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Everything posted by TinyLove_CJ

  1. Hi @DaniMR016 I'm C.J from the UK. I'm sure you'll discover a lot more about Mika here at MFC 😊 ❤
  2. Thank you, I was talking about this with a friend who is letting me use their account! But now I'm wondering if I'll even have time to watch because I have so much Christmas prep to to today 😭 I somehow managed to watch Mika's message yesterday on Facebook without logging in so if the concert is still available later tonight then maybe I'll be able to watch it. Do Facebook lives stay on afterwards?
  3. The links aren't even letting me look at Mika's profile without logging in 😞 Deb do you know something we don't?
  4. What's everyone's favourite Christmas movie? I'm not the biggest fan of them actually with only a few exceptions, these are: - The Grinch (2000) - The Grinch (2018) - better than the original imo. - Love Actually - The Nightmare Before Christmas (which is great because you can watch it on Halloween and Christmas!) - The Snowman and, The Snowman and the Snowdog (I know they're only short but they count!) And my all time favourite has to be... ELF! 😁
  5. The Facebook links Mika has shared on twitter don't work, unless they will become active on the day , also does anyone know if it will be possible to watch the concert without a Facebook account? (I'm doubting this actually) I don't have an account myself and as much as I love Mika and want to watch everything he does, there ain't no way I'm logging on to that Hell site just for one concert. If anyone records it from their computer though, maybe it could be shared? 👉👈 As some of you have mentioned already surely it would be difficult to do something actually inside a hospital, especially near Intensive Care with children with suppressed immune systems. I like the idea of him doing it outside on a set up stage though, it will be very festive with the choir and perhaps a huge Christmas tree! Speaking of concerts when the Versailles one is aired in February, does anyone know how I'll be able to watch it here in the UK? Some people have mentioned TV5 but I'm not sure that channel streams outside of France.
  6. Absolutely love the sparkly shoes he wore! Now if only I could also afford Louboutin.....
  7. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone who can participate! Good luck to all who enter and do make sure to report back if you win! Do we know if taking pictures will be allowed during filming?
  8. Didn't Mika once say that he wouldn't mind doing an opera style show? Not sure if he meant with himself in it though 🤔 I like the idea of a musical where Mika could bring his songs to life with actors playing the characters he's created over the years!
  9. @kreacher I love your idea and I can imagine Mika being interested in something like this because we all know how much he loves to travel! Also your ideas for special guests are great but this one really needs to happen with Mika 😂
  10. I've just watched this now, I've never seen it before. For me I don't really get it, I guess it's just not my kind of comedy. So I have no idea why it's popular in other countries. I'm left confused by the fact that an old lady seems to be able to eat a 4 course meal in 10 minutes! I'd still be on the soup 😅
  11. I'm not the biggest fan of Christmas songs, unless their by my favourite artists, Mika being one of them of course! Also David Bowie, Rick Astley, Kylie and Robbie Williams. However I absolutely love comedy Christmas songs that really are laugh out loud funny! So here are a few of my favourites: Dominic the Donkey, it's one of those songs that gets more annoying the more I listen and yet I can't stop playing it on repeat 😅. All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth - old but gold! Grandma got Run Over by a Reindeer - I first heard this on the car radio after me and my Mum had gone Christmas shopping, we were in a bad mood because we were lost but as soon as this song came on we were full on crying with laughter all the way home (even if we did take one too many wrong turns). I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas - Again this seemed to come on the radio station I was listening to on my phone just at the right time when I was having a horrible day. I was on a bus at the time and had a few other passengers giving me strange looks because I couldn't stop laughing. This is my Mum's favourite Christmas song because she actually would like a hippo for Christmas! And finally, I wouldn't call this a comedy song (or a Christmas song actually) but again it came on the radio recently and it did make me laugh. Some of you may recognise D Double E from a well known Christmas Ikea advert from 2019! I would love to hear any other Christmas comedy songs you guys know of (ones in other languages too), please share them, we all need a good laugh I think to see 2020 off! 😂
  12. These wouldn't last long in my house! 
  13. I can't believe I didn't know this! I'm gonna start watching them, thanks (not on a crosstrainer though that sounds... exhausting 😐)
  14. I miss Gregory I like this idea! Mika needs to collab with Christine and the Queens, and also Kylie again! But not a Christmas song again, as much as I love Wonderful Christmastime, he and Kylie could make an amazing pop song.
