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Everything posted by TinyLove_CJ

  1. I want the scarf in the top picture and the Mika bone in the second! 😁 😍
  2. So excited for Mika's live album! Wonder if it will be up for pre-order soon? 🤔 I want it now though...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Paoletta


      @Starlight Mika live album? :dunno::cheer: what ? i don't understand...

    3. Starlight


      @Paoletta there'll be a live album out on 31st January :yes:

    4. Paoletta


      @Starlight ok it's a concert that he make last year in Brooklin

  3. Sad that there doesn't seem to be more love for Christine and the Queens here. I would love Mika and Chris to do a collaboration together!
  4. I would love to have a proper afternoon English tea and cake with Mika and his dogs in a quiet cafe. We can sit and talk about absolutely anything, not just his music. 💙

  5. I love this thread so much and I've noticed that people have a designated Mika area, either a shelf or bookcase. I'm determined to sort my merch out and use a cabinet I have in my room to display everything. At the moment there's a large karaoke machine in the way... Time to move it I think before I get distracted by singing Mika songs
  6. I'm wondering if Mika has a secret account here on MFC but doesn't follow anyone and never posts. He might log on now and then to see what we're talking about. So Mika if you see this I love you, please come back to the UK soon and I would like to pet your dogs. ♥ 🐶 🐶 😊

    1. Paoletta


      @TinyLove_CJ yes also me!! so Mika if you see this i would like to stay with you , i would like to talk with you all my love of you ; you are so important for me you're a beautiful guy and i follow you and i like your music please came again in Torino because i see you live on 24-11-2019 but i want to talk with you and maybe you give me your signature and also make a selfie with me .. Mika you're a special man thanks alot for Revelation tour and album!!  i hope that Mika see what we write about him :yes: you're so cutie

  7. I would say my answer to this changes depending on my mood (Mika mood? 🤔), but something else that comes to mind is his laugh. I love Mika's laugh so much and it's never changed.
  8. I am a person that has my future wedding all planned out. Not on paper or anything, it's all in my head! But I am thinking now that I want a Mika themed wedding!
    Dress code:  Bright and colourful
    Wedding vows:  Mika lyrics
    First dance: I'm thinking Underwater
    Cake: genoa cake decorated to look like the LICM album cover.
    Mika would be invited of course (there would be cardboard cutouts of him at the venue anyway, no touching!) it would be amazing if he turned up but be warned I may commit bigamy!


    *Note*  I should also mention that I'm single. So single. Totally single. Not engaged at all...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Irem Aytepe

      Irem Aytepe

      I'm single and I don't want to marry with someone till end of my life

    3. Starlight


      @Irem Aytepe actually I am all the same. Cos I know exactly I won't find the person I'm searching for... :dunno:

    4. TinyLove_CJ


      I really believe there's someone for everyone but that doesn't mean it's always a serious relationship. Love is everywhere and it will find you when you least expect it. 

  9. For anyone wanting a mini tofu doll there is this one on eBay from Korea. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273708583258 I'm in the UK and postage is £3.07 which I'm a little sceptical about but it might be worth a look! My own mini tofu came yesterday from Holland! It's super cute and in excellent condition 🙂
  10. Does anyone else get a Mika song in their head and when the song comes to an end your brain automatically starts playing the next song from that album?
    For me I've recently had Rain in my head and then Dr.John straight after! I think my brain is a CD player that only plays Mika albums 😁

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Starlight
    3. Irem Aytepe

      Irem Aytepe

      When I had mp3 player yes! But I use shuffle now so I don't imagine like that but I used to have loll

    4. silver


      I go in album order.  Once I had to have an MRI, and I didn't like any of the music they offered to play while I was in the machine, so I just went through the whole of LICM in my head.

  11. I do wonder if the Revelation Tour will ever be put on DVD. The performance in Bercy looked amazing and it is going to be televised right? But I also remember an interview with Mika where he said the tour wouldn't be televised because it's so intimate people would have to come and experience it for themselves. But I would love a DVD of the tour, I can imagine that there would be a lot of extras to include too!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TinyLove_CJ


      @Dominika I really hope so! Still waiting for Mika to announce another UK date too.

