show in London. I love emojis!!! The allowance thing is annoying though.
  5. I know, I really hate bullies. Their lives must be so sad and pathetic that the only thing they can think of doing is making fun of people who are different to them. They are wasting their time. I really wish there were no bullies in this world. I hope to meet someone in real life who loves Mika, but if I don't that's fine, because I have you and all my other MFC friends. Well, that girl does not deserve someone as nice as you as her friend. It is a shame you were friends before, and then she judged you because of your music taste! That's horrible. I have one friend who doesn't like Mika a lot and she teases me sometimes, but deep down she understands that I like him a lot and does not judge me for it...and we're still friends! But the girl you mentioned obviously has very bad taste. Where did you get your Mika hoodie?? I want one now! Oh you will be on TV? With your crush? How exciting! Maybe you should post it on Youtube? Oh that is so horrible, I can sympathise. I was bullied too at high school for many reasons, because I was often alone and found it difficult to stand up for myself. Mika's music helped me to overcome my shyness and stand up to the people who were bullying me. After I confronted them and told them I was proud to be myself, they never bothered me again. And I have no idea what you look like but I know you're not ugly! That is the biggest insult. Anyway, why judge by appearances? It's the personality that counts. The bullies were probably saying that because they were jealous and trying to look cool. But obviously they're not. I couldn't care less if someone judged me for liking Mika. People are entitled to their own opinions. The fact that I am his fan and he is my idol, no one can change.
  6. I love your videos too, they always make me smile. I too watch them at least once a week. Most of the French words I know, I learnt them from your videos.
  7. Welcome! It's very easy to make friends here.
  8. Oh dear, that's quite extreme. My worst fears are: deep water, spiders and enclosed spaces.
  9. Aw thanks! Yes, I hate people who judge him just because he is gay. Like, what is wrong with that? He can't choose his own sexuality, it just happens. I think the main reason homophobics hate gays is because they are different. Well, the most important lesson that Mika has taught me is to always be proud of your differences and stand up for being yourself. As for Mika haters - well, of course I don't like them. The worst was when that man drew graffiti over Mika's tour posters in Italy and insulted him. That is the stupidest and most immature thing to do. Sometimes I feel like the only Scottish girl that likes him. Some of my friends like a few of his songs, but they are not crazily obsessed like me. I wish I could have a friend in real life who likes Mika as much as me. I feel like the only people who understand my feelings are my online friends.
  10. Me too! That would be great for his UK publicity. But I like watching highlights of The Voice because he is so funny and he is having a good time.
  11. I know, I told people whom I thought I trusted but my school was really small so the rumour got out. It doesn't matter now though; I don't even know why I liked him so much, anyway. Chat has been so quiet recently, everyone has disappeared! When are your next holidays? I'll try to find another crush, although I'm mostly devoted to Mika at the moment (obviously). I don't think any boy will ever like me though, because I'm not pretty and I'm too shy. Maybe you should ask your crush if he likes Mika? You've had a similar experience as me with your crush. Boys seem to be a little creeped out if they find out a girl likes them. Don't know why, they are difficult to understand... I hope you find someone soon, but at least you will always have Mika!
  12. Oh I know the feeling; I used to have a crush on one of my friends. It was actually quite embarrassing because rumour spread that I liked him and he found out and it all got a bit awkward. We didn't stay such good friends after that. But maybe you will have better luck with your crush! If he likes you and you trust him, you should tell him, but not in front of lots of people. Oh, by the way, does he look like Mika? Of course! I come here more often now because no one seems to use Chat anymore. Don't know why...
  13. I would like more UK gigs too, because I can't attend the London gig either due to college. But maybe if the London gig is a success, Mika will be reminded of how much he is loved in Britain and he may be encouraged to do more gigs. It's strange that he's only going to London this year, as I know he has been to Manchester and Glasgow before.
  14. Yes. My phone is too old, slow and annoying to cope with internet forums. By the way, I am logging off now because I need some sleep before college tomorrow.
  15. You're welcome. Yes, I just saw you on chat and you left. Sometimes people come in and they leave straight after. Everyone's phones must be weird.
  16. Hi, I'm fine! Sorry to hear that, but I don't know the feeling as I have never been to a Mika gig. Post-gig depression must be dreadful. I adore his French accent. I can understand some things he says but not everything because he talks so fast. And even he makes mistakes sometimes, which is of course adorable. Your English is great, you are practically fluent! Mika is definitely the best language teacher.
  17. Me too! Preferably Glasgow, but I hope he goes to Manchester soon. Personally, I can't see Mika doing a UK tour any time soon, but even just a few more gigs would be appreciated. However, I'm glad the European tour is going well and that everyone is having fun!
  18. It helps me too. Mika is a very good teacher. I watched lots of highlights from The Voice when I was revising for my French exam earlier this year, and it helped a lot.
  19. "You'll never know the good life...!" Sorry, I just had to say it! Good luck with your exams! Do you listen to Mika to help you concentrate?
  20. I love to travel most of the time. I've been to Italy (once), London (twice), France (three times) and Ireland (once). I have travelled a lot around my home country Scotland as well. I would like to return to Paris soon, and I definitely want to go to New York in the future! The only thing that bugs me about travelling is when I have to get the train every day to college, because I have to get up early and the journey is so long and boring...
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