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Everything posted by sara09

  1. Done!! It was very fun to do, thanks for creating it Now I'm very curious to see the results!
  2. I agree about it being a bit hard but I also think it would be very interesting and fun to see the result! I'm in, too
  3. sara09


    Hello Olivia, welcome to the MFC! I'm Sara, nice to meet you I'm very excited to see what the new year will bring, too! Can't wait Have lots of fun here, see you around
  4. They usually upload the videos of the parts where Mika's singing covers, but the whole show is just audio
  5. Ah, couldn't agree more!! Imagine how peaceful that would be, Mika reading a story for hours... where do we sign up?
  6. sara09

    hi !!!

    Hi Dez, nice to meet you! Welcome to the MFC
  7. Oh, sounds cool! I'm looking forward to watching that scene Thanks for telling us
  8. Only thing that's true, the origin is you
  9. Same thought... hopefully the right length of the show is the one showed by the radio schedule
  10. It's all sooo pretty, I'm so looking forward to their release
  11. I've recently posted a few little drawings of Mika on my Instagram - they're not much, but I draw those little figures from time to time, inspired by his pics or things he does So, yeah, I just thought maybe you could like seeing something; hope you like it
  12. A crossword magazine called "Oggi Enigmistica" has a pic of Mika in the middle of their front page's crossword. I couldn't find any pic online tho
  13. I've read somewhere on Instagram that they will be available everywhere in Europe! Hope we'll get some concrete info about the release dates soon
  14. Thanks for sharing, Eriko! Here's what he says First part: "Education is simultaneously an inalienable human right, an essential means to achieve other human and civil rights." Second part: "If I have hands, I want to draw. If I have a voice, I want to sing and laugh. If I have feet, I want to run and dance. If I have a mind and a heart, I want to dream. And my dreams change my reality. Education gives strength to refugees, to grow their ability, to transform their own dreams in reality. A refugee's status can not be an obstacle or an impediment for a refugee's dreams."
  15. Can't wait too, it's always so interesting and fascinating! I'm also curious about the covers we will get to hear from these sessions
  16. From BBCRadio2 Twitter: https://twitter.com/bbcradio2/status/937989420002742273
  17. I still can't realize we're gonna see Mika singing Les Baisers Perdus under the moonlight, with the Eiffel Tower in the background! The video promises to be a very special and magical one
  18. Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Sara Welcome to the MFC! Hope you're gonna have lots of fun here
  19. sara09


    Haha, such a nice introduction! Hello Elise, welcome to the MFC Hope you're gonna have lots of fun here, and if you need anything feel free to ask! Enjoy Mika's world
  20. sara09


    Hello Micah, welcome to the MFC! I'm Sara, nice to meet you Hope you're gonna have lots of fun here! It was like that for me too, "all at once" I think it's impossible not to get absorbed by the beauty of Mika's world, you can't get enough! And that feeling really never ends eheh speaking of, enjoy watching Casa Mika See you around
  21. sara09


    Hello Ketty, nice to meet you! Welcome to the MFC
  22. Indeed, amazing! It was one of my favorite Casa Mika scenes ever! Can't wait to see what's waiting for us on the next episode
  23. Hey Rachel, welcome to the MFC! I'm Sara, nice to meet you Such a nice story! It's so good when members of your family share the same passion with you Hope you're gonna have lots of fun here! Have you already watched the first two episodes of Casa Mika 2017?
  24. Hello Charlotte, welcome to the MFC As the others said, I think Ebay is the best solution. Otherwise, you could try on Twitter's search bar with "Mika merchandise/Mika t-shirt"! Hope you'll find something! Have fun here
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