  15. I would love to watch Casa Mika anyway, I've never actually seen full episodes. Whenever I come across a subtitled clip in English that's the only time I watch and occasionally save the videos. It would be awesome if Mika did another series or at least something similar to it. Unfortunately with everything changing because of the pandemic I can't see Mika doing another Casa Mika or anything like a full series right now. Coming up next for Mika is of course Star Academy and the Voice, and he has mentioned working on EPs multiple times now, he's certainly got enough to keep him busy for now. However with how well I ❤ Beirut did, I think a good idea may be to do one off shows, maybe not like a big concert, more like mini Casa Mika's. Surely it's not impossible, there are some shows here in the UK that have started to bring audiences back in, albeit a lot smaller and with mandatory mask wearing. If there's one thing we know about Mika it's that he can't stay still for long! He always has to be doing something, and we know he misses being infront of his fans , like @mellody said it's hopeful that he'll do something else until another tour. Here's hoping that it won't be too long before we can see him again!
  16. I like the idea of this rather than a traditional Christmas meal here with the turkey. Looks a lot easier to cook and less things to wash up afterwards! Also a cheese fondue done right is just divine 👌 I really don't like Christmas pudding, I much prefer mince pies (deep filled with a proper pastry top, no icing!) and sometimes my Mum makes a large egg custard tart for Christmas, it's delicious! I'm also not that fond of turkey, even if Christmas day falls on a weekday I tend to have a traditional Sunday roast with beef and Yorkshire puddings!
  17. Thank goodness it's a filter I was thinking he didn't look well 😭 Mika is always beautiful (without filters!).
  18. The elf on the shelf! I think this became quite popular about 5 years ago and is still going strong. I find them creepy, however... Looking at 'Naughty Elf on the Shelf' pictures online each year does give me a right laugh!
  19. Another tradition in my family, this time from Scotland, is the First Footing. It's for new year rather than Christmas and is something my grandfather started after he came out of the army. He was from Yorkshire but joined the Scottish Black Watch regiment and learned of this tradition while in Scotland. The First Footing is to bring in good luck for the new year. Traditionally the darkest haired man of the family would be away from the house for new years eve but return before midnight with a bag of coal. His wife or oldest child would invite him in and exchange the coal for a drink. This is usually whisky or brandy. If the man doesn't bring anything then it's a sign of bad luck for the family. On the strike of midnight it's the start of Hogmanay in Scotland with plenty more drinking, singing and dancing. And of course eating haggis (yuck!). If the darkest haired man has to stay at home on new years eve then the First Footing can still go ahead. Someone must place a bag of coal outside, usually near the back door and shortly before midnight the man will go out, pick up the coal and re-enter the house from the front door wishing everyone good luck! Nowadays the gift doesn't have to be coal. It can be food, drink, Mika merch... Anything really! 😁 And I guess it doesn't matter these days if there isn't a man in the house, I'm sure the darkest haired woman will also bring good luck, if not more! I usually walk the dog a bit later on new years eve and come back in with chocolate!
  20. Managed to download it all into one video! YouCut_20201207_165330253.mp4
  21. Anyone able to download Mika's latest stories with him singing Last Party? I used to be able to download from IG but it's now blocking me! 😡
  22. I love it! I would totally invite them in to my home for Christmas dinner 😁
  23. Do I launch a writing thread today or wait till after new year? 


    I guess there's no right or wrong time to open a thread but I'm not sure whether to wait 🤔

  24. I've been wanting to research more into my Welsh heritage and also Welsh culture/folklore, so with it coming up to Christmas how can I not share the tradition of the Mari Lwyd? (pronounced lloyd) The Mari Lwyd originates in South Wales but has become a tradition across all of the country too. Over the Christmas period, usually starting on the first day of the twelve days of Christmas, a horse skull is attached to a pole with a sack cloth. The skull is often decorated with new eyes, ribbons and traditionally horse skin ears are placed back into the skull. Nowadays it's usually hand made paper ears but some still use a real skull! The Mari Lwyd will travel through towns and villages with a small entourage of 'carriers' dressed in costume, going door to door singing to people. The idea is to sing back to the Mari Lwyd to stop it coming into your home. If you can't keep up the singing then the Mari Lwyd will enter your home and drink all your wine and spirits, and eat all your food for Christmas! I used to find them really creepy but now I'm fascinated by them. Here's a few traditional Mari Lwyds! 🐴
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