    3. Dominika


      If he promised it must be and I'm definiately not going to skip it! :biggrin2:

    4. Naomikays


      I hope it'll be a dvd soon 😊

  12. Same here, especially the larger ones! I bought a mini one on eBay 2 days ago but it hasn't been dispatched yet, I hope it arrives soon and safely!
  13. Walking the dog. Singing Platform Ballerinas to myself, as you do. Didn't realise that a postman was right behind me until my dog stopped to pee and I was still singing! 😂

  14. Bit pricey though - about £400 Oof as much as I want it, I'm certainly not paying that! Would love Mika to do another collaboration though!
  15. Can someone give me a thumbs up as to whether this is a genuine Mika tofu doll? I've only ever seen them in boxes not plastic packaging. Thanks 😊


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TinyLove_CJ


      I was worried it might be fake 😅 Thanks for letting me know!

    3. Paoletta
    4. TinyLove_CJ


      Just to say I don't own this tofu doll (it is one I'm looking for), I came across it on an asian auction site but when I went back to check it had already sold. 🙁

  16. I'm looking for a good quality picture of Tiny the Gorilla from Mika's Revelation Tour stage background. A picture that really shows accurate colours of the gorilla would be good and links to an image is also appreciated. Thanks *edit* I got a picture of the gorilla! There was an Instagram story that Mika did with an animation of Tiny. 😀
  17. Wasn't sure where to ask this but does anyone have a good quality image of Tiny the Gorilla? If you don't feel like posting a pic here then a link to an image is also appreciated. Thank you 😊

    1. Irem Aytepe

      Irem Aytepe

      Normally I have everys high quality of Mika picture but no gorilla :tears:

      If I find, i would send to you

    2. silver


      You should ask here



  18. With the stickers that Mika revealed on Instagram are they actually Instagram stickers? I tried searching for them but they didn't come up (unless I'm using Instagram wrong) were they only available for Christmas eve? Or are they going to be made into real physical stickers? I would love the set of them!
  19. It's exciting to see Mika collaborating with Doriand again! The song Au Diable le Paradis comes out on the 24/01 which is also the same day my Mika merch is expected to arrive! It's going to be like Christmas all over again! 😁

    1. Paoletta


      woow good!!! Happy 2020 to youu

  20. I'm so glad there's this thread for Mika dreams. Just a heads up my own dreams are pretty weird. Anyway here's last nights dream: Me and Mika were invited to meet the Queen in Buckingham Palace before she recorded her Christmas speech. While we were waiting me and Mika found a basket of Easter eggs and started to eat them, Mika struggled to get the foil off so I had to help him. We ate all the chocolate eggs before the Queen came in the room but she wasn't pleased because we had chocolate around our mouths. I remember Mika was wearing a flat cap too. My Mika dreams have definitely become more frequent since the release of his new album! 😁
  21. I've been checking the mikasounds shop everyday for ages, I noticed it updated last night. My brain: Wasn't sure whether to buy now, I get paid on Monday, should I wait till next week, but what about Christmas?, what if they sell out?, will they still be in stock next month?, Is it selfish to buy myself these things so close Christmas?, it's a lot of money C.J you need to calm down! *puts everything in my shopping basket just to check how much it all comes to* . . . . Oops my finger slipped ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  22. I dreamt last night that I bought the Stay High mug but it was huge! Big enough to sit in, so I did. Mika was in the mug too but he was 2007 Mika with his bigger curly hair and the mug started spinning really fast so we just kept screaming to each other. I have the weirdest of dreams 😐

    Is there a thread for Mika dreams? If not I'm tempted to create one, that's if people are happy to share. 😂

    1. Irem Aytepe

      Irem Aytepe

      There is a thread for Mika dreams


    2. Irem Aytepe

      Irem Aytepe

      Also your dreams is really strange! I love seeing strange dreams :naughty:


    3. TinyLove_CJ


      Some of the dreams in that thread are really strange too. I love it!

  23. Don't mind me I'm just imagining having 100 stickers of Mika's face around my house 😀


    Seriously though I came across a website that does custom stickers and you can get 100 done for £17. I am very tempted to get Mika stickers made.

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